++   blog   ++   photo blog   ++   love posts   ++

    [ 03.05.05|6.56PM ] - My New Blog Site!!


    Ei guys, I'd be moving my blogs to an actual blog site starting today.. If you wanna know everything that's happening to me everyday, just click on this link or copy the URL to your address bar.. You can also add this to your Favorites list so you won't forget the addy..
    That's it.. thanks!! C y'all there!!


    [ 03.04.05|10.55PM ] - Stop messing with my SHOUTBOX!!!!!


    Arghhh.. someone's been posting freaking nonsense on my shoutbox.. And little did he know that I can actually see the IP address that he's using.. And I damn know where it's coming from.. There's only one person who tried to access my site at that time that the message was posted and I know what company he's working for.. So whoever you are, I hope you're reading this.. It seems that you've been interested in my site anyways.. Just stop it, it doesn't help anyone at all... Aaaaaigghtt!!!!


    [ 02.25.05|7.39PM ] - A veRy pr0miSing dAy...


    Just finished checking my mail and to my delight I saw a reply from one of the companies that I recently applied in.. I am actually under consideration for the web designer position.. Man, that's the job I've been longing to be in since I graduated from college.. Finally, I have a chance to get out of the call center world.. Yey!!! I really hope this would be it.. I won't let this opportunity pass at any cost.. Now, I'd be busy this weekend polishing up my website portfolios.. Hahaha!!
    Hmm, what else happened today??? Well, I've won in the raffle in the office two days straight now.. The prize was actually just a jeans pass, which means I can come to work wearing casual clothes without being reprimanded.. At least, I'd be comfortable for 4 days.. Hehehe!!
    Oh well, that's just about it for today.. More news to come, just keep on checking my site... Au Revoir!!


    [ 02.21.05|5.47PM ] - Another ARGGHHHH day....


    Haay.. contrary to what I said in the last blog.. I didn't sign up for the job offer yet in TrendMicro.. Man, can you imagine.. I was scheduled for 330PM, but I arrived around 310 just to be early thinking it would just take a couple of minutes.. An hour and a half later, I'm still waiting in the reception area.. Then I approached the frontdesk and the girl told me that they're still preparing the contract.. Man, they should've finished that before they even called me up.. I work in customer service and I know the do's and dont's.. And you definitely should NOT make a person wait that loooongggggg..... So I walked out and headed to the elevator.. Arggggghhh!!!! What a day!!
    Was it a sign telling me there's better opportunity ahead?? Actually, I am kinda hesitant taking that job in Trend also 'coz it's gonna be calls again.. I'd rather deal with paperwork and deliverables if you ask me.. Too bad Sitel is still on freeze hiring.. I was thinking of applying there for an L2 or a Team Lead position.. The only good thing with Trend is that it's near my house and I heard that they're not strict with rules, like you can browse and IM and listen to MP3s even when you're working... Sigh..
    Guess I'd be stuck with West for a while then.. But I still won't deny the fact that I'm gonna be pissed off every payday.. Haay.... What a life..
    Oh by the way, just a sidenote.. My bet for Starstruck won.. Mike Tan was proclaimed the Male Ultimate Survivor last night in Araneta.. I really have good eyes for guys with potential.. Just like when I guessed Hero Angeles will win in the first batch of SCQ.. And Jon Jonsson winning the Manhunt's search for America's most gorgeous male model in StarWorld even before I checked their site..
    Well, that's it.. This post's not so long but it took almost 30mins finishing it up.. I was playing with my nephew Iori every chance I get.. I love making him smile and laugh.. Oh well... Till next blog...


    [ 02.19.05|5.35PM ] - ARGGGHHH!!!!!


    It's payday yesterday, I checked my ATM.. argghhhh.... I'VE HAD IT!!!!! I'm definitely signing up the job offer in TrendMicro on Monday... I really can't take it anymore!!!!! DAMN!!!!


    [ 02.14.05|10.03PM ] -   Valentines Day again.. sigh..


    It's that time of the year again.. You see couples in the malls, restaurants, in the streets.. There's flowers and chocolates everywhere.. Everything's red.. Even the friendster page is red.. Haay... Me?? Well there's just two places I've been in -- office & here at home.. As usual, i still don't have anyone to spend it with.. It's been 4 years since my last Feb 14... Honestly, it still feels nice to relive those moments with `CruelAngel.. Those valentines that I've had was actually not that perfect -- no flowers, no chocolates, and we were even having a fight that day.. But what made it all nice, was that we were with each other.. After all, that's what's important, right?? That you are with the most special person in your life... Awww...
    "I never wanna say goodbye, 'coz I never wanna see you cry.. I swear to you my love will remain.. And I swear it all over again and I, I'm never gonna treat you bad 'coz I never wanna see you sad, I swore to share your joy and your pain.. and I swear it all over again.."
    Cheesy huh??? Well, it just feels real good to reminisce... Good to know, everything's fine between us.. Believe it or not, we're friends.. Of course, not the chummy, buddy type, but we're okay and we keep in touch every now and then.. Would you believe we even went to the same office after college?? So, who says ex-lovers cannot be friends??? Nah... I know there were bad memories but there's much more good ones.. And those are the ones worth keeping and worth reminiscing..
    I know I will find my Prince Charming.. someday.. God knows who deserves my love.. I've grown so much since then, I've learned a lot from what happened before, and I became a better me.. And I'm happy.. Just enjoying life for what it is.. There's so much ahead and I'm not in a hurry.. I believe, someone's out there....
    Alright, alright, getting too dramatic over here... (Getting teary-eyed over here as well..) Well, i hope everyone had a good valentines this year.. single or not.. we must enjoy life.. that's for sure... Like what I always say -- "Life is too short to waste it on worries.. Enjoy life and make the most out of it.. Hakuna Matata!!"


