The Choice IV: Awakening by Leigh Alexander First posted: April 4, 1996 RATING: PG CATEGORY: SA SPOILERS: None KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully UST SUMMARY: As Scully remains by his bedside, Mulder must once again make a choice. Between two worlds. Between life and death. DISCLAIMERS: 1) Dana and Fox belong to Chris and Ten Thirteen Productions and the other Fox. Absolutely *no* copyright infringement is intended - I'm not doing this for money, I'm doing it for love. I *love* these characters, I wouldn't want to hurt them! :) 2) OK to archive, but if it's going anywhere other than Gossamer, please drop me a line just so I can keep track. 3) Feel free to distribute and discuss this, as long as my name and addy remain attached. INTRO: Now I'm sure you're all sick of hearing this, but I am just *so* grateful to Eve for all her help, and the least I can do is thank her publicly as often as possible (oh - and I can plug her fanfic, which will be posted in the future!) As in the previous part, certain passages are preceeded and concluded with "//". These passages form part of an "alternative state of consciousness", which hopefully you should have grasped by now! ----------------------------------------------------------- The Choice IV: Awakening ----------------------------------------------------------- She returned to the hospital, and quickly resettled in what she had come to know as "her" chair - the one that stayed by the side of his bed at all times, only empty during those brief periods when she would leave the hospital and return home. She couldn't stop thinking about what Byers had said; whatever had happened to Mulder, wherever it was he had been - it had been the same place as her, he had experienced the same thing she had. And he wasn't going to get better. She immediately ordered that Mulder be X-rayed from head to toe. Just to be sure, she also requested that he receive a full-body MRI, which usually gave more information than a simple X-ray on its own. Both results came back normal - no sign of any metallic substances, no implants. She allowed herself to be temporarily relieved, although her mind quickly proffered forth the possibility that their methods may have changed, become more subtle, less detectable in the intervening years. But she didn't want to think about this. Lost in these thoughts of despair, she didn't hear the door opening, nor notice the figure that approached her. A hand descended on the back of her neck, and she started violently - whipping her head around, and finding herself staring into her mother's sympathetic eyes. There was a movement at the door almost simultaneously, and Scully turned just in time to see Skinner quietly slipping out. Margaret Scully crouched down so that her face was level with her daughter's. Scully's face still wore a surprised expression; she knitted her brow and asked, "Mom? What are you doing here?" "Dana, I was so worried... I've been trying to call you for days, and I've just been getting your answering machine. I was sure something was wrong - I had a feeling..." "How did you know where to find me?" "Mr. Skinner brought me here, after I got in contact with him. He told me where you were. Oh, Dana, I'm so sorry..." At her mother's last words, Scully's face crumpled and she was quickly pulled into her mother's embrace. Hearing the agony in Dana's sobs made tears spring to her own eyes, and Margaret gripped her daughter even harder. "You know, Dana, that time - when you were sick, when you were in the hospital and we thought... we thought we were going to lose you... Fox didn't know what to do either. He felt so guilty about you being taken away, and he felt helpless when he was here in the hospital. He was sure that in trying to find the people who had done this to you, it would somehow alleviate his pain, and bring you back... What he didn't realise - what Melissa had to tell him - was that more than anything else you needed him to be there for you, as he always had been - you needed to feel his presence at his side - and that even if he did find the people that had done that to you, it would mean nothing to you... When he finally realised this, he came back to the hospital, and he sat with you, and he told you how he felt... and you came back, Dana, honey - you came back..." Scully lifted her head, and looked at her mother with watery eyes. "What are you saying, mom?" "I just don't think you should lose hope, Dana... I think that just in being here, you're helping him... I think he needs to know - just as you needed to know - that you're here for him, that you care, that he has something to come back to. Sometimes all the medical attention in the world can't make up for just a little bit of caring." Scully turned her eyes back to Mulder, and regarded him pensively. Without tearing her eyes away from his face, she replied in a soft voice, "I know, mom... I know..." After a few minutes of silence, in which the two pairs of Scully eyes were focused on Mulder, Margaret stood up, preparing to leave. Scully quickly looked at her mother with a pleading expression on her face. "Don't go, mom.... Stay with me, please...." Margaret studied her daughter intently and then gave a short nod, her eyes then flickering around the darkened room until they rested on a chair in the corner. She walked over and picked up the chair, carrying it back to the bed, and settling into it on the other side of the bed, facing her daughter, with Mulder's body between them. Margaret