General Information


This site started simply enough.  Friends had asked me if I could take the knowledge I had gained over the years and make courses out of them, so they too could learn.  So, I did that.  And not only were my friends interested in my knowledge, but their friends, and so forth.  And these people started to give me money for sharing my knowledge, which was never my intention.  Pretty soon I was being asked to give lectures to rather large groups.  Once in a while I even spoke to a Religions class at the local university about Wicca and Paganism.  This was certainly a surprise to me.

Eventually, someone asked me if they could have a certificate, signed by me, to prove that they had taken a certain course with me.  I certainly had no problem with that.  Suddenly, people from other Wiccan and Pagan groups were wanting to take classes with me for credit with their own groups.  Apparently, not only was I offering the courses at very little cost (comparitively speaking), but people enjoyed my teaching techniques (which are nothing spectacular, as far as I am concerned).  So, at this point, I pretty much had students coming out of my ears.  However, class materials were still printed off my own computer, and even then only basically as handouts.

Then, something else happened.  A friend and student of mine suddenly moved far away.  She still wanted to continue taking classes with me, and had asked if there was anyway she could do so online, or even by mail.  My first response was, "Uh, no."  Then I got to thinking.  And the more I thought about it, the more it seemed plausible.  Why could't I have the materials available for purchase online?  And why couldn't I record my lectures on video, and have those available as well for students who could not attend lectures?  And if I could do that, why couldn't students e-mail me their tests and assignments for me to mark?  It was doable.

And so I slowly started putting the course materials together.  And the first incarnation of this site was born.  Then, two years later, this site materialized.  And it had the ability to allow students to sign up for a class and order the materials themselves.  I had to answer questions and mark the materials, then send certificates to whoever passed the classes.  And so, today, I slowly add a class whenever I get the time.  I mark the tests and assignments that are sent to me, and I still hold in-person classes.

Anyone is welcome to take the courses on this site.  Even though The Order of the Sacred Star is a Wiccan organization, many, if not most, of the classes are not expressly Wiccan.  There is no minimum course requirement, and no maximum; people can take whichever courses they feel comfortable with, provided they have any prerequisite courses, which are always clearly listed.  And people may refer their friends to this site.

Instructors for the classes may vary.  If you take two different classes in different subject, you will not necessarily have the same instructor.  Instructors teach what they're good at.  At this time, I tend to be the primary instructor, but once in a while, I have someone else handle a class for me.  And the instructor who handles your tests and assignments will not necessarily be the same as the person on the video.  Again, it all depends on who is handling the marking of tests and assignments, and the lectures (for those taking classes in-person).

You will notice that for most classes, the in-person fee is higher.  This is usually to cover the cost of materials often provided by the instructor.  For the online courses, extra materials are not provided, and so do not have to be factored into the cost of the course.  If you wish a list of materials provided, please contact us (from the link on the main page) and request a syllabus.  The list of materials is there.  Also included on the syllabus is the topics covered in each class, so feel free to request a syllabus on any class that interests you.  We will try to respond within 2 business days.

All courses are offered for interest only, and not accreditation.  However, there are many groups, especially Pagan groups, who will accept the certificates earned through The Order of the Sacred Store as comparable to anything they may offer themselves.  You never know unless you ask.

Upon completion of a couse, you will receive a printable PDF version of a certificate of completion by e-mail.  You can request a professionally printed certificate for an additional $10 USD fee.  You will also receive a copy of your marks for the course, again by e-mail in PDF format.

Classes which are missing either a price or a description are not yet available.  However, if there are links to the course materials, you may purchase these in anticipation of taking the class when it is available.  If you see a class that you would like to take, then please contact us and we will do our best to accomodate you.  We will first prepare the classes that are the most requested, so if you want a certain class, you had best let us know.  If you'd like a class that is not listed, we will do our best to find an instructor to create the class as soon as possible.  We will also let you know when the requested class is fully available.


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