The rest of the Outlaw family
My Husband
My husband's name is Murray but everybody calls him "Bo". He has been enlisted in the United States Army since June 1996. Currently he is an instructor for the NCO Academy. He has been a recruiter, done a tour in Iraq and has recently returned from a 1 year assignment in Korea. He currently holds the rank of Staff Sergeant. Our family is very proud of him and his accomplishments.

We have been married since September of 1998. Like I have supported him in his career,he has always been very supportive of my decision to become an FCC provider. He�s really always been supportive of any decision I have made about my career or life in general. When mission doesn�t keep him away you will see him as an active part of my program. The kids love it when he gets to join us for lunch & go on field trips with us.

We have two young sons who are the biggest blessings in our life.

Adam Parker
Our oldest son is Adam who was born August 26, 1999. He is our thoughtful child. He always wants to make people feel better with hugs. He will offer you his last piece of candy if he thinks you want it. He is also a very active child who enjoys many "typical" boy things: Spiderman, OU Football, NASCAR, dirt bikes (and trying tricks and jumps on his own bike), 4-wheelers, motorcycles and playing soccer rank high on his list of favorite activities. He is currently in first grade at Sullivan Village Elementary and loves it--well most days anyway!

Ashton Leigh
Our youngest son is Ashton and was born August 29, 2002. He is our little clown. He always keeps us laughing with his antics, you never know what he is going to come up with next. Ashton tries so hard to keep up with and be just like his big brother. In addition to liking many of the same activities as Adam he also enjoys Spongebob, watching movies, and reading/making up stories. He attends the morning session of Pre-K at Sullivan Village Elementary.

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