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Brandon turned 3 in October. He is definitely one of the happiest 3 year olds I know. He's eager and determined and doesn't quit until he's "figured it out". He has great problem solving skills considering he's only three. Everyone keeps telling us he is quite intelligent and I'm not inclined to argue with them, lol.

Traumatic would be the appropriate adjective for his birth, which also happened a month early. Since then we've been slowly putting the pieces of his puzzle together which is finally starting to shape into a whole picture. He didn't learn how to eat so he spent 6 months in feeding therapy with a speech therapist to learn how to chew. He also has some sensory issues which can make for some amusing moments. I won't lie though, it can also make for some frustrating moments. He's currently in physical therapy to address some abnormal reflexes, his gait & some floppiness of his limbs. (None of this is really severe but we feel intervention now is important.) He is also in occupational therapy for his sensory, feeding & other issues. Probably the most important treatment he's getting right now is speech. Little man has a (rare) true case of childhood apraxia of speech. His expressive speech is significantly delayed although his receptive is at least where it should be. He's learning sign language and we use a small amount of picture exchange.

Brandon loves trains, puzzles and books. When you ask him what his name is, he spells it instead of saying it. He enjoys being the amusement for his baby brother and is usually eager to put the pacifier back in his brother's mouth.

He is just a joy; a very pleasant child who doesn't give us much trouble.

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Last Updated: Feb 3, 2009



Brandon's Growth Chart
Date Age Weight Height
4 April 2007 18 mo 21 lbs 14 ozs 31"
June 2007 20 mo 23 lbs 8 ozs -
31 Aug 2007 22 mo 26 d 24 lbs 8 ozs 32¾"
4 Oct 2007 24 mo 23 lbs 12 ozs 33"
2 May 2008 31 mo 28 lbs  



    Fun Birthday Facts  


                          His birthstone is the Opal (Hope)

                          His astrological sign is Libra

                          His Flower is Calendula or Cosmos

                          He was born in the Chinese year of the Rooster

                          He will start kindergarten in 2011

                          He will be old enough to drive a car in 2021

                          He will finish high school in 2024

                          His college graduation will be around 2028



Find out what events share his birth date




January 2009

Feb 8, 2009



Brandon laughing while his brother is crying.


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