    [ 02.05.05|9.56AM ]  - sAme oLd, sAme oLd,sAme oLd...


    Hiyee.. It's Saturday again, so I have time to update this one.. I'm home alone so I have the phone line to myself! (for the internet of course...) Same old same old in the office.. And got my pay yesterday.. Dang!! Tsk tsk tsk... Sigh!! (that's all I can say..)
    Just tried out for another company last night, submiited my resume on their website.. Hopefuli.. again, this one works.. At least this one's just in Eastwood again.. And I'm familiar with the work coz I've been there before..
    Can't really tell much that happened this week.. Oh, my other nephew's christening (Ethan) was held last wednesday.. It's an eat all you can party in Kamayan in Edsa.. went straight there from work.. and after that, spent the entire night figuring out how the p900 works.. I was supposed to transfer all the SMS and pic messages back to my cousin.. I thought, I broke it co'z I've been meddling with it for sometime and the stylus doesnt work anymore.. I never thought a phone reset would do the trick.. Hahaha..
    Well, well.. that's it.. Just a few stories to tell.. Au Revoir!!


    [ 01.31.05|7.36PM ]   - NetworKing?? duh...


    What a weekend... Friday, was on leave from work.. had my Exam in Trend Micro.. The IQ part was pretty easy, except I forgot what a cross section is... Hahaha! The technical exam was worse.. it's all about IP address and Linux.. good thing my friend already gave me a hint of what the exam would be so I was able to read through some things about it.. Still, I was not confident enough about the exam.. I don't know much about networking.. And I honestly don't want to have myself go crazy about it.. Hahaha!!
    Saturday was Baby Iori's Christening.. It's so tiring!! A lot of Kuya and Ging's friends came in as well as our relatives so the house is fully packed... And I actually got tired running up and down the stairs, serving food to all the guests.. Whew!! That same night, SCQ had its finals and just like I predicted, Erich won.. (wala lang.. =D)
    Sunday was actually boring, just stayed at home the whole day.. Was still pretty tired about the party.. And then this morning had my interview at Trend.. Man, that was way hard.. All the questions was about networking.. Dang.. as if I know something about it.. Hahaha.. I don't know, hopefully my charm did the work... We'll see in a week.. If ever I get a callback from them.. Meanwhile.. Bact to the same old routine in the office...
    That's it.. Bow!


    [ 01.27.05|9.17PM ]


    Ei guys.. sori i wasn't able to post this past few days.. I dunno, I feel very tired after a whole day's work in the office.. Man, you take in calls for 8 hours, deal with irate customers, and explain things over and over again.. who wouldn't right?? But, there's still one thing that I look forward to everyday.. You ask what?? It's actually who.. Hahaha.. Just got a new crush in the office.. He looks like "Martin" in "Lovers in Paris" that's why.. But he's only 20.. So young and fresh.. Hehehe!! =D
    Well, well.. what did happen this past week?? Sunday, we went to my grandma's house in Marikina to meet up my cousin Kuya Edwin who just flew in from Japan (I think..) He's a US Navy and he comes home once in a while.. Also, I got to meet his son, my new nephew, Ethan.. He's actually just a week older than Baby Iori..
    In the office, actually not much.. Same old, same old.. And there's still no news about the promotion.. Dang! I'm really not getting my hopes up for that anymore.. In fact, I'll be taking an exam tomorrow in Trend Micro.. Hopefully, I'd pass that as well so that I'll have a choice.. Where the grass is greener, I'm there.. =D
    Ok, that's it.. We'd be busy starting tomorrow.. It's Iori's christening on Saturday and it's gonna be here at our house, so all our relatives will be there plus my brother's friends..
    Aight, gotta go.. Keep it here!! =D


    [ 01.23.05|10.12AM ]


    Just woke up.. We'll be going to my Grandma's house in Marikina in a little while, it's my Tito Jojo's despedida and a welcome home party for my cousin Kuya Edwin..
    Got home this morning around 1:30AM from our reunion with the 1D Math pipol.. The guys present were Paul, Joenas, Chino (who is celebrating his 25th bday) and Francis.. The girls there were Cat, Kaye, Lette, Ann, Jen, Che, Jerosa, Merj, Teddy Gal, Criszel and Me.. We ate at Gerry's Grill then went inside Eastwood in Coffee Beanery and then settled in Cable Car..
    There we had fun reminiscing the funny memories that we had then.. The parties, the unforgettable moments, and just the joking-around-moments during our first year in college..
    Hopefully, there'll be a part two for this one.. That's it. gotta go now.. Still have to upload the pics from last night.. Check it out again in the Photo Blog link..


