Help for Fanfic Writers
So you say your stuck right in the middle of your fanfic and can't seem to get past the boulder blocking you? You, my friend have Writers block, but don't worry it's not a disease! Writer's block in one of those nasty parts of the creative writng process. I'm here to build your mental muscles to lift that block and throw it out the window!

Step 1: Clear your mind of your story so far. Pretend  your starting all over again (just not in diapers!)

Step 2: Lie down somewhere and relax (do not watch television...yet.) Drink something cold (I prefer water or pop, something healthy).

Step 3: After resting your brain you may now watch t.v. or think about what you about last night or today. Try to get some ideas from these activities.

Step 4: Once you have some ideas from television and dreams get back on the computer, but before you do take a deep breath and to 10. Now begin!

You may still have some problems, so look at other peoples stuff. Ask yourself, "Should my fanfic be like this?" or "What mistakes did this person make that I shouldn't?" Remember everyone has the ability to write some have it stronger, some have it weaker. Just keep pushing yourself and you will succeed.

-Leiko Suzuka
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