
Concurrent Programming in Java, Second Edition: Design Principles and Pattern
by Doug Lea

Simply a great book on concurrent programming in Java. This book and the class library the author provides are an awesome combination. While some of the information is Java specific, this book is much more about concurrent programming in general.
Java 2 Performance and Idiom Guide
by Craig Larman and Rhett Guthrie

Larman has done it again. While the idioms are Java specific, the concepts are appropriate for any language. Moreover, this book is great Java introduction for those of you who are experienced OO programmers and don't want to be told for the 100th time what polymorphism is. Wish I could give it 6 thumbs up!
Applying Uml and Patterns : An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
by Craig Larman

Craig Larman provides the reader with simple, easy-to-follow examples of UML and pattern application, with few deep theoretical or philisophical discussions of development process. This style offers the new user of UML a good guide to applied modeling concepts, without bogging he/she down in academic arguments. If you are going to buy a single book to learn UML, I highly recommend this one, as it goes beyond simply describing the notation, and illustrates its use through simple guidelines. Other books are necessary to fully understand the complexities of UML, patterns, and design process, but this one fills a huge gap for the beginner market.
Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, Grady Booch (Designer)
Obviously, this book is *the* most recognized reference work on software-related Design Patterns, and as such cannot be ignored. If you want to know about patterns, here is where to start.
The main asset of this book is in its trustworthiness and credibility - not such an easy thing to come by in computer books these days. I went through many if not most of the C++ examples in detail, and did not find a case where it didn't hold up, at least to the extent where it clarified what the point of the pattern was. The UML diagrams are also extremely helpful.
Practical Java Programming Language Guide
by Peter Hagger

This is a pretty good reference, providing a collection of 'praxes' on how to write better code. It covers issues of design, performance, concurrency, readability, and so on. Although not all this material is new to me, it is presented in a format that is easy to thumb through or to use as a reference when making design decisions. Not in the same category as Scott Meyer's "Effective C++".
Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis in Java
by Mark Allen Weiss

As at least one previous reviewer has stressed, this is _not_ a book for beginners. It is also not necessarily a book for users who simply want access to algorithm code (although the code is excellent, easy to read, and fully Java-aware). However, for the advanced user, it does an excellent job of living up to its title, particularly in its analysis of various algorithms (as opposed to simply describing those algorithms and printing the code for them). It crams a lot of thought into 542 pages, but be prepared to take it all in slowly. This is no "Algorithms for Dummies" book, but it is the best book I have seen for algorithm development in Java, and one of the best I've seen that discusses algorithms in general.
Java Enterprise in a Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference
by David Flanagan, Jim Farley, William Crawford, Kris Magnusson

This book is useful on two fronts: 1) to provide a clear, concise overview of current Enterprise Java technologies, and 2) in the tradition of other Nutshell books, to provide an excellent API reference to the relevant classes.
The XML Companion, Second Edition
by Neil Bradley

Professional XML
by Frank Boumphrey (Editor)

Implementing LDAP
by Mark Wilcox

Being new to LDAP, I found this book to be an invaluable to to get up to speed using LDAP via our Intranet. A nice balance between theory and implementation. Five thumbs up.
Understanding and Deploying Ldap Directory Services (MacMillan Network Architecture and Development Series)
by Tim Howes, Mark C. Smith, Gordon S. Good, Timothy A. Howes

If your looking for a reference on LDAP/Directory Services this book is the ticket. Well organized and packed full of information. A definite thumbs up.
Developing Java Enterprise Applications
by Stephen Asbury, Scott R. Weiner

This book is very solid and shouldn't be taken by beginners in Enterprise JAVA. This book covers a lot of topics in J2EE.
Enterprise JavaBeans
by Richard Monson-Haefel

Java Developer's Journal Editor's Choice Award
It is obvious that much editing went into this book. It is clear, concise, and contains few errors. Although it is 'short' compared to other technical tomes, it does not short-change the topic covered. I wish all technical books were of this quality.
This book provides an excellent overview to what Enterprise JavaBeans are and then goes into details on how to use them. If all you need is an high-level understanding of EJBs, chapters 1-3 are for you. If you will be developing EJBs read chapters 1-9.

You do need prior experience with Java and JDBC to get the most out of the examples. The provided diagrams are effective, I just would have liked seeing a few more at the point when new concepts are being presented.
Java Threads
by Scott Oaks, Henry Wong, Mike Loukides (Editor)

Great introduction to Java Threads!
Patterns in Java, Volume 1
by Mark Grand

A lot of defects, but still a valuable resource especially all the UML diagrams.
JAVA 2 Network Security
by Marco Pistoia, Duane F. Reller, Deepak Gupta, Milind Nagnur, Ashok Ramani

Supplied essential Java security and cryptography information. Introduced how and where the potential attack may happen and several techniques to avoid attack. Detailed information how to use Java signing tools (for Netscape Signing Object and Microsoft Authenticate Code)and security APIs.

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