    [ 01.22.05|10.15AM ]


    Heller!!! Jus thought of posting another blog here.. It's Saturday morning and we just finished bathing baby Iori.. It's gonna be his christening next saturday so we are finishing up the plans for that..
    Yey! Mike Tan got in the Final Four of Starstruck.. I've been eating in Jollibee every break and lunch time in the office just so I can vote for him.. Hahaha.. At least, it paid off.. I'm gonna eat some more so he'll make it as the Ultimate Survivor.. Talk about a fan huh??
    That's it for now.. Oh by the way, I'll be having a reunion with the 1D/2D Math peeps later in Libis.. Jerosa planned it and it's nice to know that many of us are coming.. It's been a while since we saw each other.. We'll be having dinner and then whatever after that.. I'll just post here tomorrow the details of that.. Aight!


    [ 01.18.05|8.53PM ]


    Hiyee!! See.. Im keeping my promise of updating the blog regularly.. Well, good thing that there's things happening in my life which I am able to tell in here.. Unlike my life before which is soo routine..
    Alright, let's start the story about the Tagaytay Trip we had last Sunday.. It's sort of a get-together of the Llaneta clan while my Tito Jojo is still here.. He'll be leaving for DUbai again on the 27th.. We arrived there around 930 in the morning and had fun eating, horseback riding and sight-seeing.. It's actually not that cold there especially when we went up and around Picnic Grove.. Man, the sun is scorching hot then!!
    Afterwards, we went to Tagaytay Zoo coz the kids want to look at the animals there.. It's actually just a mini zoo but its pretty nice.. That was my first time to see a llama, a peacock up close, a reindeer and got to touch a python too.. I was a little excited also since I haven't been in a zoo for how many years now.. I think I was just around 6 or 7 when I last went to one..
    By the way, I took some pictures of our Trip.. Check it out on the Photo Blog Area..
    SO far, that's it.. No words yet regarding the promotion coz my supervisor said they're still interviewing some people for the position.. But what's this I heard that the client is already pulling out the acct from West?!?!? Well, let's see what happens... AU revoir!!


    [ 01.14.05|8.22PM ]


    Just when I thought, I'll be leaving West.. then came this morning.. I was just starting to pull up my tools in my pC, and had just logged in chat, when I got this query from one of our senior QAs.. then she told me, they'll pull me out from the floor and interview me.. Man! I wasn't expecting that.. wasn't even dressed to kill.. And to think, it was a panel interview with the senior QA, a supervisor and the operations manager.. Dang!!
    Anyway, it turned out fine.. They were actually nice to me unlike most of the interviews I know that they tend to intimidate you so you'd be uncomfortable.. This one was good, the questions were easy and I was confident in answering them..
    Ooops.. I'm still not getting my hopes up.. Until, I see the announcement that I'm one of the new QAs in the program... Who knows, like what I said in the previous blog.. This might not be where I belong..
    But of course, get real Man!! IM HOPING FOR THE BEST!!!
    I'll let you guys know what happens.. Promise!! Ciao for now!!


    [ 01.12.05|8.03PM ]


    Waaahh!! Just got my mind made up... Im gonna try out in another company.. Unfortunately, I've been in West for almost 8 months now and still nothing's happening to my career.. Now I'm starting to wonder if I made the right choice about leaving Etelecare before.. Hmm... Well, I don't think this is where I belong.. Don't worry, I'll let you know what's going on in my next set of blogs... Hehehe.. Sounds like a soap opera huh??
    Anyway, my weekend was okay.. The Wave 22 gimik did not push through though but its okay, at least I got to rest.. Sunday, we went to my grandpa's grave in Fort Bonifacio coz its his birthday, then afterwards we went to Metro Market Market just to stroll around.. Man, that mall is big! We didn't even get to go to the 3rd, 4th & 5th floor.. We got tired just roaming around the tiangge area but it was nice...
    So far, that's about it.. More updates next time.. Au Revoir! =D


    [ 01.07.05|7.09PM ]


