~ LeGoLaS cApTiOn GaMe ~
The Fellowship of the Ring.
Image #1
Image #2
* Write appropriate captions to match the images, and press submit for it to be posted on this website. Please put forward a name for yourself at the end as well as the image number. You can make it as humorous as you like! Thanks. *
Aragorn <mumbling>: Lay off the aftershave, Elf Boy. Jeez what is that- 'Essence of Orc?'
Legolas <through gritted teeth>: You're lucky we're posing for a photo or I'd be sticking arrows in your butt right about now, you hairy ape.
~ Pam ~
Aragorn!!! You get back here with my makeup!! I have a date with Gimli, God damn it! I'll get you for this!
~ Pam ~
You've put your head in the bowling ball shining machine again, haven't you?
Aragorn: Sweet Jesus, look at that cow!
Put your pants back on and hurry up!
All right, who did it?!?!?! WHO took my spare tights?!?!
~ Rachel
Legolas: Did you see that person in the audience with the hair?
Yeah, what about it?
It looks horrible.
~ Rachel
<< Page 2 of FotR CaptionGame >>
Legolas: I agree... Something about those hobbits that really makes me just want to... Pounce...!
~ Katums
Shit... Now I know what Gimli meant when he said "Nobody tosses a dwarf." ...UGH! Disgusting...!
~ Katums
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