US History Students' Resource Page
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On Site US I  HIST 2010 (United States History until 1877)

On Site US II HIST 2020 (United States History since 1865)

Web CT US I HIST 2010 (United States History until 1877)

Web CT US II HIST 2020 (United States History since 1865)


Why should I study history, anyway??

Lots of students have struggled with this very question --- what is the relevance of studying the past? How will it help me now, and more importantly, how will it help me land a job after graduation?
Read this very important and informative essay from the American Historical Association (AHA).

The links below are hoped to give you a starting place to answer these questions. There are also a few goodies just for fun.
Job Opportunities for History Majors

Comic Relief

The Easiest Quiz You'll Ever Take

Important Quotes from History
I couldn't agree more! Photo taken in
Canon City, Colorado, Summer 2006
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