Fanart Contest
Do you have fanart? Do you have confidence in your skills? Then you can enter the Fanart Contest. This competition pits fanartists against each other over a period of 2-4 weeks (depending on participation). If you do wish to compete be sure to follow the rules listed on this page (Click here) Whoever wins gets a fabulous award to display on their site and an extra mystery prize. Also, the art will displayed on the homepage for a week following the contest and put in the hall of fame. So why are you staring at the monitor? Go and draw your fingers off! <.< Oh yeah, don't forget to send your stuff to me using the link on the homepage or my e-mail address right here: [email protected] . Good luck fanartists...
The Next Fanart Contest Will Begin At...
And end at...
This 2-4 Week Entries..
N/A at the moment...
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