.main.       .about me.       .just surveys.       .one interview.       .my animals.       .check music.       .see pictures.       .leave here.

   April 15... It's somewhat crazy how apathetic I am about this entire website. But now that I am in a lot of trouble at home, I will be very bored, and will be spending more time on this (maybe). I have many projects that I have stopped working on, and this Spring Break is the time to get going with them. Check out the new additions: a picture section, updated about me section, worked on the links some more, and there are pictures of some animals in the animal section. Much love, Jess.

   February 4... I made the linkey part look a little more how I like it. I feel lame but I do like how it looks. I am in the middle of renovating the links section. If you have a website please guestbook it, and I'll add you. Haha I almost said ass you. I've so gotta go to class though... but I have the night off! Expect more updats, yous guys.

   January 18... I actually weeded the links section and added a couple of links. I can hardly wait until I can scan those pictures a place them up. Maybe even some pictures of me although I think I look horrible in pictures. For you Jesus people, if I offended you with that index picture... oh well. It's a great picture gotten off of ooze.com. Joshua Seth Palmer new and improved (or rather... just new...) in surveys. Enjoy!

   January 10... I kidna sorta a little bit revamped the style. I'll be going around changing colors later probably. I'll be adding a page devoted to the animals. "Which animals?", you might ask (but I know you won't really). Well, the ones I like. Like Starfish! So there. When my birthday hits I plan on being able to pay for this site too (credit cards, yay!) so it'll just be leikotha.com then and I'm really looking forward to that. If for any reason you WANT to be subject to surveys or interviews lemme know. Also,

238, Portside Drive, and Bellador @ Bedlam's
February 14 (Valentine's Day!) $6, 7:00
Be there.

   January 6... I think today I might try to work on the links section mostly, getting out the dead ones and adding just a couple. Nothing too special... just getting it a little up to date. If you want me to add a particular page, pop it in my guestbook. Thanks!

   January 5 2003... I am incredibly excited about working on my website again and once again experiencing the glamour in being the Gulf Coast's Lonliest Person of the Year. Ahh the beauty of it all! If you read this, give me a mention of what you think I should do: Archive everything and kinda start over, or build on what I already have? I've missed this so much anyway. Hehe.. see ya.

news from the past, wanna take a peek?

What good memories...

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