Q: Nifty site you got here! Can I join?
A: Of course! Just fill out the form on the Become a Godparent page and e-mail it to me.

Q: Do I have to be an FOP artist?
A: Yes, you do. The site was created for artwork.

Q: I have a friend who does some FOP art! Can I fill out the form for her as a suprise?
A: No.

Q: The mature art offends me.
A: I have a rating system. If you don't like mature artwork, then don't look at it.

Q: If I join, what do I get to do?
A: Well, your artwork will be posted up. Currently, that's all I have to offer. However, I may give other privilages in the future for members only. Like, maybe a message board, or I might give the site editing password so that the member can update thier art section, and type in the Updates stuff.

Q: Why was the site created?
A: To bring FOP artists in one place, and to have other FOP fans visit to look at artwork.

Q: Will you be putting up FOP related news? Like, toy info, or episode info?
A: No. This site is strictly artwork. But, FOP.net has excellent info.

Q: How do I contact members?
A: On the GodParents page, there is info on each artist, including thier e-mail address.
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