Is this love weak?
I awake at morning,
And first thing I see,
Is your kind touching face,
So caring and free,
I talk to you and you talk to me,
It seems we are best friends, but
That�s not how I want it to be.
I want to hold your hand,
I want to kiss your tender cheek,
It seems to me that you and I are meant for each other,
Do you think this love is weak?
By: Leiko Suzuka //^_^//    06-24-02

For the hour
When I sleep,
You appear,
With your golden hair,
And ocean eyes,
But you were only there for the hour.
Why do you leave me?
Your image still lingers,
In my mind,
You told me your name,
I felt I knew you,
All my life,
But you were only there for the hour.
You told me you love me,
But how can that be true?
When you only stayed in my mind,
For the hour.
I wanted you to hold me,
To kiss me,
But you didn�t have enough time,
Because you were only there for the hour.
Tonight when I sleep,
I hope to see you,
And tell you my name,
And maybe you�ll stay,
More than an hour.
By: Leiko Suzuka //^_^//   08-05-02

Domone's Sorrow
You're gone,
you've left me,
Why did you disappear?
I don't understand,
it's wasn't your fault,
that this happened.
Why did you take,
the weight of the world,
on your shoulders?
I miss you,
your touching smile,
your loving eyes,
every part of me,
misses you.
Will I ever see you again?
(Date Unknown) By: Leiko Suzuka //^_^//

To Be with You
Why am I always alone?
I love someone, but
They don't love me.
What am I to do?
To be with you.
Cut off my arm?
Break my leg?
If so I would,
To be with you.
Is it fate that I never love?
Is it destiny to be lonely?
Was it just luck that I met you?
I'd forget fate. destiny, and luck,
To be with you.
And so I ask these things,
In return for love or pity,
And yet,
There's no way,
To be with you.
By: Leiko Suzuka //^_^//   09-10-02
My dream
This is my dream,
to become the,
the strongest,
the elite.
I will not allow anyone or anything,
to stand in the way,
of my dream.
Even if I have to,
go to the ends of the earth,
I will never give up.
If you get,
between me,
and destiny,
I shall destroy you.
So who,
wants to bring it on?
And just try to destroy my dream.
By: Leiko Suzuka //^_^// 10-11-02

I Drew It
I drew it,
I drew this,
This scribble, no this masterpiece is mine.
These lines my hand made,
This expression was in my mind,
I created it,
This is my child,
I drew it.
I brought it to life,
It's my beautiful frankenstein,
Before it was just a piece of paper,
but now it's more than that,
because I drew it.
Other people draw good as well,
some even better,
but my work is important,
because I drew it.
By: Leiko Suzuka //^_^// 09-10-02

Can�t Wait For Christmas

I�m tired of waiting,
I want my presents now,
I just,
Can�t wait for Christmas.

Decorations everywhere,
Think blankets of white,
Can�t wait for Christmas,

Enemies become,
Best of friends,
I wish it would never end,
Can�t wait for Christmas.

-Leiko Suzuka 12/17/02 //^_^//
The Hospital
I sit here in the hospital,
A place of birth and death,
Smelly rubbing alcohol halls,
And everything�s quiet,
I glance around me at faces,
In the waiting room, filled with sorrow, relief,
And worry.
Some people cry, laugh,
But I just sit motionless,
With a blank face.
People drinking coffee,
Watching the clocks,
Couples like my parents
Holding hands,
All was quiet,
In the hospital.
By: Leiko Suzuka //^_^// 06-24-02

Here I am,
Alone I am,
Darkness looms overhead,
And I can�t feel the ground,
Beneath my feet.

I�m in a crowd,
But I can only hear,
My own voice.

Where are you?
I can�t find you,
I can�t hear your voice,
Just mine.

Come find me,
And I won�t be,

-Leiko Suzuka 12/10/02 //^_^//

The World is so Messed Up
The world is in,
And to put it simple,
It�s so messed up.

-Leiko Suzuka 04/22/03 //^_^//

Me, the Invisible Girl
I wanted to be invisible,
Unseen & unknown,
I wanted to disappear,
And never be,
Seen again.

I�m the invisible girl,
I�m not really here,
I�m a figment of imagination,
Your look goes right through me.

I stand,
And no one looks,
I scream inside,
And no one hears.

My heart is cold,
Like my eyes,
And I don�t,
Know what�s wrong with me at all.

The world didn�t stop,
When I disappeared,
But I never expected such.

