Tenchi, It�s a love thing.
(I based Kurai on myself so this
is my fantasy of being a character in the Tenchi world).
I am Kurai I am the protector of Jurai and it�s people. I am being sent to earth to protect a certain human of royal blood from harm of something, I am not sure what, but I will find out.
Kurai: What a lovely day in space. Huh?
Computer: Warning, warning. Ship will crash in approximately t-minus 10 seconds.
Kurai: Oh, no.
On earth�
Tenchi: Time to go to school.
Ryoko: Have a good time Tenchi.
There is suddenly a roaring sound above Tenchi�s head.
Tenchi looks above him.
Tenchi: What a spacecraft? Where did that come from?
Oh, no it�s heading towards the shrine!
Tenchi starts running towards the Masaki shrine.
Ryoko: Wait for me Tenchi!
The spacecraft crashes and there is rumbling.
At the Masaki home�
Aeka: Aaah!
Sasami: Aah!
Washu: Strange the earth shouldn�t shake this much unless�
Mahoshi: Kiyone there�s something wrong on Earth!
Kiyone: Your right! Hurry we must get there fast!
Tenchi makes it to the shrine only to find out its 3 feet away from it near the stream.
Tenchi: Grandpa!
Grandpa: Tenchi what�s wrong?
Tenchi: Where did that spacecraft land?
Grandpa: Over there.
Grandpa points to the woods.
Tenchi: Thanks Grandpa.
Grandpa: Be careful Tenchi.
Near crashing point�
Kurai lays helpless on the ground in an outfit with a blue Japanese shirt and a green long sleeve shirt under it. Her pants are red and her shoes are like Ryoko�s except gold with blue jewels. And she seems like 16 years old or younger with really light blue hair.
Tenchi: Well, the trees are knocked over but the ship�s in tact.
Ryoko: Hey Tenchi there�s someone over here.
Tenchi walks over and sees Kurai on ground.
Tenchi: She looks unconscious let�s bring her to the house.
Ryoko: You sure you can carry her Tenchi?
Tenchi: Don�t worry about me Ryoko. I can do it.
Sasami: That was sure exciting. Aeka are you o.k?
Aeka: Yes Sasami I�m fine. But, I wonder what happened?
Sasami: Maybe Mahoshi and Kiyone crashed again.
Aeka: They never make the ground shake though.
Sasami: You�re right.
Mahoshi and Kiyone dash in through the door.
Kiyone: We came here as soon as we could.
Mahoshi: What happened is everyone o.k?
Aeka: Yes we�re fine Mahoshi, but I�m not exactly sure what happened.
Sasami: I know, let�s ask Washu.
Aeka: That�s a good idea Sasami.
A couple minutes later in Washu�s lab�
Washu: Careful now�
Mahoshi: Washu!
Explosion in Washu�s lab. Washu is burnt.
Washu: Now look what you�ve done! I was on the breakpoint of creating a chemical that could take over a person�s mind and you ruined it!
Aeka: We�re very sorry Mrs.Washu, but we came here to ask you about the shaking that�s been going on.
Washu: Oh that. I thought that was one of my experiments. Well, let me see. If I take the sound waves and play them over again from the computers memory bank than we should get�
Mahoshi: Get what? What are we supposed to get?
Washu: This.
The sound played.
Kiyone: That sounds like a spacecraft engine.
Washu: Exactly.
There�s a knock on the door.
Aeka: Who could that be?
Sasami: Let�s go see.
Everyone went to the door.
Tenchi: Open up!
Sasami: It�s Tenchi!
Sasami opens door and everyone sees Kurai.
Tenchi: We found her by the spacecraft near the shrine.
Washu: She looks injured why don�t you bring her in?
Tenchi and Ryoko came in and put Kurai on the couch.
Aeka: Tenchi, who is this girl?
Tenchi: I�m not sure.
Kiyone: What are you doing Washu?
Washu: I�m checking her life force. I can keep track of her heartbeat this way to know if she�s still alive.
Noboyuki: What�s all the ruches about? Oh, my. Tenchi is there something I need to know?
Tenchi: This girl is from outer space and she crash-landed on our planet.
Noboyuki: I see. Is she still alive?
Washu: Yes I believe so.
Ryoko: Wow. That�s amazing.
