In the year 2029, the lines between real and virtual become ever blurrier as people enhance their bodies with cybernetic implants, while robots and computers come dangerously close to simulating human minds. When this fragile balance goes haywire, it's up to Major Motoko Kusanagi and the elite Section 9 police to step in. The government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on Section 9 when a hacker known as "The Puppet Master" starts ghost-hacking the brains of people connected to the Ministry. Like an extremely advanced form of identity theft, ghost-hacking involves altering the very memories ("ghosts") of humans whose brains are wired into the global network. Accompanied by Section 9 operatives Batou, Togusa, and Ishikawa, Major Kusanagi must uncover the identity of the Puppet Master�and come to terms with her own identity as a cyborg.
Ghost in the Shell Movies
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Following the events of the first Ghost in the Shell movie, Major Motoko Kusanagi has since left her physical body and is now a "ghost" living in the network. This leaves Batou as the top officer at Section 9, the special task force assigned to matters of human/machine relations. Batou's latest assignment is to investigate the recent string of suicide-murders perpetrated by a certain brand of "gynoids," androids designed to look like women. Together with officer Togusa (one of the last few people who hasn't had his body fitted with cybernetic parts), Batou tracks down the cause of the wayward gynoids�all the while pondering and discussing the hazy realms where machines become dangerously close to human, and humans become dangerously close to machines.
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