People live,
And plants grow,
But not I,
I never change.

Why am I invisible?
Because I chose to be.

-Leiko Suzuka 05/08/03 //^_^//

Dark Corners
Dark corners,
where's the light,
I can't see.

Dark corners,
I'm surrounded by,
making it hard for me to fly,
out of the hole.

Dark corners,
I can't breath,
struggling to find,
what I can't see.

Dark corners,
inside of me.

-Leiko Suzuka 09/17/03

Be Happy with Him
All i want is your pure happiness
If you want him
You should be with him
I'll be alone
And try to enjoy it somehow

I will take my mask
My torn heart
Watch in silence
As my best companion
The boy i adore
Join in glee

No one is left for me
I am truly abandoned
In this melicious world
with few comrades

Maybe someday
I will be accompanied
With an idividual
Who will accept me
In a way only
Love can explain
Maybe my view is swarming
Too much
With my own thoughts
To see my true aspiration
-Leiko Suzuka (date unknown)

Self Lies
I'll never be in love again
A lie
I couldn't stand another blow to my heart
A lie
No one will ever love me
A lie
I'm just not loveable
Or are they?
Leiko Suzuka 11/03/03
One day my brother saw a light,
I told him to run toward it,
And it caused him a fright,
Because that light you see,
Was none other than me,
Holding a bug zapper!!!
Hee, hee.

I had a booger,
It tasted like sugar,
Now my booger is gone,
So I wrote a song,
About my booger and my nose,
That looks like a hose.
That�s how my story goes.

�Dance like a kitty�
I told my brother one day,
He did what I said,
Without a moments delay,
He scared all the neighbors,
He frightened the rats,
He even scared my friends cats,
After the little fiasco,
I poured some Tabasco,
On his tongue,
And watched as the whole little event,
Became evident,
In my backyard.
Oh look a credit card!!

I told all my friends,
About my sister,
And how she says,
She�s a good kisser,
Boys showed up @ my door,
Saying they wanted more,
Of what she could give them,
Turned out she wasn�t kissing,
She was selling what they were missing,
Of Hershey kisses and sweets,
And other treats.
Now I have to fix the leaks,
In their hearts.

My brother is so krazy,
But ever so lazy,
He lies on the couch,
And becomes such a slouch,
When he finally gets some sugar in him,
I just want to shoot him in the dim,
So he gets off the walls,
And doesn�t interrupt my calls,
I love my dear brother,
Of course I do,
I just wish he�d flush his poo.
I know u�d want him to!

I have a friend,
Named Kelsey,
She�s there to the end,
She cheers up my day,
And never forgets to repay,
Kindness that is given to her,
Now that I�m done with the compliments,
These poems don�t make any sense,
So this one sticks out,
And makes me want to shout,
�Be silly you stupid poem!�
While I�m at home.
All alone�

My friends are all cuckoo,
They try to give my emotional boo-boos,
Luckily some of them carry Band-Aids,
And they know first aid,
We have a fun time,
Sharing our rhymes,
And poems,
They�re very persuasive,
And they all give,
But this is not often,
And I�d like to soften,
How I make,
This poem,
For their sakes,
And mine.
Yes, I am too kind.

PuRpLe EmU�s
Purple emu�s,
Roam my head,
While I lie here in bed,
Pink Rhino�s,
Jump and fly,
This is what I spy,
Green spider monkies,
Skip through flowers,
Millions of them shower,
From the sky,
Why am I having such weird insanities?
I wonder why,
Maybe it�s because,
I�ve been in this white room,
Since I was 5.
I feel soo alive!!

I love salads,
And veggies,
I even wrote a ballad,
To celebrate,
And corememorate,
My vegetarian side,
I still eat meat,
And exclude organic food,
Because sugar is sweet,
And all I want is,
Beef, beef, beef,
Cows rn�t sacred,
In my land of connivers,
Neither r piggies,
Because they r so jiggy,
When they go to my tummy,
And they r so very yummy!!
I also like gummy�

I have ferrets,
Instead of parrots,
She & he,
R so frisky,
They love to play & skip,
And bite the tip,
Of my toes,
They are so fuzzy,
And make me feel all cuddly,
They make me giggle,
By the way they wiggle,
Across my floor.
Oh no!
Lana ran into the door!!

