Site History & Credits
Site History
In the summer of 2002 a young girl named, "Pikagirl" aka me, received a e-mail from a boy named, "Maximo." He wanted her help on his website and so the young girl accepted the request. The girl did a very good job on the website called,"Pichusite," and so Maximo gave her the site. Awhile passed and Pikagirl's website became popular, she renamed it, received a request from Maximo again, he wanted to work with her again, which gave her the idea to make a whole new site and called it, "Pikagirl's Universe," with the same url and more space and create different domains for different animes!! Then she began again in the winter of 2002. Yet, because of the Pokemon involved in her website, and her constant lag to update the website fell into despair. Pikagirl changed her name to Leiko Suzuka, the true her and began once more. This website would be the true her the true soul. She worked hard and moved the site. Now once more it begins with a new site name, "Leiko's Anime Realm."
Here's the section that dedicates people who helped me make my own website and incouraged me and never let me loose hope...

My sister Elie, my Tousan and Kaasan, Maximo, who gave me my first site; Dougy who was my first guest and my 1000th guest as well, my friends at school, and Geocities.
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