About Me!
That's right!! On this page you will learn all about yours truly! Well, sorta.
Name: Leigh Anna Frostad

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Hair: Dirty blonde, with light blonde, and red high-lights.

Eyes: Brown

Citizenship: Canadian!

Birthdate: January 29, 1989

Fave. Colour: Black

Fave Food: Ribs!! *drools* And chicken
Fave Animal: Mouse (duh)

Fave. TV Shows: Red Green, Monty Python, The Simpsons, Spongebob Squarepants, Fairly Odd Parents, Mad TV, Hogan's Heroes, Gilligan's Island, Gumby!

Fave Movies: Dark Crystal, The Muppets, Ernist Goes to Jail, 8 Mile, The Green Mile, Dennis the Menace.

Likes: TV, Computers, Shopping, Video Games,
Food, Sleep, Drawing, TV Comedies, The Movies, Stuffed Animals, Peptmo Bismol- (You know, that pink medicene?)

Dislikes: Homework, Sports, Bugs, Bordom, Charlie Brown specials,
Butter, Ketchup, "Titanic",  Being Lonley,  When I'm surrounded by little kids, Mean people, 'Goody-Goody' people.

Music: I'm not picky, but I love Eminem, The Stranglers, Offspring.

Graduation photo- 2003. So long, grade 8!
My Furry Alter-Ego.
Here comes the discripted stuff. Now, I'm no good at discribing myself, so I have done a few of those "If you were a character from this show/movie you'd be..." So, here are my results! I hope it gives you more of an idea of what I'm like.
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