She stole my hat,
She won�t give it back,
So I grabbed it,
While she was distracted,
By my funny face,
Now my hat is on my head,
But when I was in bed,
I discovered,
My hat,
Was filled with worms,
How could such a thing,
Happen to me?
Now I am a giant bird feed.
I think she agrees�

Pickles r good,
Pickles r food,
What could be so wrong about pickles?
They�re sweet and sour,
Good by the hour,
I love pickles,
Why don�t u?
Crunchy and chewy,
I want to have twoey,
Maybe I just can�t see,
What�s wrong with me,
But I guess we could start,
With pickles,
I eat them by the dozens,
Just like my cousins,
In outer space.
I�m a nut case.

Pretty colors,
Dance in my mind,
Weird hallucinations,
Of all sorts of kinds,
Maybe I sat here too long,
Looking at the sky,
Now I�m singing a song,
I don�t even know why,
I should have my own show,
At least I think I should,
Why r there limits,
Why r there rules,
Why r there gimmicks,
And why r there tools,
The void is so large,
For one person can explore,
I wish I were in charge,
But everyone would implore,
Why I destroyed the planet,
While lying in my hammock.

When I saw the zoo,
I wondered why I wasn�t there too,
I am wild,
I am no longer a child,
But a teenager,
A krazy looney teenager,
Watch out all strangers,
If I was in the zoo,
I�d act like I normally do,
Wild & free,
I�d swing with the chimpanzees,
Groom the other monkeys,
Eat bananas,
Build a cabana,
And live out the rest of my days,
I asked my parents,
To send me to the zoo,
But to my surprise,
They refused,
If they love me that much,
I will stay,
Even though,
I really wanted to live that way,
I guess it�s like they say,
�Can�t have ur cake and eat it 2�
But I sure can do that too!!
I went to school,
Expecting a perfect day,
But when I got home,
I wanted to say,
�Kill them all those bullies!!�
But what I did was watched TV,
And tried to forget about those bullies,
But the more I tried,
The more I cried.
It�s not fun to be teased,
Sitting all alone,
Wishing I was home,
When all my friends are right there with me.
They would say things like,
�You�re ugly,� and, �go away.�
And I wished that I would fly far from there�
Away from those bullies,
Away from everything,
Because what are bullies,
If they have no one to tease,
By: Leiko Suzuka  06-26-02

Pure Digust
You make me sick,
I can't even listen to you,
you're pewtrede waste,
and you know it.

Why do insist on doing,
the disgusting things you do?

I dispise you,
you steal from me,
you stab me in the back,
you take control of me,
and yet-yet,
I pity you.

For your unfilled dreams,
your broken hope,
love that was never there for you,
I pity you.

-Leiko Suzuka 9/17/03
Bolting, striking,
Lightning�s everywhere.

A flash of light,
In the dark,
Lightning�s everywhere.

Coming from heaven,
Striking the earth,
Causing ripples,
On the sea,
Lightning�s everywhere.

So the next time you see lightning,
Lightning�s everywhere.

-Leiko Suzuka 12/10/02 //^_^//

The Tree
I�ve seen birth,
And I�ve seen death,
I�ve seen love,
And I�ve seen hate.

Sit under me,
And I�ll give you shade,
Make a nest in my branches,
And I�ll give you protection,
Sleep in my holes,
And I�ll give you rest.

Chop me down,
And I die.

I have nothing left,
To give once you do that.

-Leiko Suzuka  04/25/03 //^_^//

Summer Breeze
The summer breeze passes my way,
I wish I could see it to my dismay.

-Leiko Suzuka 08/11/03

Winter's Breath
A winter's breath is short, like my attention span...

-Leiko Suzuka 09/17/03

My sister
I have a sister,
Who is kind, sweet,
And gentle.
We are best friends,
My sister and I.
But, the thing about my sister that is different,
Is that she is younger than me,
Yet in ways I can�t explain,
I look up to her.
Her courageous spirit, her determination,
I wish I had these things,
And yet she says she looks up to me,
Which is more amazing.
When I am sad,
My sister comforts me,
Sometimes it�s as if she�s older than me,
I love my sister,
And she loves me.
Like I said at the beginning,
I have a sister,
And we are best friends�forever.
By: Leiko Suzuka //^_^// 06-26-02

When I Hear the Beat
When I hear the beat,
I start to move,
To a rhythm I can't defeat.

I smile,
I sing,
I sing like the wind,
I sing like a bird,
And I sing with my heart.

I bounce up and down,
Twist all around,
Till I can't see straight,
When I hear the beat,
I can't stop.

-Leiko Suzuka 05/07/03 //^_^//
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