~Movie Review~
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Curse of the Black Pearl.

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Think skeletons, pirates, sword fights, salty sea breezes, cherry red sunsets, and utterly hilarious jokes, while this movie moves smoothly along the happenings of a young boy, William Turner, who is rescued whilst sailing on the coast of England.  The Governor�s daughter (Elizabeth Swann) who first spies him floating on debris in the ocean keeps a golden pirate medallion, which she finds around his neck.  The movie involves the tale of the young boy and the young girl eight years later, when The Black Pearl (a cursed ship) invades England and kidnaps Elizabeth (Keira Knightley).  The movie revolves around the action and adventure of Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), who wants to save his love Elizabeth, and the crazy pirate Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), who desperately wants his former ship back in his possession.
Can these two handsome swashbucklers survive the journey to their destiny � and live to tell about it? 
In a midst of laughs, cries and gripping your chair till you scream, you will feel as if you are living among the outrageous, stereotypically humorous characters alive on the big screen.

Will Turner: Orlando Bloom
Jack Sparrow: Johnny Depp
Elizabeth Swann: Keira Knightley
Captain Barbossa: Geoffrey Rush
Governor Swann: Jonathan Pryce
Commodore Norrington: Jack Davenport

The focus differs between the characters, otherwise it remains fixed on the curse laid upon the pirates to be broken � And of course, for Will to save Elizabeth (as well as save the day!) and for them to live happily ever after, I suppose � *pouts*
Jack also repeatedly mentions he wants his ship back, yet the film�s main focus would have to be the rescuing of the Governor�s daughter and returning home � the typical �good guys must win� scheme.

Now, little briefs to begin with are that Elizabeth is set to be engaged to Commodore Norrington (Jack Davenport), and as he proposes to her atop a ... ledge thing ... she falls over the edge into the ocean because her new dress is cutting off her circulation. Jack Sparrow, who is confusing two officers nearby on the HMS Dauntless, jumps into the ocean to save her. Now, as the law was in England at that time, any pirates who was discovered was to be hanged.  Of course, they discover him to be a pirate, and is set to be hanged ... except Elizabeth refuses because he had saved her from drowning. Anyway, he uses his tricks and escapes from the Commodore, and takes refuge at a Blacksmith�s.  This is where he meets THE HERO, Will Turner!  Who swordfights him until the Navy barge in and take Jack captive, and into prison.
Firstly, the history learnt throughout the movie must first be known to you.  Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) and his crew are cursed ... in such a way that the moolight reveals them to be skeletons.  This is because a stone chest of gold was cursed by the heathen gods, and whoever removed a piece from the chest would be eternally punished ... or something along those lines :)  Now, Will's father (Bootstrap Bill), stole a piece of the gold and sent it to his son (Orlando Bloom) ... because the curse can alone fully be broken when all the gold pieces are restored to the cave they were originally brought to. 882 identical pieces. Elizabeth Swann still has the one she found around Will's neck the day he was rescued, and this is what the pirates come to find when they invade England. Little does she know, they need "Bootstrap Bill Turner's" blood to lift the curse as well. So, unknowingly, she is taken to The Black Pearl and passess herself off as Elizabeth Turner. They, of course, think she is the daughter of "Bootstrap", and intend on taking her into the cave, and spilling her blood over the 882 pieces of gold.
Meanwhile, Will & Jack have gathered together a crew, after Will had rescued him from jail.  They sail on The Interceptor with their new crew and attempt to track the Black Pearl.  They see the black sails blowing in the breeze outside a cave, where Jack and Will enter and see Elizabeth standing over the stone chest, her wrist outstretched ready to be slashed.
Of course, when the blood is spilt over the gold pieces � nothing happens.  The curse is not broken. So the pirates throw Elizabeth down the pile of treasure and begin to gain on their leader, Caption Barbossa.  While Elizabeth is helplessly lying at the foot of the treasure hill, Will plugs Jack on the back of the head and goes to rescue her.  They make it safely back to The Interceptor, but leave Jack behind to be bombarded by vicious pirates and taken back to The Pearl, after her claims to know whose blood will lift the curse.  Now, the blood needed is in fact the blood of a pirate, and the blood of Bootstrap�s son, which is Will.  Yes, this means he�s a pirate!!!
To cut it short, the Interceptor and the Pearl catch up to each other, and have this huge bomb battle � and in the midst of this, Jack jungle-vines back onto the Interceptor, and Will is trapped under a grate, and is in the middle of drowning. The Black Pearl take hold of the Interceptor, and watch Elizabeth and Jack walk the plank.  Meanwhile, Will has miraculously escaped after the Interceptor was blown up, and watches all this happen, regretting telling them that he was Bootstrap�s son.
In the end, Elizabeth and Jack are on an island and get rescued by the Navy who were travelling on the Dauntless to rescue her.  Elizabeth accepts the Commodore�s wedding proposal, and they set out to the caves to ambush the pirates � locking Elizabeth in a room before they go.  Elizabeth escapes to save the crew from the Pearl, and then Will, who is now bending over the stone chest with his neck outstretched waiting for it to be slashed.  Jack saves the day by turning up and telling Barbossa the Navy is outside waiting for him.  The skeleton pirates go and take over the Dauntless, while Barbossa, Will, Jack and any remaining pirates fight it off in the caves.
In the midst of this, Will stands over the stone chest, cuts his hand and drops the last piece of gold into it. This happens at approximately the time that Jack shoots Barbossa, who is now human because the curse has just lifted. He dies.
Jack, Elizabeth and Will row out to find that the Pearl has been taking under control of their crew, and they had left without them.  The fighting pirates ambushing the Dauntless, are now alive and surrender to the Navy.
Back at Port Royal in England, Jack is being hanged when Will saves him and they fight off the approaching Navy men.  Elizabeth declines Commodore�s proposal sniff and kisses Will instead. Jack jumps off the edge of the battlement, and swims to The Black Pearl, which is waiting for him.
Alls well that ends well � Will is a pirate :)
Can�t wait for the sequel!
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