village names beginning R

Click on the village name for info about what records are available for that village.





1851 census index vol 24

Transcript of marriage registers 1688 - 1837

Ratby 1851 census index vol 1

Transcript of marriage registers 1695 - 1812

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Ratcliffe Culey 1851 census index vol 8
Ratcliffe on the Wreake 1851 full census

Transcript of marriage registers 1698 - 1837

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Ravenstone 1851 census index vol 9

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856


1851 census index vol 23

Transcript of marriage registers 1653 - 1837

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Redmile 1851 census index vol 7

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

Rolleston 1851 census index vol 11

1851 census index vol 22

Transcript of marriage registers 1561 - 1812

Rothley General queries about Rothley                                                  

1851 census index vol 21

1861 full census

1891 full census for the village only

Parish registers Burials index 1813 - 1856

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