Washu: Yes it is. Especially since most of her bones are bruised and broken.
Tenchi: Is she human or something else?
Washu: Her body structure is very amazing it�s like Ryoko�s and Aeka�s put together.
Tenchi: What do you mean Washu?
Aeka: Yes please do tell!
Washu: Look at this.
Tenchi, Ryoko, and Aeka looked at Washu�s graph.
Washu: This is Aeka�s structure, and here�s Ryoko�s bone structure. And here is this girls bone structure.
Tenchi: They look almost the same. But, Washu what does this mean?
Washu: Well, I didn�t create her so she must be Juraian. The reason she has Ryoko�s bone structure is because she is�
Tenchi: She�s what Washu?
Washu: Strong!
Everyone falls down Japanese anime style.
Ryoko: Well, call me when she wakes up.
Everyone except Tenchi & Washu leaves the scene.
Kurai�s eyes start to twitch. Her mouth starts to open.
Washu: Oh, my she�s waking up.
Tenchi: Are you o.k?
Kurai: Huh? Why am I here?
Washu: Hello. Tenchi saved your life you know.
Kurai: Ow, my head.
Tenchi: Are you o.k?
Kurai: Yes I think so, but who are you?
Tenchi: My name is Tenchi Masaki. What is your name?
Kurai: My name is Kuraisutaina, but you can call me Kurai.
Tenchi: Hello Kurai.
Washu: Oh, how rude of me! My name is Washu!
But, you can call me little Washu.
Kurai: Hello Washu. I thought I heard some other people around here where are they?
Tenchi: Oh, yes I forgot about them. Hey everyone she�s up!
Everyone comes to the couch. Then they each introduce themselves.
Aeka: My name is Aeka first princess of Jurai; you must be one of my people.
Kurai: I am? Ow, my head.
Washu: That crash must of hurt your memory.
Kurai: Hello Aeka. I like your hair.
Aeka: Really?
Kurai: Oh, yes it�s very nice.
Aeka: Thank you.
Next Ryoko stepped up�
Ryoko: My name�s Ryoko I�m a space pirate, leave Tenchi alone and we�ll get along fine.
Tenchi: Ryoko!
Ryoko: What I just told her who I am.
Tenchi: Your impossible!
Kurai: Hello Ryoko. Well I hope we get along.
Kiyone: Our turn!
Kiyone: I am first class detective Kiyone, nice to meet you.
Mahoshi: And I�m her partner Mahoshi!
Kiyone: Unfortunately.
Sasami: My name�s Sasami, nice to meet you Kurai.
Ryoki: Meeeeeoooooooowwwww.
Sasami: Oh I�m sorry. This is Ryoki.
Kurai: Hello Ryoki.
Ryoki: Meow, meow.
Sasami: How old are you?
Kurai: 16 years old I think.
Tenchi (thinking): That�s how old I am.
Washu walks up to Christina.
Washu: So how did you survive that crash? You must be very strong to survive those kinds of things.
Kurai: To tell you the truth I�m not sure. All I remember was blacking out and there was a big flash. Then I was here with all of you. Thank you so much for saving me.
Washu: At least tell us where you came from.
Kurai: Wait, now I remember. I do come from Jurai. And I was traveling here to�
Aeka: To what Kurai?
Kurai: I can�t remem-
Kurai faints and falls onto the couch.
Tenchi: Oh no!
Then all of the sudden Kurai�s symbol on her head starts glowing. (See picture->)
Tenchi: What�s going on?
Washu (on computer): Her energy is dropping.
Aeka: Wait, now I recognize her. She�s the protector of Jurai.  I wonder why she�s here?
Tenchi: But, I thought that there was only Jurai�s military force guarding Jurai. How could she do it all by herself?
Aeka: She is very powerful. It is said that the protector can destroy a fleet of ships with a single move of her hand or wrist.
Ryoko: I wish I could do that.
Ayeka: I thought it was only a legend�
Washu: We have no time for talk right now, if her energy gets any lower she won�t make it.
They quickly take Kurai to the lab.
Ryoko: If she�s the protector how is her energy going low?
Washu: Wouldn�t you like to know?
Ryoko: Yes please.
A couple minutes later�
Ryoko: Let me go this instant Washu!
Washu: Hold still we need some of your energy to bring her back to life.
Ryoko: I don�t want to!
