LEGO Conversion Equations

LEGO Conversion Equations

I made these equations to help me to figure out the length, width, and height of anything that is made of Legos in inches, feet, or yards. These equations can also help determine how many Lego units* (LU) it takes to reach or meet a specific distance or height in inches, feet, or yards.
*One Lego unit in length and width would be the same as this brick or 5/16 inches. And one Lego unit in height would be the same as the height of this Lego brick or 3/8 inches.


Length and Width EquationsOutput Examples
LU to Inches: Inches = (LU � 4) � 1.25 32 LU = 10 inches
LU to Feet: Feet = ((LU � 4) � 1.25) � 12 192 LU = 5 feet
LU to Yards: Yards = ((LU � 4) � 1.25) � 36 576 LU = 5 yards
Inches to LU: LU = (Inches � 1.25) � 4 10 inches = 32 LU
Feet to LU: LU = ((Feet � 12) � 1.25) � 4 5 feet = 192 LU
Yards to LU: LU = ((Yards � 36) � 1.25) � 4 5 yards = 576 LU
Height EquationsOutput Examples
LU to Inches: Inches = (LU � 4) � 1.5 8 LU = 3 inches
LU to Feet: Feet = ((LU � 4) � 1.5) � 12 32 LU = 1 foot
LU to Yards: Yards = ((LU � 4) � 1.5) � 36 96 LU = 1 yard
Inches to LU: LU = (Inches � 1.5) � 4 3 inches = 8 LU
Feet to LU: LU = ((Feet � 12) � 1.5) � 4 1 foot = 32 LU
Yards to LU: LU = ((Yards � 36) � 1.5) � 4 1 yard = 96 LU

Lego Conversion Equations Lego Mario Kart 64 Project Lego Letters
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