smiled at her daughter, and then reached for Mulder's hand; the two sat in silence, each of them tightly clasping one of Mulder's hands in their own grip, each lost in their own thoughts. ******************** Over the next few weeks, Scully fell into a routine. After realising that she wasn't going to leave him as long as he was in this condition, the nursing staff at the hospital had set up a small bed for her in the room. Scully spent most of her nights at the hospital, although occasionally she would leave Mulder in her mother's company and return home for a few brief hours in order to try and relax in her own bed. Once a day she would drive from the hospital to her apartment to shower and change clothes, and - when she remembered - check her mail and phone messages. Due to the tight security surrounding Mulder, there were few visitors: her mom, Skinner and an endless stream of doctors and nurses were the only people she saw during those long days. She had taken to reading to Mulder - feeling, somewhere inside of her, that the sound of her voice might pierce through the layers of fog that shrouded his mind, and call him back to her. The first book she had chosen was "Moby Dick". She had selected that one deliberately, hoping that somewhere in his subconscious, Mulder would remember its significance, and would understand. Every few hours a nurse would come in to check on him. Scully would know, of course, exactly what state his body was in, but she would watch the face and body language of the nurse intently as Mulder's vitals were checked, hoping that just maybe, something that she had overlooked would be picked up by the nurse's scrutiny. Scully kept waiting for the moment when the nurse would suddenly lift her eyes and bestow a smile full of significance on her... But this never happened. Aware of the scrutinising gaze, the nurse would knit her brow in sympathetic pain and softly murmur, "No improvement, I'm afraid." Or words to that effect. And Scully would revert her gaze to Mulder's face, squeeze his hand, and continue reading, unaware of the sometimes sorrowful, sometimes compassionate look the other would address to her back. Skinner would usually come once every few days - supposedly to check on Mulder's condition, but she knew that he was really just checking on her. She could sense his concern, and yet she did nothing to alleviate his obvious fears as to her state of mind. When he would enter the room, she would stare fixedly at Mulder, refusing to acknowledge her superior's presence: for some inexplicable reason, she couldn't help holding him to blame for the fate that had befallen her partner. Although she had more often than not seen him as an ally during the years that she and Mulder had been following his orders, it seemed to her now that he had done everything within his power to ensure that Mulder wouldn't be found. Her logic was irrational, and she knew it - if she'd chosen to analyse her feelings, she probably would have realised that her sudden dislike of the man who had helped her and Mulder so much, was no doubt due to his incapability of giving her any form of comfort. But she didn't choose to analyse her thoughts: she needed someone to blame - and in Cancerman's absence, that honour fell squarely on Skinner's shoulders. To her, he represented everything about the system that she had lost her faith in - he epitomised the conservative side of the Bureau, that had done everything within its power to thwart Mulder at every stage - including her own assignment as Mulder's partner. That had been their only mistake. She had reflected on this fact grimly over the years. Who would have guessed all those years ago, that in assigning the practical, sceptical, young up-and-coming, intelligent Dana Scully to the X-Files, the result would be - not, as they had hoped, the chance to finally kick Fox Mulder and his "spooky" theories out of the Bureau - but rather, the forming of one of the strongest, most dedicated and brilliant teams in the agency. And who would have guessed that one day, she would be sitting here grieving for the loss of her partner and friend, and hoping desperately for a miracle? ******************** //He had no sense of the passing of time. No tangible sense, that is... He was aware of time going by, but was ignorant of its length: hours, days, weeks, months, years... he couldn't say. At some point, he slowly became aware of renewed strength in his neck muscles. He was able to slowly move his head from side to side, giving him the chance to glimpse a little more of his surroundings. To his left in the distance there was a bridge - it was really only a small speck in his peripheral vision - to his right, the sand stretched eternal. He had the feeling that he was now alone on the beach - the soft murmuring voices that he had heard when he first "arrived" (if that was, in fact, what he had done) had faded so gradually that he hadn't even been aware of it. The other sound remained, though. It continued to soothe him, the words flowing over him in waves: indistinct and yet so familiar. It not only soothed him, he could feel it nourishing him, giving him strength... whenever the voice stopped, as it did on occasions, he would feel suddenly deflated - as though all his hopes and faith and strength had been sucked out of him in that tiny instant. It wasn't until the voice returned that he would once again feel the renewal surging through him. He longed for the time when the rest of his body would move, and he would be able to walk towards the voice, into its warm and loving embrace - that was what he wanted more than anything.