Testimonies received:
Leida, Thank you for being there for me and for your always encouraging words!
You're my best friend!
Reta Hagan Psychiatric Registered Nurse, Tampa, FL
Leida, you've impacted my life.  I know I can always count on you for good advice, that's why I chose you as my accountability partner!
Melody Mettes, Software Enginner
I read your article about Domestic Violence and I am in prison for hurting my ex-wife.  I've learned my lesson, I wished I had read your article before I hurt her so much.
R.E. Hispanic Inmate - Florida Prison
Leida, God sends people in my life to encourage me and love me.  yourself included!
Mary Washington, Public Relations Director , Colorado Springs, CO
Thank you for your recent radio broadcast on Domestic Violence, I am a victime and you've encouraged me, not to allow this situation to go on! Rosa R.  Peruvian lady from California
Loved the segment Vision Builder on your television show Enigma???  Where can I find your books and where will you be speaking next?
Ana Maria , Clearwater, FL
My son and I loved your TV show Enigma??? the one about  the conference on career, credit  and finances.
Frankie Johnson, Director of CPM Clearwater, FL
Keep on touching and helping to transform lives!
Bill Keller, Producer & TV Show Host
After Leida shared about her father's death in a prison,  an inmate sobbing in a Florida prison said:  Please forgive me.  I don't think I'll ever have the chance  to ask the family of the man I killed, to forgive me.
You have a lot of nerve coming in here with that Tampa Bay Bucs jacket!
Denver Broncos Fan at a Colorado State Prison's yard.
Your guest has a lot of  boldness sharing about Domestic Violence, I needed to hear her.  I'm involved in an abusive relationship. TV viewer Ft. Lauderdale, on air live phone call. 
One of many emails received: I am going through a tough divorce and I'm really hurting.  Thank you for the song you wrote about Divorce, it truly touched my heart.
J. (female) College student, Winter Haven, FL
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws