The Choice V: Memory by Leigh Alexander First posted: April 6, 1996 RATING: PG CATEGORY: SA SPOILERS: None KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully UST SUMMARY: Mulder tells Scully what happened to him while he was gone. DISCLAIMERS: 1) Dana and Fox belong to Chris and Ten Thirteen Productions and the other Fox. Absolutely *no* copyright infringement is intended - I'm not doing this for money, I'm doing it for love. I *love* these characters, I wouldn't want to hurt them! :) 2) OK to archive, but if it's going anywhere other than Gossamer, please drop me a line just so I can keep track. 3) Feel free to distribute and discuss this, as long as my name and addy remain attached. ----------------------------------------------------------- The Choice V: Memory ----------------------------------------------------------- She watched him sleeping. Even though this was exactly what she'd been doing for the past four weeks, she could feel the difference this time. It wasn't just that she knew that he was going to wake up from this slumber, it was also because suddenly everything felt right again. Suddenly all the doubts she'd been having, all the feelings of despair that she'd been wallowing in, all the grief and hatred she'd been feeling had disappeared. Mulder was back and everything in the world was right again. She knew she was being silly. There were obviously going to be repercussions from all of this - she didn't know what Mulder was going to do about a job, if he was going to return to the Bureau or not, he was also going to have to adapt to all the changes that had occurred since his disappearance - it wasn't going to be easy for him. And yet all those worries seemed trite and unimportant for the moment. Right now, she couldn't stop herself from feeling absurdly happy. It was four hours now since Mulder had first woken up, and the feeling of unreality that she had been having had now almost completely disappeared. While the medical staff had been tending to Mulder, she had gone for a walk; venturing outside for the first time in days. She had noticed with delight that spring had well and truly sprung since she had been sequestered in the hospital. The appropriateness of nature's reawakening did not escape her, and she had sighed contentedly, breathing in deeply and suppressing a sudden foolish desire to do cartwheels across the neat hospital garden. After an hour's stroll, she had ventured back into the hospital, and headed straight for the line of payphones near the entrance. "Mom? It's me." Her mother had been instantly anxious, "What is it? What's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong mom. It's Mulder." Her face had broken into a grin, the news of Mulder's return finally sinking in as she said the words, "He's back mom... he woke up about an hour ago!" She hadn't been able to keep the excitement out of her normally reserved voice. She had heard her mother gasp, and then there had been silence for a few moments. Just when Scully was starting to get worried, Maggie had spoken, her voice trembling, "Oh, I'm so glad, honey." They hadn't chatted for long. Scully had been eager to return to Mulder's bedside. And now here she was. Watching him sleep. As she'd been doing for the past three hours. It almost pained her to see his innocence in sleep. Sleep was one of the great equalisers, in her opinion. No matter who you were, no matter what you'd experienced, all that would be obliterated once you fell into a deep, slumberous state. And Mulder was no exception. His face was relaxed, the years of worry and heartache had dissolved as they never would when he was awake. And yet, underneath the peaceful mask, she knew that there was a well of pain. Some of which, she had yet to find out... He stirred, and she sat up stiffly, watching him attentively. His eyes flickered, and then opened. They blinked shut again briefly, and then reopened, slowly doing a tour of his surroundings until eventually they landed on Scully. "How're you feeling?" She asked as his eyes gradually focused on her. "Better." His voice was still raspy, although she could detect its growing strength. They sat in silence for some time, Scully waiting for Mulder to fully wake up before she asked him any questions. Mulder tried to pull himself into a sitting position, but his body rebelled, his arms buckling under the pressure. At first he refused Scully's help, and then eventually gave in, allowing her to pull his body up with a strength that surprised him. For such a small person, she never ceased to amaze him with her physical capabilities. She had proven to him time and time again, just how little she needed his aid, both psychologically and physically, and it was yet another aspect of her personality that he admired and respected. Finally he was comfortable - his back resting against two pillows. He leaned his head back and let it press against the wall for a few short moments, as he closed his eyes and gathered his thoughts. He brought his head back down and faced Scully. He could see the questions in her eyes, and he knew that he couldn't prolong the moment any longer, and yet he waited... They sat like that, staring at each other, for an eternity. Finally Scully spoke, realising that Mulder was waiting for her to make the first move. She repeated