village names beginning H

Click on the village name for info about what records are available for that village.




Hallaton 1851 census index vol 27

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Halstead 1851 census index vol 11
Harby 1851 census index vol 25

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Harston 1851 census index vol 7
Hathern 1851 census index vol 17

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Heather 1851 census index vol 7
Hemington 1851 census index vol 20

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Higham on the Hill 1851 census index vol 5
Hinckley 1851 census index vol 5


An index to the 1891 census for Hinkley is available to purchase on CD Rom at  

The ancient parish is St Mary, Holy Trinity registers started in 1842 and St Paul's 1911







1851 census index vol 24

Transcript of marriage registers 1562 - 1812

Holt 1851 census index vol 27
Holwell 1851 census index vol 25
Horninghold 1851 census index vol 27
Hose 1851 census index vol 25

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Hoton 1851 census index vol 8

Transcript of marriage registers 1653 - 1837

Houghton on the Hill 1851 census index vol 11
Hugglescote 1851 census index vol 9

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Humberstone 1851 census index vol 11

Transcript of marriage registers 1559 - 1837

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Huncote 1851 census index vol 4
Hungarton 1851 census index vol 11

Transcript of marriage registers 1614 - 1837

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Husbands Bosworth 1851 Full census

1901 census index

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

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