Tobi is a halfling rogue. He stands only 2’10" tall and is 34 lbs. His eyes are red and his hair black. He is the son of Demelza Highroad (Mother) and Biggen Green leaf (Father). Orphaned at age 12 after the Drol-Ban Orcish tribe raided his village, Tobi has had to be on his own for the last 10 years. He is a self-taught thief and a well traveled adventurer.

He is new to Legends and has already managed to stir things up a bit, having a run in with Raythor, Legends "Bully."

Quick Stats:

Name: Tobi Greenleaf
Race: Halfling
Class: Rogue
Age: 22
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Male
Player: Shane

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