the question that she had asked him over four hours ago - had it really been that long ago? Time had started playing tricks on her, she had spent too much of it in isolation and now any sense of passing time that she had was vague and distorted. Her voice was low, "Mulder... what happened?" He let out an audible breath, and squeezed his eyes shut momentarily. When he finally returned his gaze to her, his eyes were full of sorrow. "I don't remember." At her questioning glance, he added, "Not much, at least..." "Just tell me what you do remember Mulder." She spoke gently, soothingly. He lifted his hand to his throat, and fingered the cross in an unconscious, yet obviously accustomed gesture. Scully noted the action without a word, although it suddenly made her feel warm inside. After a few moments, Mulder started to recount his story. "After I left your place," he paused, coughing slightly, while Scully lowered her head for a brief moment - both of their thoughts resting momentarily on that final moment, "I.. uh... I went back to my place. The man was still there, waiting for me, and we left about ten minutes later." He stopped again, this time needing the break to collect his thoughts, and remember long-ago events. "Go on." Scully murmured. "I don't know where he took me - he blindfolded me on the drive there. It took about forty minutes, and we were definitely out of the city by the time we arrived at the final destination. It was an old warehouse of some sort, no defining features, no machinery, no smell, no visual clues as to what it was used for. Anyway, he pushed me inside, and I could see that the place was empty. I started to turn around, and then someone hit me - knocked me out." He stopped speaking abruptly, and Scully looked at him, surprised. "What? What happened after that?" "That's what I can't remember Scully. After that it's all hazy, until I woke up in this bed." "Hold on, when you say hazy - does that mean that you can remember something??" "Oh yeah sure, I can remember things like a bright white light, some sort of hospital room, faces, noises... nothing concrete..." She sighed in frustration - Mulder's return was supposed to *answer* questions, not pose more. There was one more question that she had to ask him, although she knew it was going to cause him pain. "Mulder - what about Samantha? Did you see her? Did you find out what happened to her?" The reaction was intense. He turned his head away from her sharply, letting his breath out with a hiss. His face was an expression of pure agony, alerting her immediately to the fact that she had sliced open a painful wound. When he spoke his voice was full of bitterness, and anger, "Yeah, I saw her." He didn't continue. Scully lifted her eyebrow and leaned forward, desperate to know what he had seen. He spoke without looking at her, "She was dead, Scully. Dead." The words fell from his lips like dead weights. Scully felt her world collapse around her. No... not after all he'd been through, not after losing everything else. Samantha couldn't be dead. It wasn't fair... Mulder's face was still averted from hers and she gazed on him with a look of pure anguish. She felt a stabbing pain pierce through her: her chest tightened, and her hands clenched into fists almost of their own accord. Mulder's pain was like an aura, it clung to him without cease, and infected all those who drew near to him. She could feel it permeating her spirit... as everything else about him had already done. And yet, she could find no words to express how she felt. She had to rely on the same ones she had used upon his father's death... the same ones that she had murmured time and time again to victims of crime: there was nothing else she could say. "Mulder, I'm so sorry." The words sounded empty and hollow to her ears - their meaning seemed to fade as soon as they had left her mouth. What good was her pity going to do for him? In what way could her sorrow atone for everything he had lost, for the one thing in the world that he had been searching for? How could she expect those words to comfort him - instead their ineffectualness goaded her mercilessly. He felt himself grow cold. The tears burned his eyes, but he refused to let them spill. Saying the words brought the reality home to him - clearer than ever before. He remembered that moment with the type of clarity that he usually reserved for cases, serial murderers, facts and theories. His sister, lying there, the life sapped out of her body - her young body. "She was only twelve." Scully looked at him, puzzled - she didn't understand. "What do you mean?" He turned his face to hers; its previous alertness and happiness had been replaced by a cold, aching pain. She could barely stand looking at him like this - so cold, so distant, so hurt. "When I saw her - her dead body, she wouldn't have been more than twelve, maybe even younger..." Oh God. Scully grasped the significance immediately, and yet she fought it - needing to ask more questions, "But Mulder, you had reasons to hope that she was still alive... That bounty hunter - he told you she was still alive; and that dream you had of your father, you told me that he said she wasn't there - you had proof..." In her desperate need to deny the truth of what he was saying, she clutched at straws that would normally