    Whoa, that was 3 months since I last wrote in here huh?? Was I too busy or just lazy?? Hahaha, i think both... Just didn't have time to update this site.. Oh well, here it is.. Im pretty sure this post would be a little long cuz I'll be giving u the details of the special happenings during the past 3 months...
    OCTOBER -- We celebrated the 2nd year anniversary of Team Lincoln & Kennedy of Etel Matrix last Oct 22 in Eastwood.. We ate at Melange & Jack's Loft and I felt like we were one of the VIPs cuz we had our own little private area on both places.. Hopefully, the plans will push through for tomorrow night.. another get-together in Eastwood.. That's what I like about this barkada.. even if most of us are not in Etel anymore and we're on different companies already, we still find time to hang out... =)
    NOVEMBER: Our little angel was born last Nov 11.. Sebastian Iori Marquez Rogado.. That's my nephew.. My sister-in-law was able to give birth for just an hour.. Mind that!! And to think that Iori was about 8lbs. when he got out.. Whew! He's sooo cute!!! But I'm still a little afraid to hold him cuz I might crush him... Hehehe!! He's about 2months old now.. and really big.. =)
    DECEMBER: Of course, it's christmas time!!! Had spent a lot of time shopping and wrapping gifts.. Had dinner with my USTe friends last Dec 23 at Greenbelt, and though there were just few of us present, 'twas still nice catching up with what's going on with our lives and the others as well.. Then of course, we spent Christmas Eve in Cavite with the Rogado Clan.. also had fun playing with my niece Myxie who was so "bibbo".. The Christmas day we went to Marikina with the Llaneta clan this time.. This one's much nicer cuz we had our tradition of exchange gifts between the cousins and the families.. And of course, the last day of the year.. it's New Year's eve and as usual we spent it at home eating grapes as soon as the clock struck 12, and watched teh fireworks outside on the streets...
    So, everyone satisfied??? That's kinda long huh?? Well.. the New Year's just starting.. so hopefully there'd be more exciting happenings coming my way...
    Aight, that's it!! Till next post.. And I promise, I'll try to update this regularly... C yah!!


    [ 10.04.04|6.57PM ]


    Heller!!Am back.. just didn't have time to post during the weekend.. I was on a gimik.. It was Ann's bday treat, we ate at Trellis in Kalayaan then went to Red Box in Greenbelt, had fun in the videoke.. And boy watching in Absinth.. Even saw Cody Moreno, the younger brother of Troy.. Hehehe..
    Same old , same old in the office.. And it's too tiring since everyone in BB is on a dual split with windows dial-up as well.. No idle time anymore.. Waah.. Missed Oktoberfest last friday.. We're gonna see if I'd be able to go to one of them.. =P
    Short but sweet huh??? Till next post..


    [ 09.20.04|7.27PM ]


    Done!! I've uploaded all the webpages and pics for this new update.. Too bad, the photoblog link is not yet available 'coz my digicam's in the repair shop and I haven't taken any pics yet... Well, there's not much difference really from the last site, the links are the same but I thought of changing the colors 'coz my friends didn't like the black one.. Hmm, oh well.. Here's your request.. And I'll admit it's much nicer in the eyes..
    How's my life??? Well, my weekend's great.. Me and my college friends went out in Eastwood.. We ate dinner at Ebizu then we played some games in PowerStation.. Allen beat me and Ann in Daytona.. and Ann beat us in basketball.. Hahaha!! After that we met up with Cathy and had coffee in Gloria Jeans.. We had fun talking about our lives, our work, and most especially the lives of other people.. Even those in the other sections, we're sort of update on who's married and what-nots.. We ended talking around 2:30 but it's mainly because the coffee shop's already closing.. Hehehe...
    Well, that's it.. same old same old in the office...
    Till next tym!!


    [ 09.12.04|8:46PM ]


    Hey, almost done with the reconstructing the layout of my page again. This one's been taking me two weeks now to finish and I'm almost 85% done with it.. Still got some photos to take and edit, my digicam's still in for repair so I won't be able to finish up my photo blog just yet.. But so far, I've uploaded most of the images and webpages online so I'm pretty much all set..
    What's up with me? Well, same old, same old... Same routine.. But I had a new crush in the office.. unfortunately, a week later I found out he's already taken.. Dang!! There goes my lovelife again... Hahaha! Better luck next time, I think..
    So far, that's just about it.. Hopefully, I'll be out next saturday for my gimik with my college barkada... Oh by the way, UST Salinggawi won again in the UAAP Cheerdance competition.. Yehey!! And this week's episode of the Amazing Race will be the one in the Philippines... Can't wait to watch it.. I also found out that Jasmine & Camille from the American Idol will be having a concert here in October along with Erik Santos & Christian Bautista.. cool.. gotta have the tickets for that...
    That's it.. Gotta go.. Ciao!!


