His race is a half-gold dragon. His apperance varies. If he is in disguise he appears to be a 5'6'' elf with golden eyes, and brown hair, wearing a forest green cloak and chain mail.

He appears in his true form around trusted friends and when he is in battle. His true form is 7'6'' tall, gold hair, and gold reptile eyes. He is over 200 years old, and his weight 230 lbs. Searson serves Aureen (his dragon lord), and Luniel Sarrenth (his patron), as well as Io the nine fold god.

Searson was given permission to travel and learn of outside cultures, as well as anything that could become a threat to his overlord and clan. He has natural weapons, as well as a force blade, and composite long bow. He also has magical items, and spells up to level 7. Searson first joined us in the beginning when Willow was in hell, but after her death he disappeared and many thought he was dead, but he came back to join us.

Quick Stats:

Name: Searson
Race: � Gold Dragon
Age: over 200
Gender: Male

Rem, who has played from the start has been a co-founder, co-DM, and a great help. He plays Azlan, Daremo, Greggor, and Searson.

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