Will sword fighting with Captain Jack: "You cheated!"
Pirates of the Caribbean .gifs:
~ MuLtImEdIa ~
Animations Galore.
* Hey everyone, if you've been browsing this site you will have noticed that there are a few scattered animated .gifs laying around.  Well, just so you want to make sure you have specific ones saved, here they all are organised JUST FOR YOU! Just click on the link to be led to the .gif, then you can save it. Keep in mind, thanks, that I DID NOT create these myself, but I have received permission from both Sarah (Orlando Bloom Files), Orlando Multimedia, and Elf Lady in order to post them here. *
Fellowship of the Ring .gifs:
Legolas mourning Boromir's death
Legolas shooting 3 arrows in a row!
Fellowship of the Ring Special Edition .gifs:
Legolas in Lothlorien, "He was taken by both shadow and flame..."
The Two Towers .gifs:
"You would die before your stroke fell!"
"Something's out there."
"You look terrible..."
Smiling at Aragorn
Surfing down the stairs
"Shall I describe it to you?"
Eager blue eyes
Suspicious looking Orlando (Will Turner)
Orlando .gifs:
Orlando running
"The grief is still too near."
Wilde .gifs:
Legolas shooting arrows in Moria
Rentboy smoking
Legolas at Council of Elrond
Will: "I'd die for her."
Will clashing swords with Captain Jack
Will jumping: "Avast!"
More sword fighting
Legolas saving Boromir
Legolas jumping the gap
Legolas wielding two blades
Legolas shooting an orc
"The horn of gondor!"
Legolas punching a guard
Legolas fighting in the Golden Hall
Orlando losing his balance
Return of the King .gifs:
Legolas looking sad
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