    [ 08.06.04|08:46AM ]


    Wow! It's been so long since I've posted in my blog huh?!? Wonderin' how I've been lately?? Well, am not doing anything here in the office 'cuz there's idle time so here goes, hopefully I'd be able to recall everything that had happened to me so I can post it up in here....
    Hmmm, it's my 8th week here in West and so far, so good.. My stats are good, my QAs are excellent (i had 5 scores of 100% already.. hehe!), nice TL, nice friends and people in the office. Unfortunately, no job postings yet for the PTL position so I'm still stuck as an agent.. Anyway, it's all good 'cuz am getting the hang of it already.. I can solve problems in 10mins or even less.. Whooopeee!! But still, there are some customers that we call "PASAWAY" which makes my call almost an hour long... Anyway, after a tiring day of work, I immediately go home to catch my daily shows on TV before I go to bed.. My TV routine?? "Mangarap Ka", "SCQ Reload", "ET Online" & "Will & Grace" or "Victim Undercover", after which I'm off to bed... Then same routine the next day.....
    Moving on... I haven't been to any gimiks anymore... Usually during weekends, I just stay home, eat and watch TV or DVDs.. Just bought some new flicks from Greenhills (50 first dates, confessions of a teenage drama queen, harry potter 3), and some new office clothes.. D'you know that it's like a freezer in our office.. Too damn cold!!!! Anyway, going back... I just prefer to stay home during weekends 'cuz I feel so stressed out during the week... Although I know that my work is not that tiring, I still feel so relieved everytime it's Friday 'cuz it's gonna be my OFF.... And besides, everytime I ask my friends if they wanna hang out, nobody answers... WAAH!!!
    Oh well... Good thing, there are good shows on cable nowadays that am still enjoying my stay at home during weekends... I watch MTV's "Pimp My Car" where they turn a junk car to an elegant and cool looking vehicle... There's "One Tree Hill" and "The O.C." on ETC channel, and there's "Joe Millionaire", "America's Next Top Model" and "Amazing Race 5" on Studio 23.. Lately, I've been liking this reality based shows already.. ..    
    Okay, just a few quick tidbits of info again...
    1. My sister-in law's living with us already during weekends which is one reason why am not able to use my bro's PC and surf the net as much as I wanted to..
    2. I miss Etel and all my friends there.. especially my papables.. (wahahaha!) There aren't much cute guys yet in West unlike in Etel where I think I had about 7 or 8 crushes all throughout my stay there.. There's Mr. Cologne Guy, Mr. Smiley Muscle Man, Mr. PAC Guy, Mr. LongHair Guy, and there's 3 more but it's a secret.. Bwahahaha... Here in West, I've seen one cute guy but he's still in training and I think he's for CS, damn!!!
    3. Im in love with K700i Sony Ericsson... It's such a cool phone, it's got a digital camera already, has an FM radio, an MP3 player, Video player anddd it's small.... Thing is, it still costs about 22thou and duh?!? I don't have that much money as of yet, I'm still trying to finish up all my bills in my credit card... Hahaha... Maybe by Christmas time, I'd get that new phone....
    Whew.. did u know that I was able to take in 6 calls while I was finishing up this blog.. It's nice that we have idle time.. Well, well.. Im done here... Till next blog.. Not quite sure when that will be though.. Hehehe... Ciao!!


    [ 06.27.04|06:34PM ]


    Better week in the office, more good calls.. more satisfied customers.. and I'm really getting the hang of it..
    Friday night, went out with some of my college friends for dinner at Giligan's in Glorietta 2.. There were just about 6 of us present: Jowel, Marc, Allen, Mon , Me & Malu.. 'Twas sort of a last minute gimik which is why some were not able to come..
    Saturday night, i was with my Etel wavemates in Eastwood for a get-together as per request of Renz.. Most of us were present; Rhona, Gail, Francis, Neo, Rowell, Renz, Toby, Jeff & his GF.. We ate dinner at Ebizu in City Walk 2 then went bowling at the 4th floor.. The game was fun especially the second part where it became a "pustahan" between the girls & Renz versus Rowell, Neo & Francis.. Of course, me myself thought 'twas unfair 'coz those three were good in bowling and me & the girls were just amateurs.. But then came the 10th round and we did win by 3 points, 295/292.. thanks to the last shot of Francis.. hehehe!! �
    And just a while ago, my niece celebrated her 7th birthday in The Palm Country Club in Alabang.. Man, the party's huge and big.. and it's just her 7th birthday huh?! What more when she turns 18..    
    Well, so far my week and weekends good coz i had the chance to relax after a whole week of tiring calls.. And I get to go gimmick which becomes the reason I updating my blog more often.. Till next weekend...


    [ 06.19.04|05:55PM ]


    Hey y'all.. It's been awhile huh?? Well, been busy with training and I'm often asleep during weekends that's why I didn't have time to update my blog.. Anyway, here.. I'll give you the up-to date happenings with me.. First off, it's been my first week on the floor and so far, it's okay.. Besides, I must admit I missed taking in calls but this one's different 'coz the issues are way different than those I had before.. And, its just my first week.. Let's hope everything works out for the rest of the coming days...
    Actually, I should be out on a gimmick at this very hour.. Unfortunately, me and my friends were not able to settle the scheds.. Waahh, there's a music festival in eastwood tonight and I'm sure its gonna be a blast... Oh well, I still had a taste of fun last Saturday when me and my wavemates in West celebrated our graduation from Training.. We went to Liyah's house and had a good time there.. Everybody was present but after breakfast came, some had to leave already so just a few was left for the drinking spree.. I myself had around 4 shots of tequila and when it was time for the beer, Im feeling a little tipsy already so I had to pass on that...
    Last sunday, my friend from Hs came home from states to stay here for about a month and we had dinner in Eastwood that night.. It was fun as well, since we were able to catch things up with each other along with the other TROPA.. Sadly, I needed to go home early coz I have an early shift the next day and it's my first day of work so I'm a little nervous.. Hopefully, we'd still have get-together again before he flies out again back to L.A...�    
    Well, so much for me.. Till next blog again... �


