There are so many people that we hold dear to our hearts.  This is a page to help Reconize what angels you truely were to us during these trying times.  If you are just starting this journed you can email me by clicking on the picture to the left and each picture has a link to the where you can find information on those who helped us.   Thank you for everything, you will all always have a special place in my family's hearts.
How do you say thank you to so many good friends?  CAPPS is a wonderful support group that helped me to laugh through my tears and to cry through my worries.  So many prayers and well wishes were sent to us as the surgery date drew near.  Jen is the super mom who brought all of this together and one of my dear earth angels(as my friend Jeanne likes to say.)  Thank you is not enough but I guess it is a start.  I hope we have many more adventures together.
Don't face this alone check out CAPPS and craniosupport!
Plagio friends, where would I have been without you when Leigha's surgery was postponed.  We are just now starting on our adventure with the DOC Band but you were there when I needed a good laugh.  If it wasn't for your late night chats I might have been a very depressed person last March.  If you are needing any advice on plagio related topics the friends at plagiosupport is a wonderful place to start.
Dr. Jeffrey Colyer, Leigha's reconstructive surgeon and Dr. Gall, her Neurosurgeon took such great care of my daughter than I can't begin to say how thrilled I am in their expertise.  We walked into Children's Mercy May 1, 2001 scared and not real sure what was going to happen.  They not only set our minds at ease by explaining everything and making sure we were updated every hour,  but their compassion and love towards Leigha helped us trust she was in good hands.
  You both are truely miracle workers and I thank God everyday for leading us to such a wonderful team.
To the staff of Children's Mercy you made our stay in the hospital as comfortable as possible and I appreciate the care you took in helping my daughter down the road of recovery.  You meet your challenging job everyday with smiles and a helpful attitude.

Jeffrey Colyer, M.D.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Cliff Gall, M.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery
My family and friends
Many of you went out of your way to be with us either in person or in heart the day of surgery.  You're prayers helped for Leigha to come through as well as she did.  Thank you for offering a shoulder to lean on and to cry on. 
A special thank you to my Dad and Mom for being with us on the day of surgery, for offering some much needed advice, and for loving us all so much through all of this.  I love you and can not say "Thank You" enough.
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Dr. Colyer
We are so proud to call you our doctor and pray that you will keep safe everytime you venture to a third world country for your volunteer services.  You are a wonderful person with a huge heart.  You are admired by us for all the good you do for children
Dr. Colyer first American Civilian Physician to enter War Torn Iraq
Only Surgeon in Southern Rwonda during the Genocide
International Medical Corp. Volunteer
KU Med. Center Graduate and speaker
Email me:
[email protected]
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