be grasped by Mulder. For once, she played the role of the believer - in this instance, she truly *wanted* to believe. As if to complete the balance of the weird symmetry that had developed, Mulder suddenly assumed the position of the die- hard sceptic. "Lies, Scully. All lies. She's been dead for twenty years. And all the time, I just kept looking for her - like the fool I was. And they were all laughing at me. Those bastards." The words flew out of his mouth, his anger overriding his grief. Whenever he closed his eyes, even for the briefest moment, he was greeted with the ever-present image of his sister's tiny body, lying on some sort of stainless steel autopsy bay... her flesh still warm, her skin still flushed with colour. He remembered all too clearly the leap his heart had made when he had been ushered into the room and had seen her prone form. And then, as he had drawn closer, he had noticed that her chest remained still, that not a single sound emerged from her tiny mouth... And when he had finally been standing next to her, he had realised that she was dead; that whoever it was who had brought her there had managed to somehow preserve her looking exactly as she would have for the first few minutes after her death. For once, he cursed the photographic memory that had always served him so well before. He knew that this image would stay with him for the rest of his life - tormenting him, just as her photo had done in the past. Scully couldn't think of what to say. She had no way of relieving his anger - everything he'd said was true. Mulder had been pursuing a hope that had been dead for twenty years. She could feel his pain as if it were her own - her closeness to Mulder had bound them together in so many ways, and his pain had become her pain. She was sick of the pain. Was it never going to end? Would they ever be able to lead normal lives? Lives that weren't dogged by tragedy and disaster? Lives that were full of pleasure and happiness rather than agony and grief? As soon as one wound had started to heal, another would be sliced open. First Samantha's abduction, then her father's death, then the murder of Mulder's father, and the shooting of Melissa - and now this: the final tragedy - the holy grail that Mulder had been seeking his entire life was nothing more than an illusion - a tin cup, destroyed long ago. She had started to think of her and Mulder's lives as being inextricably linked by their mutual pain. It was almost as if someone had taken a huge needle and thread and pierced through his skin, pulling the thread through his flesh, and then stabbing through her own skin with the same needle and thread. Throughout the years, this action had been repeated over and over again, and with every jab of pain, there was an accompanying closeness between the two of them - they were being sewn together, becoming one... And still her mind was filled with questions. "But.... but... if you can't remember anything, how can you remember this? Maybe it's just a dream?" He almost smiled at the irony. Here was Dana Scully - the most sceptical person he'd ever known - trying to convince him that the reality he'd seen was just a dream, or a figment of his imagination. But he couldn't smile. It was too painful. His voice was dull, lifeless - the fire that she had come to cherish was gone. "I don't know, Scully. I think they've played with my memory, or something - they've made sure that I remember the sight of her dead body, and yet there's nothing else that I can recall..." Scully bit her lower lip. She couldn't bear to see him like this, couldn't stand hearing the lack of emotion in his voice. She knew that this was his way of coping, it was his shield, his protector, but the calm rationality of this idea, did nothing to reassure her. There was silence between them once more. Mulder's eyes were downcast, whilst Scully's were focused on the door. They each needed time - Scully to absorb the things that Mulder was telling her, the things that he had already processed and reacted to at some point during his absence; and Mulder needed to contemplate his surroundings, the events of the past few hours - his return... his absence... Suddenly he lifted his head and fixed Scully with a piercing gaze. A thought had just occurred to him, "Scully, how long have I been gone?" She looked at him, fear shining out of her eyes. She had to tell him the truth, but she knew that it was going to be hard for him to hear. She breathed in deeply, and then replied, "Over two years." The emotion coursed back into his face - he was stunned. He repeated the words in horror, "Two years?" She avoided his eyes, and mumbled, "Actually, two and a half." He stared at her, "My God..." He remained silent for a long time, occasionally shaking his head, and echoing Scully's words. She watched him intensely. She remembered how hard she had taken it when she had heard that over three months of her life had gone missing - she could only imagine what Mulder must be going through. Two and a half years... two and a half years... The words circled around his head like some demonic nursery rhyme. How could this have happened? How could they have done this? Where had he been? Where had they taken him? His mind was overwhelmed with questions. He tried to make a joke about it, "Well, looks like