Tenchi: Come on Ryoko.
Ryoko: O.k. Tenchi.
Washu: Transferring life force.
The machine starts to make noises and
then the noises fade.
Washu: All done.
Ryoko: That�s it I didn�t feel a thing.
Washu: Yes well you won�t start feeling that until, oh say this afternoon.
Ryoko steps down and then Kurai starts to awake.
Kurai: What happened?
Washu: Oh you�re awake again.
Kurai: I�m sorry I worried you.
Tenchi: It�s o.k. we don�t mind.
Sasami: Are you o.k?
Kurai: Yes, I�m fine thank so much.
Kurai steps down and bows.
Tenchi: Oh don�t thank us you should really thank Washu.
Kurai: Thank you Mrs. Washu.
Washu: Yes. Well, I am a genius.
Little puppets A and B pop up.
A: You are the greatest Washu!
B: The greatest in the universe!
A and B: The greatest!
Kurai (sweating): Does she always do this?
Tenchi: Whenever she gets a chance.
Kurai: I don�t mean to bother you, but seeing how my spacecraft can�t leave can stay here with you?
Nobouki: Oh of course you can. Tenchi doesn�t mind, do you Tenchi?
Tenchi: Yah sure dad. But, where will she sleep?
Nobouki: Hmm� let me think. I know! She can sleep in your room!
Kurai (blushing): Oh no you don�t have to sir.
Nobouki: Tenchi doesn�t mind.
Nobouki starts squeezing Tenchi�s head.
Tenchi (blushing): Oh all right but, just for tonight.
Ryoko: Wait a second why can�t she �
Ryoko (thinking): If she sleeps in my room she�ll see me sneaking into Tenchi�s room.
Ryoko: You go and do that then.
Kurai: Oh.
Kurai falls onto the floor.
Sasami and Tenchi help Kurai up.
Kurai: I�m kind of hungry.
Sasami: You can have some of my specialty!
Kurai: What�s your specialty?
Sasami: Chicken noodle soup!
Kurai: Yum sounds delicious.
Sasami: Tenchi put her over there.
Tenchi: O.k.
(Everyone else has decided to wait by watching television. Tenchi sets Kurai over by them and sits down).
Mahoshi: Yay! Space Police policeman! My favorite show!
Ayeka: Excuse me, but we were watching a very romantic show.
Ryoko: Yah.
Ayeka takes flipper away from Mahoshi and changes it to another channel.
Man: I love you so much.
Woman: I think this is goodbye my love.
Man: I will never forget you Miho.
Ayeka: How touching!
Ryoko: How romantic!
Kurai: (Sighs in sad way).
Ayeka: What�s wrong with you?
Kurai (blushing): Oh, nothing.
Ryoko: Come on tell us. It�s just between us girls.
Kurai: It�s o.k. really.
Ayeka: If you say so.
Tenchi glances at Kurai who is looking out the window.
Tenchi (thinking): What�s wrong with her? Is she o.k?  Maybe it�s something I said.
Grandpa: Why hello.
Tenchi: Grandpa! How in the world-
Grandpa: Who is this girl Tenchi?
Kurai: Oh, hello sir my name is Kuraisutaina, but you can call me Kurai.
Tenchi: She�s from outer space.
Grandpa: Hello young lady. Hey Tenchi why don�t you show this girl around? She�s probably never been to Earth before.
Tenchi: Sure.
Kurai: I�m still kind of weak maybe we should eat first.
Sasami: It�s all ready.
Kurai tries to stand up but falls back on the couch.
Tenchi: Oh, let me help.
Tenchi take Kurai�s arm and swings it across his shoulders.
Kurai: Thank you.
Ayeka and Ryoko notice Tenchi.
Ayeka: She�s getting a little too close to Tenchi.
Ryoko: Oh, Ayeka don�t be such a worry wort.
Ayeka: What did you say?
Ayeka and Ryoko start going at each other�s throats (like always).
Kiyone: Why can�t those two get along?
Mahoshi: Please stop it right now. Please!
Ryoko and Ayeka: You stay out of this!
Mahoshi starts crying. Kurai starts to giggle. Tenchi is drawn by the laughter he soon starts to laugh himself.
Kiyone: What�s so funny?