    [ 05.24.04|03:32PM ]


    Hi people!!What's up with me?? Well, just finished my Accent Training in West last Friday.. I'm officially a West Employee.. Hehehe.. The batch is good too, I've made new friends already and they're quite cool.. We'll start product training later.. My shift's at 730P-430A so I miss my tv routine.. Oh well, anything for the job.. I'm totally getting bankrupt, I need money.. Hahaha!
    Eniwei, just came home from Etel CC3/CC1 coz I finished the clearance form so that I can get my last paycheck.. Thing is, it'll be a month long process and I'd get the pay by June 24th.. Damn!! My bills are getting too big!! Hahaha.. By the way, i plan to apply for the supervisory position in West, hopefully I'd pass..
    So far that's it, not much really.. Went to visit my former teammates in CC3 last Monday and Friday an I saw my friends there and also "****".. Hehehe!! That's it.. Ciao!! Till next post!! �


    [ 05.05.04|10:21AM ]


    Hi y'all!! Wassup?? Guess what?!? Already have a new job.. Got hired from West yesterday and will start training on the 17th of this month.. Whoopeee!! Am not gonna be bummed anymore.. Damn, am so bored at home.. Same routine everyday: wake up, watch TV, turn on the PC, watch TV again, eat.. and it goes round and round.. Hmm, am running out of money as well..
    Eniwei, aside from my boring routine at home, i also have some pretty good stories to tell.. My brother's getting married on July and everyone's been busy preparing for everything.. Am gonna be a secondary sponsor which means am gonna wear a gown!! This is actually my first time to be in a wedding entourage, i missed being a flower girl when i was still little... Oh well, am the one who looked for the style of the gown so that i'd like wearing it.. Hehehe! And it's pretty!!
    Monday night, me and my highschool friends also had dinner at Eastwood city.. It's been a while since we last went out.. We celebrated Grace's graduation and we just spent the money that Lhianne sent for us.. She'll be coming home by June so there's gonna be a lot of night outs once she's here..     I also dropped by the office monday night to visit my former teammates.. I miss them already.. Actually, i miss the office and all my friends there and my friendster friend "****"! Hmmm... Well, that's it for now.. Not much happened really for the past weeks as you can tell.. Till next time!


    [ 04.20.04|11:12AM ]


    Haloooo!! Am still bummed at home.. Last night, I had a migraine and up until now I think I'm still feeling a little pain in my head.. And aside from that got a toothache as well, that's why I can't enjoy foods at the moment.. Waahh!!
    So, what's been happening to me in the last few weeks?? Been starting to look for work, got my final interview in "PS" last week but still have to wait for a call.. And yesterday, had an exam in "W" and I have an interview on Friday.. Hmm, well am running out of anda already so gotta have a job ASAP!! Har! Har! Har!
    Last Saturday, went out with my college barkada as my birthday treat.. We ate at Dencio's in Eastwood then went to Music 21 in Timog.. Had fun singing in videoke.. Went home around 4 already.. That's it for now, not much happened really since i'm bored at home.. Till next time!


    [ 04.09.04|5:25PM ]


    Hiyee!! Am bummed at home.. Officially resigned from Etel as of April 7, 2004.. Whew!!I'm done with them.. Oh well, gotta find a new job.. Hmm, actually I need to finish up all my clearances first, then, gonna go find the job..
    Did u guys know that I just turned 23??? Oh yeah, by the way thanks to those who greeted me.. Actually, only 20 people remembered my bday.. SOB!SOB! Everybody else forgot.. waaahhhh!!!! Eniweis, my bday's just fine.. didn't have a celebration 'coz it's Holy Week.. maybe by Sunday.. Ackshulli, me and my underground friends went to dinner in lieu of my bday too.. so 'twas fun also.. My treat for my college barkada will still be on the 17th so just hafta post what happened then.. Got a shirt and 2 blouses from my siblings and a pocketbook from my etel friends: Rhona & Neo.. Still waiting for some more gifts.. hahaha!!
    Basically, that's it for now.. Not much stories to tell since i've just been spending my time at home, watching TV, DVDs and eating.. Oh, i just found out that Camille Velasco got voted off American Idol.. Damn! I like her voice.. Oh well, hopefully Jasmine Trias will get through.. That's it.. Bye bye!!


