It's a Boy!
We recently found out via ultrasound that our little addition is going to be a boy! According to the ultrasound, they are 95% sure that the baby is definitely of the male persuasion! Due date is estimated around August 12 or 13 (u/s estimate).
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The day we found out was a very happy and yet scary day for us.  So many things ran through our minds. Like, "Now what do we  do?" "Our parents are gonna flip!" "I'm so excited!" and many other things. 

There are going to be people who think we are doing the wrong thing. Well for one - it is our lives and this is what we want and makes us happy. Two- if you cannot deal with that and trust us, that's too bad, because it's a wee bit too late to turn back now! And three - find someone else to stick your nose into their business!
Yes, this changes a lot of things, but we have planned and discussed this at great length. We have come to the conclusion that no matter what YOU may think (and you know who you are) that this baby is a blessing from God that we accept whole-heartedly and with no regrets. We are both very excited to be pregnant! I am sure that you are concerned about certain things but really, don't worry. We've got more figured out than you know!

Okay. Enough of that! Our first appointment is coming up and we're quite excited!

Grandma & Grandpa you can start spoiling your grandbaby anytime!!

We love you all!
Amber, Lucas, & ?
January 8, 2001

Things have been going well for the little one & I.  We haven't had our first doctors appointment yet, but I'll try to make one this week sometime.

Last week I went to my "Pregnancy Briefing on base. Tinker no longer has OB services, so you have to go to this class in order to get your off-base referal. It was an interesting class, but I would have much rather gone to the doctor!! I got my first bottle of prenatal vitamins and those are some big pills. Hopefully they won't make me sick!

I have only been sick a few times so far (knock on wood.) And I have started noticing some changes in my body. This whole ordeal should prove to be very interesting!  My lovely husband bought a scale for us to keep track of my weight gain. So far I have been losing weight rather than gaining, but that's because I can't keep much down, or have the desire to eat much.

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