Coloured sketches. Yea. That'll do it.
Cheer up, Dude! For Christmas I got a scanner, and to celebrate, here's Angipie and Lucyfur spreading some Christmas joy! :)

Amber Taped titties!! ::hides::

Lucyfur sketch This one started as a doodle at school, then when I got home I decided to colour it.

Rattle Rattle Another sketch I did at Christmas, Gina wants to know what's in the box...

Pierce and Mallet All my characters own a weapon of some kind, here's Pierce with his large
wooden mallet.

Gina Sketch One of my personal favourites, here's a cute picture of Gina and a purse. NEW!

Monty Python Here's something. It's one of the Gumby's from Monty Python- one of the greatest shows in this side of the galaxy! "MY BRAIN HURTS!!!" XD  NEW!


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