Hi, my name is Susan and I am one of Leif's #1 fans.  I first got interested in Leif in the 70's when I saw pictures of him in magazines.  I bought his albums and fell in love with his singing voice.  I also loved the way he talked.  I liked watching him on tv and in movies, though I didn't really care for most of his films.  Anyhow, this was your typical teenage crush and it lasted about 19 years.  As I grew up and Leif became less popular with his audience, I lost track of him and went onto other things.  It wasn't until I saw him in a biography of his life on TV, in the 90's, that I got reinterested.  After that show I started going on the web to see what I could find about the current Leif.  This Leif is sure different from the one back in the 70's.
     Today I have a slightly different view of Leif.  In the 70's, I like most girls, believed he was perfect and could do no wrong.  I now know that isn't so.  Not only is he human like the rest of us, but Leif has made some bad choices in his life which I am not happy about. 
     I have learned that there are two basic kinds of Leif people.  Those who are fans and those who are either ex or non fans.  The fans want to focus on the good side of Leif and say he is very nice when you meet him.  On the other side there are the ex/non fans.  Those people have stories which claim that Leif is not a good person and is not worth investing your time with.  They  have either met Leif or know people who know Leif.  They say that Leif is a lier and not nice to his fans, among other things. 
     Until October 21, 2005 I couldn't personally tell you what Leif was like, as I had never met him yet.  Now that I have met the man I would describe him as nice, caring and wild, (in that he likes to party).  I am happy to say that Leif is pretty much what I had exspected him to be.  That I am greatful for.  Even though I still don't care for most of his films and don't think he has grown into a real good looking person, there is just something about him that makes me melt.
     In closing, I am not judging anyone on being right or wrong on this subject though now that I personally met Leif, I don't see how anyone could say that he is anything but nice and a bit funny.   Anyone who knows me knows I am not for bad mouthing Leif, though I am very interested to hear what everyone has to say about the man.  That is why I have two forums on this site.  One for fans and another for anyone who would like to tell the so called truth about the "real Leif."  Both are welcome here.

      Web Master Susan

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