Kurai: Sorry it just�
Kiyone looks at where Kurai is pointing and sees that Ayeka and Ryoko pinching each other�s cheeks.
Kiyone and Mahoshi start laughing.
Then Sasami comes into the room with the hot chicken noodle soup.
Sasami: Here Kurai.
Kurai: Thank you Sasami.
Kurai looks at the food. There are pieces of vegetables in it and it doesn�t look like regular soup. Kurai looks at the soup and cringes.
Then she smells the sweet scent and she tries some.
Kurai: Hmm. This is good. Thank you very much Sasami.
Sasami: Your welcome Kurai.
She soon finishes her soup.
Kurai: Tenchi?
Tenchi: Yes Kurai?
Kurai: You where going to show me around weren�t you?
Tenchi: Oh! Yes, of coarse. Do you need help standing?
Kurai: Oh no that�s fine.
Kurai stands up perfectly. Tenchi gasps.
Kurai: What are we waiting for?
Tenchi: O.k.
Tenchi and Kurai walk outside while Ayeka and Ryoko are still fighting.
They soon arrive near the shrine.
Tenchi (thinking): What should I say?
Kurai: So� what is it like to live on earth?
Tenchi: It�s o.k. Sometimes though it gets a bit crazy around here.
Kurai: Tenchi what is it?
Tenchi: Why did you come here to this planet?
Kurai: I�m still not sure, but when I find out I�ll tell you.
Tenchi: Kurai?
Kurai: Yes Tenchi?
Tenchi: What was wrong with you earlier? Was it something someone said?
Kurai: Oh no, it wasn�t that. I just feel kind of lonely sometimes.
Tenchi: Why�s that?
Kurai looks away from Tenchi.
Kurai: Well, I�ve always felt that there was an empty hole in my heart somewhere needing to be filled, but I�m not sure why. Sometimes I wonder if a person could fill that space preferably a boy. But, I when I try to get close to a boy they always push away.
There�s silence for a while.
Kurai: You must think I�m silly. I�m sorry.
Tenchi: Oh, no that�s o.k. Kurai.
Kurai: Tenchi you�re so kind.
Kurai kisses Tenchi on the cheek. Tenchi blushes. Kurai starts to walk back to the house. Tenchi touches his cheek.
Washu: Come on.
Washu grabs Kurai�s arm.
Kurai: Where are we going?
Washu: To take a bath silly.
Kurai: Wait no!
Washu: Why not?
Kurai: Because I need my bathing suit.
Kurai runs into the house and grabs something out of her backpack.
Kurai: O.k. I�m ready.
A couple minutes later in the enormous bathtub�
Kurai: I haven�t taken a bath in a while�
Ryoko: Feels good doesn�t it?
Kurai glances at Ryoko.
Kurai: Your naked!
Ryoko: Yeh, silly that�s how you take a bath. Not in a swimsuit like you�re doing it.
Kurai covers her eyes and looks away from Ryoko.
At the same moment in the other bathroom�
Noboyuki: I hear girls, but I can�t see them.
Tenchi: Give it up dad.
Later on�
Kurai: That was great. Except for the other thing, but I�ll just have to use a different bathroom next time.
Kurai walks into Washu�s lab.
Kurai: Washu. Washu, where are you?
Washu: What do you want?
Kurai: It�s me Kurai. Um� I came to ask your help with something. I thought since you were a genius you-
Washu: Of coarse I can help.
A couple seconds later�
Washu: I see� You want a different dimension for your own personal bath space.
Kurai: Exactly Mrs. Super Genius Washu.
Washu (thinking): Super Genius huh? I think I�m beginning to like this girl.
Washu: O.k. I just press this button and it�s done.
Kurai: Really?
Washu: Really. Now you just run along.
Kurai: Thank you.
Kurai hugs Washu.
Washu (thinking): Not even my own daughter hugs me.
Kurai runs out of Washu�s lab.
Kurai: Now what to do? It�s getting late. Maybe it�s time to go to bed already.
Kurai looks at the clock on the wall.
Kurai (thinking): It�s 9:30 P.M. already? Time sure passes fast on earth.
Kurai: Well, time to hit the hay-
Kurai (thinking): I�m sleeping in Tenchi�s room? Oh no. Ryoko and Ayeka are going to hate me. Wait a sec� ooh.
Kurai walks up the stairs to Tenchi�s room and she opens the door.
