Pictures of Us!
This was taken at Oklahoma's only blue lake, Canton Lake. All the other lakes we've seen here look like chocolate milk!
Airman Steiner- Lucas graduated from Basic Training 24April1998.
1999 Christmas picture
This is one of my favorite senior pictures.
1999 Christmas picture
1999 Christmas picture
Best Buddies- Frank & Dharma. (By the way, Frank is a girl....we just gave her an identity problem.)
Speaking of Buddies. . .Stay tuned for pictures of our new dog Buddy! He is now keeping watch over our backyard. He & Frank are currently the only members of the animal kingdom living with us.
Dharma- in one of her non-hellion moments.
Squeaker- She was rescued from an evil doggy from back home, but is a strong fighter now and is once again happy on the farm. Dharma is there with her & they both recently became mommies!
Frank, determined as ever to get out of the house, even if she has to dig her way out from underneath the carpet.
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