Welcome to The Book Realm's Romance section.
I read alot of romantic novels when I was younger and want to highlight some of my favorites.

A Knight in Shining Armour is in my opinion one of the best romance novels ever written.
It blends romance, adventure, and even time travel into one novel.
During the time I read romance exclusively,time and time again I would return to Jude Deveraux.

Abandoned by a cruel fate, lovely, thoroughly modern Dougless Mongomery lay weeping upon a cold tombstone in an English church, Suddenly, as if in answer to her prayers, the most extraordinary man appeared.
He was Nicholas Stafford, Earl of Thornwyck...and according to his tombstone he had died in 1564. She could not imagine how strong were the chains that tied them to the past...or the grand adventure that lay before them...

Warrior's Woman begins in the year 2139.
Fearless Tedra De Arr sets out to rescue her beleaguered planet Kystran from the savage rule of the evil Crad Ce Moerr. Experienced in combat but not in love, the beautiful, untouched Amazon flies with Martha, her wise-cracking, free-thinking computer, to a world where warriors reign supreme and into the arms of the one man she can never hope to vanquish.
Landing on a strange planet, she encounters and challenges an unbearable barbarian. No man has beaten her before, so when Tedra loses, she must become his slave..
Johanna Lindsey crosses over to Fantasy but still maintains the romance she is known for. A must read!

Keeper of the Heart - 1993
Johanna Lindsey takes readers back to the future with a fiery story of love and rebellion on a distant planet.
In search of true love, Shanelle Ly-San-Ter flees the lustful advance of the blue-eyed barbarian who has been chosen as her lifemate, yet she's confused by the yearning the handsome brute has awakened in her.
Falon Ban yer is overwhelmed with desire for the woman who has vowed never to be his and will brave any peril to conquer and claim the keeper of his heart.
This is the sequel to Warrior's Woman and a nice addition to any romance lover's library.

Set in 18th-century England and Turkey, Silver Angel is a blistering blockbuster of soul-searing love in a forbidden paradise.
Abducted and sold into slavery, Chantelle Burke has been brought to the palace of the mighty Pasha. Vowing never to bow to this ruthless master's will, the young Englishwoman weakens within the silken splendor of his chambers, and after one glance into his piercing emerald eyes.
This one is more "typical" romance but still a well written addition to any collection.

Heart of a Warrior
Heart of a Warrior-Johanna Lindsey
At first, Brittany Callaghan thinks she's dreaming. After all, she's not used to seeing blond, nearly seven-feet-tall Nordic gods in her tiny California town. But when the spectacular-looking Viking turns up on her doorstep, Brittany knows her dream man is very real. So she is somewhat taken aback when her visitor , whose name is Dalden , informs her that he is, in fact, a barbarian warrior.

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