Tenchi has only his underwear on.
Tenchi: Huh?
Kurai: Huh?
Then they both scream and Kurai shuts the door. Kurai comes in a couple seconds later.
Kurai (blushing): Tenchi? Are you there?
Tenchi (blushing): Yeah.
Kurai (blushing): I�m sorry I barged in.
Tenchi (blushing): That�s o.k. I should�ve locked the door anyway.
Kurai: Maybe I should move to another room.
Tenchi: That�s o.k. You don�t have to move.
Kurai: Since your done changing can I?
Tenchi: Sure I�ll just leave.
Kurai: Oh you don�t have to.
Tenchi (blushing): I don�t?
Kurai: Nope.
Tenchi: (Gulp) Shouldn�t I at least cover my eyes?
Kurai: Nope.
There is a sudden flash and Kurai is changed into a see through dress nightgown. (With her underwear underneath, o f coarse).
Tenchi: Whoa.
Kurai: Do you like it? I was watching TV and I saw this so I thought you�d like it. If you don�t I can-
Tenchi: How�d you do that?
Kurai: Simple really I just thought of what I wanted to wear and well here I am. What are you staring at?
Tenchi (blushing): I�ve never seen a girl in her nightgown before. You really look nice.
Kurai (blushing): You think so? Thanks. So what do I do now?
Tenchi: Well we can go to sleep now.
Kurai: Oh o.k. But I�m not sleepy.
Tenchi: Well, I am.
Kurai: Good night Tenchi.
Kurai gets into her sleeping bag.
Tenchi: Good night Kurai.
There is silence for a moment.
Tenchi: Kurai?
Kurai: Yes Tenchi?
Tenchi: Would you like to go swimming with the rest of us tomorrow?
Kurai: Swimming? Sure I�d love to.
As soon as Tenchi was asleep Kurai gets out of her sleeping bag and turns on her watch. Kurai starts pressing buttons on the watch she has on her wrist.
Watch: Hello Kuraisutaina. Your mission is to protect this boy. (Look at picture) Tenchi Masaki who lives on planet earth.
Kurai: What? But how?
Watch: If you forget how to use your special powers just remember that you have several abilities:
1.You are able to create electricity from your own body.
2. You can take on any shape and clothing to become anyone you wish to be.
And 3. You can do anything you want when you put your mind to it. Good luck.
Kurai: Change my form huh, sounds kind of fun.
Kurai starts hearing sounds outside the door.
Kurai: Oh great it�s Ryoko. Why can�t she ever leave Tenchi alone? I�ll make her go away.
Kurai makes a copy of Tenchi and takes control of it by using her powers.
Kurai: Now you go out there and tell her to leave you alone.
Tenchi copy: Yes mam.
Tenchi copy walks out the door and into the hallway.
Ryoko: Tenchi what are you doing out here? Oh, I know you wanted to see me didn�t you?
Tenchi copy: Ryoko could you please just go back to sleep?
Ryoko: O.k. Tenchi if that will make you happy.
Kurai: Good she�s gone. Tenchi copy come here.
Tenchi copy: Yes Kurai what is it?
Kurai: If there are any more interruptions, please take care of them.
Tenchi copy: Yes Kurai.
Kurai: Time to hit the hay.
Tenchi copy: Kurai?
Kurai: What is it Tenchi copy?
Tenchi copy: I think you should show Tenchi your affections.
Kurai: Oh, Tenchi copy you know if I did that he would push me away like all the other boys I knew.
Tenchi copy: Can I go back now?
Kurai: Yes you may, only if you never tell Tenchi what I just said to you.
Tenchi copy: Of coarse.
Kurai moves her finger towards Tenchi and the copy goes back into Tenchi�s body.
Kurai: Good night my sweet Tenchi.
Kurai kisses Tenchi�s cheek.
Kurai drifts off to sleep.
The next morning�
Tenchi: Aah. What a great morning.
Kurai: You can say that again.
Then they notice that they are lying by each other on the floor.
Tenchi and Kurai: Huh?
Tenchi and Kurai: Aah!
Tenchi and Kurai: What are you doing down here?
Kurai: What should I wear Tenchi?
Tenchi: Anything you want I guess.
There is a big flash and then Kurai is dressed in a two-piece swimsuit. (Look at picture ->)
Kurai: I like this what about you Tenchi?