I've got a bit of catching up to do..." But the words came out bitter and angry. Scully. He looked at her suddenly - his mind suddenly dominated by one sole question. But he didn't dare ask it. Instead, he stole a furtive glance at her left hand - no there was nothing there. Not that that was really a sign of anything - for all he knew she could be living with someone, engaged, or committed in some other way... He had to know. He cleared his throat, and tried to sound casual as he asked, "So... what about you, Scully? What's been happening with you for the past--" He paused before saying the words, "--two and a half years?" She looked at him worriedly. She could see that the loss of time was having a profound effect on him, and there was nothing she could do to relieve him. She had no way of bringing back those missing years - the best she could do was to try and fill him in on what had been happening. She told him about work, about her progress through the ranks... she told him about world events, about changes that had occurred in the last few years... At first he listened to her words attentively, relieved to hear no mention of a new person in her life, but then as she continued to chronicle events, his mind began to wander. His eyes were focused on her lips. Those beautiful lips. He had always admired them, had always found his attention being drawn to them, even when they were the most platonic of partners. Full, desirable lips, that she would make even more desirable with the deep shades lipstick that she favoured. He could remember a number of occasions when he had only just been able to resist the urge to kiss that generous mouth. And he clearly remembered one occasion when he hadn't. Mulder could recall that final meeting with Scully as if it had only occurred yesterday. His recollection was most precise when it came to the last few minutes - when she had handed him her cross, and he had bent down and fulfilled the desire that had burned within him for so long... He had kissed her. They had kissed. Their lips had been joined for the briefest of moments - and in that moment, he had experienced the purest joy he had ever felt in his life. He wondered what she had thought of that kiss, of him. He hadn't been able to look at her reaction, he couldn't bear to see the possible disgust or discomfort in her eyes. Of course, he had hoped - had convinced himself - that she felt the same way about him, that she had wanted the same thing that he had... But he couldn't have coped with the disappointment if she had reacted with anything other than happiness. And so he had slipped out of the room - while her eyes were still closed. And he hadn't looked back... He suddenly realised that Scully had stopped talking, that she was looking at him curiously. She had evidently picked up on his lack of interest, although he hoped that his actual line of thought hadn't been *too* obvious. His lips curved up slightly, and he deftly avoided her unspoken question, saying, "Sorry. Guess I must still be a little tired..." Scully responded immediately - pushing her chair back and getting to her feet. Anxiously she said, "You're right. I should go, you must be exhausted - and I'm sure all my questions aren't helping you." Mulder was suddenly aware of a tiredness that he hadn't been feeling unexpectedly wash over him, and he nodded weakly in reply. She started to turn away from the bed and then abruptly changed her mind, deciding at the last minute to move closer to the bed head. She felt the icy cold metal of the frame pressing into her as she leaned in and placed her hand lightly on Mulder's cheek. There was so much she wanted to say to him, and yet... she couldn't quite find the words. She'd never had to say anything like this to Mulder before, and she felt uncomfortable and shy. She bit her bottom lip and, gathering her nerve, lifted her eyes so that they gazed directly and unambiguously into Mulder's. Her thumb caressed his cheek softly, and her voice, when she finally spoke, was rich with emotion. "Mulder... I.. I just want to say... I'm glad you're back..." She felt so exposed - staring into those familiar eyes, and saying such unfamiliar words. She tried to hold his gaze, but couldn't - it was too powerful, too full of meaning. Her eyes dropped, as did her hand - preferring instead to squeeze his hand which rested loosely beside his body. After a moment's pause she continued to speak, the words coming out slowly, with almost painful hesitation: "When you were gone..." She swallowed, she could feel the words struggling to escape and yet she couldn't make them flow any easier. "My life felt... well, empty...". With a sudden rush of courage, she lifted her face up once more and looked into his gentle eyes, "It wasn't until you were gone that I realised how much I needed you... how much I wanted you... how much I missed you..." She didn't allow him time to reply, lifting her hand from his, and quickly exiting the room, before he had a chance to open his mouth. If she had looked behind her before leaving the room, she would have seen Mulder sitting in his bed with a look of shock and delight gracing his features. As the door clicked shut behind her, Mulder's face broke into a broad grin. ~ THE END ~ ----------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.