// ******************** Scully could tell that the doctors were puzzled. After the first week of Mulder's coma, they had sadly informed her that he would only last a few more days, so weakened was he. And yet he had now been there for almost a month, and while he had shown no sign of improvement, he hadn't weakened as quickly as they had anticipated either. It gave her a small hope - she knew that in all probability he wouldn't make it, and if he weakened any more, a decision would have to be made about his future. But for the moment, she didn't want to think about any of that, and she clung to the tiny belief that maybe, just maybe.... ... maybe it was in the realms of extreme possibility that he would return. ******************** The first sign came at the four-week mark. They had finished "Moby Dick" two weeks ago, and Scully was now on her second book, "The Riders" by an Australian author, Tim Winton. It was about a man's desperate quest for the wife who had left him. Scully had found the book abandoned on one of the hospital benches and she had picked it up out of curiosity. Her attention had immediately been caught by the name of the main character: Fred Scully. She had browsed through it curiously, and then had delved into it more deeply, the prose affecting her profoundly, whilst the story itself called out to her - this Scully's quest neatly mimicking her own. It was while reading a particularly poignant and apt passage that Mulder moved. Her voice had become deep and resonant while reading the passage: " ' Questions hung like shadows behind Scully's head. His thoughts went everywhere and no place...' " She had paused momentarily to turn the page, her hand leaving Mulder's for a few seconds, and then resettling in position, resting lightly in his. It was at this moment that she sensed something... some slight shift... a change in the atmosphere. She didn't continue reading immediately, wondering if she was going mad, or if she was right in thinking something was about to happen. She waited a few minutes, and there was no other sign, so she quickly dismissed the foolish thoughts and went back to the book, " ' Oh God, was she feeling pain and panic like him, aching even in sleep for a break in the smothering static, simply not knowing?...'" Mulder squeezed her hand. The book fell, unnoticed, from her grasp. The dull thud it made as it hit the floor didn't even register in her mind. She stared at their intertwined hands, unable to comprehend what had just happened... After a few minutes the doubts crept in... was her mind playing tricks on her? Was she so desperate to have Mulder back that she had imagined the slight pressure? And yet, the memory of the fleeting squeeze refused to be washed out of her mind. She had definitely felt him grasp her hand - but maybe it had just been a reflex reaction, maybe he had a cramp? And then, as she stared fixedly at his hand, it happened again. This time there was no doubt. It was almost as if the first squeeze had just been a trial run, leaving room for the real thing. The outward signs of weakness that his body had been showing were not evident now, as it seemed to her that all his strength was concentrated in his hand as he squeezed with all his might. A broad grin spread across her face - the muscles had remained so unused, that it hurt her to smile, but she didn't care... She reached over and pressed the call button. ******************** //Movement had returned to his limbs fairly soon after he had been able to turn his head. He still couldn't stand, but he could lift his arms and legs, and wiggle his fingers and toes. He could feel his strength returning, slowly, but surely....// ******************** After that day, everything started to happen very quickly. Following on from the peaceful and quiet days that Scully had started to get accustomed to, the sudden rush of movement in her and Mulder's little room disconcerted her slightly. Suddenly they had a nurse in there almost constantly, monitoring his every heart beat, checking to see if he had shown any other sign of acknowledging the presence of the outside world. In Scully's opinion, it was an unnecessary waste of man power, after all, she was with Mulder round the clock - she had started to use the hospital showers, rather than returning home - and she would be the first to know of any other gestures on his part. But her comments fell on deaf ears. Mulder was their own little miracle. For no apparent reason, his health had made an about-face. Every day he was getting stronger, and the doctors were confident that it wouldn't be long before he returned completely to consciousness. ******************** //The day had finally arrived... he felt strong enough to sit up and look around him. As he had suspected, he was on a beach - although it was unlike any beach he'd ever seen before: the sand was so white that his eyes squinted in protest when looking at it, the sea was a colour so blue that he almost didn't believe it could be water, and the sky remained as cloudless and perfect as it had been for the entire time he had been there. It was perfect - everything here was perfect, and he almost didn't want to leave... Maybe that was why it had taken his body so long to renew its strength, he thought to himself... maybe it was a corporeal attempt to keep him here, eternally tied to this perfection. He knew then that if