Welcome to my genealogy home page.


Please Note: This is a work in progress.  Not all of my information is verified and I try my best to ensure there is no information on this site for living people.  Genealogy is my hobby, not my career.  Please let me know if you find errors, broken links, etc.  I will be adding information as time permits.


That said, I'd like to thank each person that has contributed to my family files.  It is truly a labor of love.  I've been fortunate enough to encounter people that have been willing to provide me with information, documents, photos, etc.  I would like all that information to be available here so that anyone who has an interest may have access to it.  Take a moment and look around.


Information includes both mine & my husband's lines. 

Here are some of the surnames you may encounter on this site:


* Anderson * Ellis * Ford * Gaertner * Greenlaw * Haas * Jackson * Jacoby * Lake * Montague * Norwood * Starkey * Webster * Wilson *



Thank you for visiting.








Family Sheets Records Photos

 My Family Tree

at RootsWeb

(which I finally updated 15 July 2007)






The Swedish Colonial Society

The US GEN WEB Project
The Kalmar Nyckel sails again
FamilySearch (LDS)

Cyndi's List




Please be sure to let me know you've been here by signing the guest book.







The Last Time I Added Records to any of these pages was 22 July 2007


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