    [ 03.30.04|3:52PM ]


    Whoa!New look huh?? Hehe, just thought of changing the layout of the main page again since I have so many things to add up in here.. And it's been a while since I posted in my blog here also so here goes..
    By the way, you'll get to see my recent gimik pictures here.. Last Friday, got to spend it with my team in the office.. We had our G.A. for March.. We ate at Super Bowl in Megastrip then headed over to play some bowling and then some arcade games.. Had to go home early coz I still haveto prepare for another trip the next day..
    Saturday.. E.K. trip with my college friends.. It was for Malu, Marc & Jaja's bday.. Too bad, there's only 7 of us along with Joel, Ann, Deni & me but still it was a blast.. The 4D theatre was fun.. We also tried the go kart ride.. Funny thing is, there was one time that i did a 360 degrees turn.. Hahaha!! Silly me!! Afterwards, we went to Dencio's in Tagaytay for dinner.. then we headed home.. This time, Joel was the carpool since he brought his REVO for our transportation.. I think I fell asleep during the trip on the way home and when I woke up, we're almost in my place already..
    Right now, I'm still enjoying my almost 4 days OFF.. Was not feeling well, in the last two days and its our week OFF this Tuesday and Wednesday.. Hmm, and guess what. I'll have my last week in Etel this week.. I just have until monday in the office.. Whew!! I now have time to rest.. but still, I'm gonna miss all my friends there.. Hmm.. well, that's it for now.. Hope y'all like the new look of this page.. Tata!


    [ 03.05.04|12:52PM ]


    Haluuuu!! It's Saturday again so, it's time for another post in here.. Well, same old same old in the office.. Actually, I just submitted my official resignation to my TL.. hmmm, to those who really knows me I suppose you already know why or I must've told you already... I still have until April 7 in Etel since I have to serve my 30-day grace period.. So, that's about it there..
    Then thursday after my shift, got to spend it with my 4D friends.. We had dinner at Greenbelt.. The ones present were Joel, Marc, Allen, Onin, Jaja, Deni, Ann, Luvlin, Raymund and Rai.. I think it was the first time that I've seen Rai since graduation.. Hehehe! We just ate at Krocodile Grille until almost 11 in the evening.. Deni became a carpool since he had to drop off Jaja in the office, Onin in the Bus Station in Buendia, Mon in Eastwood, Me in my house, then Ann & Allen.. Thanks again 'Drei!!
    Well, don't know how this weeks' going to be.. If there's another gimik waiting for me by Thursday or Friday.. Hahaha, let's just wait and see...
    Till next blog!!!


    [ 02.28.04|7:16PM ]


    Hey peeps!!! What a week!! Well, at least the end of my week that is.. Same 'ol routine in the office, didn't go on auto in last tuesday 'cuz i didn't have voice, as in totally no sound coming from my mouth.. i had a sore throat.. Eniwei..
    Thursday after the shift, got to spend it with my "underground" friends.. (you know who you are..) went bowling at megamall.. then Friday night, went on another gimik with my wave buddies this time.. We ate at Dencio's eastwood and then went to Bagaberde in Pasig afterwards.. Man, cool performers.. especially M.Y.M.P... The lead singer's damn good!! She actually belted out "Officially Missing You" by Tamia and "Emotions" by Destiny's Child.. Whoa! She's damn good.. Francis actually likes her a lot, he's the one who brought us there actually..
    So.. My gimik nights are back!!! Whoopeee!! I'll have another one next thursday with my college barkada this time.. Haven't seen them for so long.. And then, there's so many March birthday celebrants in my college and office friends which means MOOREEEE gimik!!! Yeheyyyy!! Man, I really need this night outs nowadays.. too stressed out at work!!! Calling all my friends!!! GIMIK NAMAN TYO JAN!!!
    Oh well, that's it for now.. Gotta sleep now, still have work tomorrow morning.. Ciao!!!


    [ 02.17.04|3:49PM ]


    Hey, I'm Back.. New look huh??? Haha, just thought of changing the main link.. Eniwei, i'm on my 3-day forced vacation.. Haha, got suspended from work because of my absence during the New Year.. 'Member I was given a cite form for that.. Well, I'm serving it right now..
    So, what's up with me?? Well, not much.. Same old, same old.. Yesterday, I was with my bro in LTO.. I finally got my Non-Pro driver's license.. which means I can actually drive now!! Whoopeeee!! Gotta have my car though.. My bro's still trying to get the cash ready.. I think the car'll be up in time for my birthday.. Hmmm,, GIMIK!!!
    Speaking of gimik, haven't gone to one since that last post on my blog.. My OFF's been moved to Fri/Sat so.. no time really.. Valentine's boring too, just stayed at home.. no date?!?! Sob! Sob! oh well, maybe next year... �
    Hmm, that's it for now..