it hadn't been for the voice he would have remained here forever. But the voice had refused to give up: it had become a siren- like call to him - one that he couldn't ignore, that he didn't want to ignore... Slowly, he pushed himself into a standing position, his hands digging deeply into the now almost boiling hot sand. Once on his feet, he paused for a few minutes, taking the time to give his surroundings one last final look. He knew that he could have peace here; that the pain that had dogged him all his life would vanish if he settled here. He looked at the bridge to his left; he could head towards that bridge (he knew instinctively that that was where the mysterious voices had disappeared to) and abandon any thoughts of returning to life. He could head towards that bridge and be reunited with his family: his mother, his father and... Samantha. He knew that it was that simple: the choice between two worlds, two destinies, two people. The choice was his... The waves continued to lap gently at the shore; the voice that had given them their force was starting to fade... but he could still hear it, it filled his head with a presence so powerful that it obliterated all other thought. Although the voice grew weaker on the outside, he knew that it would never leave his inner spirit - it was a part of him, and he couldn't let it go... The choice was made. He turned to the ocean and began to walk slowly towards it. The water that hit his feet was not cold, as he had been expecting, but warm, and welcoming. The voice, as though spurred on by his movements, grew louder, snatches of words suddenly - finally- becoming clear: "I believe that you are not ready to go, Mulder..." "I need you..." "You can't leave, Mulder.... please... I don't want you to leave..." "I'm here for you, Mulder... Stay with me..." He dived into the deep blue sea, and started to swim... and as he swam, he slowly became aware of land ahead of him. He stopped for a moment, and started to tread water: behind him, the beach that he had been lying on, now revealed itself for what it really was - an island - a small, yet beautiful island. Looking in front of him, he saw that the mass of land he was heading towards was exactly that: a mass of land - solid earth... his home... his life... his future.... He swam quickly and vigorously. Finally, his hand touched the shore, and he pulled himself up, breathing heavily. Exhausted, he flopped down on his back, and allowed himself to be taken care of....// ******************** She was asleep when he opened his eyes. He didn't mind - despite his blurry vision, and his weakened state, he was glad to have the opportunity to look at her, examine her sleeping face with the most minute scrutiny - the face that he had thought he would never see again. He slowly took in the shadows under her eyes, the pallor of her skin and the gauntness of her face. With a spasm of pain, he realised that she had been suffering because of him. Again. After a few moments he lifted his shaking hand slowly, and laid it gently on her head. The touch wakened her with a start. Her eyes flew open and she jerked into a sitting position, unintentionally knocking his hand off her head. For a moment she couldn't speak: all she could do was stare. Her face expressed the most pure shock he'd ever witnessed. And as he watched, his eyes unblinkingly fixed on her, he saw the gentle change in emotion. The shock slowly dissipated, giving way to a deep tenderness that caused him to breathe in deeply. He couldn't believe it. Couldn't believe that it was Scully, that she was here - that she was looking at him like that. Scully saw his open eyes, his alert - although bleary - expression, and yet she still couldn't believe what she was seeing. He was awake. He was alive. He had come back... to her. With infinite delicacy, she brought her hand up to the bed, and slid it into his grasp, her lips slowly turning up in a smile. "Mulder...." Her voice had returned, but she didn't know what to say, couldn't think of any appropriate words. All the feelings that she had spilled out to him so effortlessly whilst he was unconscious suddenly dried up inside. All she could think to say was, "You're back..." Her voice was low: a tentative whisper that barely made the distance from her mouth to his ear. His face slowly broke into a smile and he started to open his mouth to speak, but then closed it. He wanted to speak to her, and yet he was almost relieved to discover that it was, for the moment, physically impossible. The constriction of his throat was as much a result of his sudden hesitance and uncertainty as a physical weakness. He couldn't think of the right words, and he knew that now more than ever, the right words were what were needed. He remained silent, deciding that there would be plenty of time to say what was on his mind. Scully suddenly felt exposed, almost embarrassed. She remembered that during their time together as partners they had rarely revealed their deepest emotions to each other. It hadn't been until that last night in her apartment that she had realised what losing him would mean to her - and yet, even then, the only thing she'd been able to say was an ineffectual "I don't want you to go." Now, she had a second chance. *They* had a second chance... and yet, she knew it was going to take her awhile to build up the courage to continue from where they left off. That kiss. She couldn't forget it, and seeing Mulder now, awake, it was one of the first images that sprung into