WiLl TuRnEr
PotC Movie Quotes.
"Good day, sir. I have your order. The blade is folded steel, that�s gold filigree laid into the handle. If I may? Perfectly balanced. The tang is nearly the full width of the blade."
"I shall. A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated."
"About me?"
"How could I forget, Miss Swann?"
"At least once more, Miss Swann, as always."
"Good day� Elizabeth."
"Right where I left you. Not where I left you."
"You're the one they're hunting. The pirate."
"I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates."
"You threatened Miss Swann."
"I do! And I practice with them three hours a day!"
"I practice three hours a day, so that when I meet a pirate, I can kill it!"
"You cheated!"
"No! I cannot just step aside and let you escape."
"They've taken her. They've taken Elizabeth!"
"We have to hunt them down, we must save her."
"Ask him where it is. Make a deal with him he could lead us to it."
"That�s not good enough!"
"You, Sparrow!"
"You are familiar with that ship, the Black Pearl?"
"Where does it make berth?"
"The ship�s real enough. Therefore its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?"
"Because you�re a pirate."
"Never! They took Miss Swann."
"I can get you out of here."
"I helped build these cells. These are half pin-barrel hinges. With the right leverage and a proper application of strength, the door will lift free."
"Will Turner."
"Hurry, someone will have heard that."
"We�re going to steal a ship. That ship?"
"I�d die for her."
"This is either madness or brilliance."
"Aye, avast!"
"Here they  come."
"When I was a lad living in England , my mother raised me by herself. After she died, I came out here, looking for my father."
"My father, Will Turner. And in jail it was only after you learned my name that you agreed to help. Since that�s what I wanted, I didn�t press the matter. I�m not a simpleton, Jack. You knew my father."
"It�s not true, he was a merchant sailor; a good, respectable man who obeyed the law."
"My father was not a pirate."
"You didn�t beat me; you ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I�d killed you."
"It'll linger."
"That was for the smell."
"So this is your able-bodied crew?"
"Well, you�ve proved them mad."

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* Please click on the quotes for a screen capture from the movie. Special thanks to Kimera. *
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