Zaire is a Yuan-ti and may face problems with some in the group. Especially Aithor, who is enemy to all Yuan-ti. She grew up near and in Hollowfaust as well. The group found her in a cell in a ruinous temple.

Kira was unsure if she was a prisoner to the creature or one of his own who was being punished for failing a mission. She wondered that at first because of the attack of Yuan-ti at the Southern Pass. But Kira allowed her to join the group. She has proved herself quick to think, but often timid of the group, having only really made "friends" with Raythor if he has such a thing.

Quick Stats:

Name: Zaire
Race: Yuan-ti
Class: Druidess
Age: 16
Alignment: Neutral
Gender: Female

Zaire is played by Quin.

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