Lucas & Amber
Lucas, Jackson, and I are currently living in Midwest City, OK. We have been here for four years now and have no idea when, if ever, Luke will get orders to a different base.
We're getting used to the whole OK scene though, we've bought a house and had a kidlet, so hopefully that will set the orders in motion!
Where We Call Home
Luke and I both grew up on farms in Eastern South Dakota. Luke calls Lily home, while I call Conde home.  Both our towns are very small in the respect that they have less than 500 people living in them. And we love it! There is really no better feeling in the world than knowing all your neighbors and being able to see prarie for miles and miles.  At a later date, we'll put some pictures up of our towns so you can see what we're talking about.

Lily is a town with about thirteen people living in it. No, that's not a typo!! It's a small town nestled in the heart of the Coteau Hills. A great place to raise a family if you like the quiet country atmosphere.  It doesn't have a school, most school-age children can either go to school in Bristol, Webster, or Clark.  And if you need groceries, you'll probably have to venture to Bristol or Webster for those too! 
Now that I have talked about my "hillbillie" husbands hometown, I can talk about mine!
I grew up on a farm near Conde. Our farm is in the valley of the Coteau Hills and about 10 miles from any sort of "civilization." (Because of that fact, my hubby tends to call me a "Valley Girl" and got a lot of grief while we were dating!)
  We go to school in Conde, which has a population of about 200- the town, not the school. . Conde maybe small, but it has many of the same things any other city does. It's a quiet community with a great school.
We can't wait to get back to the quiet life of South Dakota. It is a beautiful state with lots to offer! We highly recommending visiting it sometime. But, of course, we're biased that way!
Luke is on his second enlistment in the United States Air Force. He is a fuel system repair mechanic on the E3 AWACS jets. Meaning~ he gets to crawl around on the inside of the fuel tanks of very large airplanes. In May he tested for Staff Sgt, so sometime late summer/fall he should find out if he made it or not!
  Luke has already been to Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The sites are interesting, but no place you'd want to stay. For pictures from his trips,
click here.
I have a new job! Stay at home mommy! I love it! Jackson and I love to dance around together, read, go for walks,  and play with his favorite toys.  When given the chance by my baby boy, I spend time doing things around the house like landscaping our yard, decorating the house, and now studying!
  Yes, I've gone back to school. I am currently attending Heritage College in OKC for my Associate's Degree in Massage Therapy. I love it! I will be graduating around June/July of 2003. So far I've been having a lot of fun learning in this field and I'm really excited to be doing something that is so versatile. Also we don't have to put Jackson in daycare because I take evening classes. Bonus! :)
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