her mind. But she couldn't think about that right now. She couldn't really think about anything right now - she was too overwhelmed, hadn't had time to absorb the reality of his awakening. She abruptly pushed her chair back and headed towards the door. Mulder watched her, startled. Once again he tried to speak, but he was forced into silence by the ache in his throat. She reached the door, opened it and said to one of the guards still standing out there, "Get the doctor in here, now." Her voice was firm and authoritative. The guard ran off, and yet she didn't turn around immediately. In a single instant, all the strength that she had been relying on throughout the last four weeks suddenly deserted her, and she found herself clutching the edge of the door with a grip so tight she could feel the wood biting into her palm. She squeezed her eyes shut as her vision began to swim absurdly, and bit her bottom lip to stop herself from crying out. After a few moments, she could gradually feel herself returning to normal - some kind of normal. Her body tingled all over, and the adrenalin pounded through her, rocketing around her body and giving her the sensation of being on fire. Her breathing suddenly became rapid, and her eyes started to water - not with tears, she had shed so many tears already that she was almost surprised that they were still able to generate this wetness, but with pure emotion. She tightened her grip on the door - its solid support providing her with some sort of anchor, a touch with reality, when all around her suddenly appeared so unreal, so incomprehensible. "Scully?" His voice was barely a whisper. She heard its weakness and its frailty as any doctor would. And yet, there was something more... That voice - it had said her name so many times in the past, and yet this time there was something different: a new timbre, a deeper significance. She turned around slowly, until finally she was facing him. He studied her searchingly, seeking some sort of explanation, some sort of meaning. "Are you all right?" It hurt him to speak, and yet he couldn't stop himself. Her lips turned up ever so slightly, hinting at her grasp of a deeper irony, "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" His face lightened momentarily, but quickly resumed the expression of concern that had been present before, "It's just... you looked--" She cut him off and curtly said, "I'm fine Mulder." Hearing these familiar words, Mulder couldn't stop himself from chuckling. Yes, everything was *definitely* back to normal if Scully was coming out with the "I'm fine" line. He shook his head slowly, noting that with those brief words, Scully had once again restored order and balance in his life. He knew where he was, he knew how things were - everything was like it had always been. Scully had paused briefly after her final words, but now she continued, walking back towards the bed, her face an achingly familiar mix of concern and tenderness. When she spoke, her voice was soft - it was a voice that she had used with him on a number of occasions, usually when she was talking about his sister. Its gentleness enveloped him, filled him with the same warmth that he remembered from that time on the beach. "Mulder, what happened? Where have you been? Where's Samantha?" The questions poured out almost subconsciously. They were the words that had dominated her thoughts ever she first saw Mulder lying in that bed, and she couldn't hold them back a second longer. At the question, he closed his eyes fleetingly, and breathed in sharply. She was at his side now - he felt her proximity before he opened his eyes. She had placed her hand delicately on his arm, and at the touch he opened his eyes and looked into hers. He looked at her with such helplessness - a look that she knew so well, had come to miss - that she gave his arm a reassuring squeeze, and started to stroke his inner arm gently with her thumb, hoping to encourage him to tell her what had happened during those long years. He opened his mouth, and was about to answer her, when there was suddenly an explosion of activity at the door. Scully swivelled her head around angrily, and saw that at least five doctors and two nurses had just entered the room - the security guard in tow. They swiftly moved over to the bed, descending on Mulder like vultures, and casually pushing her out of the way. She caught Mulder's eye, and saw that he was smiling at her. "Gee, Scully, you should have told me we were expecting company - I would have put on my *best* unattractive hospital gown." Her lips twitched at their sides, but it was her eyes that betrayed her amusement. As she continued to look at Mulder, a nurse suddenly stepped between them, obstructing their line of vision. Scully slipped silently out the door. ~ THE END ~ ----------------------------------------------------------- = to be continued in The Choice 5: Memory = One final disclaimer: wondering about that book I mentioned? Well, it's a real book, and yes the main character's name really is Scully. (Believe me, I found that just a bit disconcerting when I read it a few months ago.) Absolutetly no copyright infringement was intended in the use of that book, in fact, I thoroughly recommend that you go out and buy it, b/c it is a fantastic book, by a wonderful writer! (Published by Pan MacMillan). The quotes that I used were direct, although a touch of artistic license was used in their placement on the page... :) Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.