    [ 01.30.04|3:07PM ]


    Hallow!! It's been a while since I posted my blog huh?! Well, just didn't have time to sit in front of the PC and do this.. Been busy sleeping.. Hahaha!! Got tired of my usual routine in the office.. Hmm... Aside from that, I'm still suffering from this toothache.. Didn't went to the dentist last Monday..
    So, how am i?? Well, right now not so good.. Know why?? We just got the new sked for next week in the office and DAMN!! Our team's OFF moved to Thurs/Fri.. which means no gimik nights for me anymore.. Waah!!! Too bad.. I'll miss going on saturday night gimiks at Eastwood.. My last one was last Tuesday with my cousins.. Imagine, I came from work, met up with my cousin Kaye at Glorietta, rested for a couple of hours at home watching Sponge Bob Square Pants, took a shower then went straight to Ipanema...
    'Twas fun.. it was the very first time that we went out in a real gimik.. without our parents.. Hahaha!! It was also my Kuya Edwin's treat since he just got back home from Japan where he's working as a U.S Navy.. We ate and drink there while listening to a live acoustic band.. Two of my cousins got so drunk coz we had 2 bottles of tequilla on the table which we had to finish.. I just had 3 since I still have to go to work the next day.. I also saw 3 of my office mates there.. 2 in Ipanema, and one just in Eastwood.. �
    Well, so far that's the end of my gimik diaries.. I'm not sure when the next one will be.. hopefully soon, so I can dish out some more stories here.. That's all for now..


    [ 01.18.04|6:02PM ]


    I'ts Sunday once again, day-off for me.. Whew!! The past week wasn't good 'coz I had severe toothache and I was absent from work twice this week.. Sob!Sob! I'll undergo tooth extraction tomorrow.. Waah!!! That's scary.. Oh well, I'll take it instead of having damn pain in my teeth.. Hehehe!!
    Eniwei, got home around 4AM this morning from gimik.. It was Deni's bday last night and he treated us to dinner at Dencio's in Eastwood.. The ones present are: Deni (of course!), Jaja, Cathy, Ann, Trisha with her bf Leo, Raymund, Jowel, Allen, Allan, Luvlin, Ron, Rad and Eric.. It was fun, besides we haven't been in one gimik together in a long time..
    Afterwards, Eric, Rad, Luv & Ron went ahead coz they needed to go to Mumba (I think!) to meet up with Rad's gf.. Me & the rest went to Greenbelt to watch "Kill Bill".. Damn good movie!! Bloody hell but damn good!! We also saw Moichi along with some friends after and went for coffee in Starbucks.. And then we headed for home.. By the way, I'll be posting the pics from last night in the Gallery sometime next week but you can view it in http://photos.yahoo.com/leihlah...
    Nice!! It feels good that I get to spend my off with my friends.. Stress-reliever!! Last saturday I was with my office friends in eastwood too, and last night I was with my college friends.. Hmm, I wonder where I'll be next saturday.. Well, just wait for my story.. Tata!!


    [ 01.10.04|4:31PM ]


   I'm back at work after almost a week of leave.. "Sarap ng buhay noh??" Well, it was actually fun since I spent my leave learning how to drive.. And I did.. Nice!! I just gotta have my car then, and I'm all set.. Hehe, not quite sure when that'll be.. Anyway, at least I know how to drive and I'll be getting my license soon.. I'm almost good to go..
    So, how was my week?? Well, my aunt from California came home last tuesday and I got a few pasalubong from her.. a cd case, a Victoria's Secret perfume, a shoes.. hmm, and I think some chocolate which I won't be able to enjoy since I'm not eating much these days due to my toothache.. Damn! Would you believe I got plenty of chocolates as gifts last Christmas?? And yesterday, I received another chocolate as a post-Christmas gift.. Whew!!
    Eniwei, went back in the office and fortunately it was all good calls a while ago.. I even got two very satisfied customers who I then transferred to the CSS.. On the other hand, I got a cite form for being half-day last Jan 1 and being absent on the 3rd.. I just have to explain the reason why.. Well, it was new year's eve so I spent it with my family and I didn't get much sleep afterwards.. then I'd have to report for work 2 hours after??? Hmm...
    Oh, well.. I'm on off again! Haha.. I just worked for a day and it's my day-off again.. What a life!! Till then!!


    [ 01.07.04|8:43PM ]


    Finally, I've finished this site update again after hmmm, 2 days.. Hahaha! It's just that once I set my mind in doing something like this one, I'd like to finish it up as soon as possible.. So here it is, it's done!! I actually finished this 8:34PM after scanning tons of pics for the gallery..
    Eniwei, how's my day?? Well, it was my 2nd day of driving lessons and it was pretty okay not like yesterday.. I think the engine died on me around 7 times, hahaha! A while ago, I was able to narrow it down to 3.. Practice makes perfect, right?? Well, I was actually better now.. My instructor told me I easily learned the basics and I'm doing a hell of a good job.. Nice!! Can't wait to really drive my own car and go to gimiks with my friends.. That's really what I plan to do once I get my driver's license (Non-Pro) on the 15th and of course, once we already have another car..
    I was suppose to go to the office to visit my teammates but it was raining early morning.. I'm still on leave till Friday so I thought I'll just go tomorrow since my driving sched won't start till 4 in the afternoon.. I'll have time to go to Makati and see my friends there, check my outlook (It must be closed already, full of spam!!).. I'm not gonna go auto-in!!!
    Well, that's it for now, Hope you'll enjoy my site and till my next blog!!

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