Tenchi (sweating): It�s nice.
Kurai: You don�t like it do you? I can make it tighter around my upper area if you want.
Tenchi: No! I mean you don�t have to.
Kurai: Whatever you say Tenchi. Your wish is my command.
Kurai winks at Tenchi. Tenchi blushes.
In the pool�
Kurai: Tenchi, I�m sort of scared of the water can you hold my hand?
Tenchi: Sure.
Ayeka: Why is she here Tenchi?
Tenchi: Ayeka be nice I invited her, besides she�s our guest.
Ayeka (mumbling): I don�t like this.
Ryoko: Hi Tenchi.
(Look at picture->).
Ryoko spots Kurai holding Tenchi�s hand.
Ryoko: Hey he�s mine!
Ayeka interrupts.
Ayeka: Actually, Tenchi is mine.
Ayeka and Ryoko start fighting (again).
Kurai (whispering to Tenchi): Do they always fight?
Tenchi: Yep.
Kurai: This is boring. Come on, Tenchi.
Tenchi: Where are we going?
Kurai: Somewhere, now come on.
They soon arrive at the top of a waterfall.
Kurai: Right before I crash-landed I saw this waterfall and I thought that it would be a nice place to go.
Tenchi: Wow, it�s beautiful.
Kurai: Let�s swim.
Tenchi: I thought you were afraid of the water.
Kurai: Not with you here.
Kurai jumps from the waterfall and does a swan dive.
Kurai: Come on Tenchi the water�s great.
Tenchi: Here I come!
A little while later�
Tenchi: Whoa look at the time! We probably should get going now.
Kurai: Oh, come on just a little while longer.
Tenchi: Sorry.
Kurai: O.k.
Tenchi: Can�t you change normally?
Kurai: What do you mean? How do you do that?
Tenchi: Oh forget it.
There�s a brilliant flash and Kurai is wearing this outfit.
(Look at picture->)
Tenchi (blushing): Nice outfit.
Kurai: Thanks. Come on.
Kurai grabs Tenchi hand. Kurai stops running.
Kurai: Hey! Wait a sec. I can change your clothes for you.
Tenchi (sweating): What?! What are you talking about?
Kurai: Just hold still and think about what you want to wear.
Kurai puts her hand on Tenchi�s chest.
There is a sudden flash and Tenchi is wearing his normal outfit.
Kurai: There do you like?
Tenchi: Wow! Now I know why you do that. That was so cool!
Kurai: I�m glad you enjoyed it.
Mysterious voice: Well, well, what do we have here? Tenchi and his girlfriend.
Tenchi: Whoever you are you�re a coward for not showing your face!
Kurai: Tenchi stand back there�s something evil here.
Tenchi: Don�t worry about me I can-
Kurai: Tenchi I was sent here to protect you, if anything were to happen to you it would be all my fault!
Mysterious voice: Tenchi you�ve grown stronger I see.
Tenchi: Wait now I recognize your voice.
Kagato: That�s right I�m back.
Tenchi: But how? I thought you were-
Kagato: Dead? Well all things eventually come to an end, but evil lives on forever.
Kurai: Leave Tenchi alone Kagato!
Kagato: Oh and who might you be? You little pipsqueak. Do you really think you can defeat me?
Kurai: I can try.
Kagato (thinking): Wait a second, she looks like, but she can�t be, is she really the protector of Jurai?
Kagato: This is rich, the protector of Jurai, reduced to protecting one person. A worthless person no less.
Kurai: Tenchi is not worthless! He is the most important person I know, at least to me.
Tenchi (blushing): Kurai, I can do this.
Kurai: Please Tenchi, let me take care of him.
Kurai looks into Tenchi�s eyes.
Tenchi: Be careful.
Kurai: Kagato you, me, right now.
Kagato was gone.
Kurai: Huh? Where?
Kagato: Are you looking for me?
Tenchi: Kurai! Behind you!
Kurai turns around and sees Kagato.
Kurai: I�m not afraid of you.
Kagato: You might want to reconsider.
(If you have Mp3�s or MIDIS from Tenchi Muyo now would a good time to play the Kagato�s battle Theme from the OAV Series).
Kurai changes into battle clothes.
(Look at picture->)
Kurai: Let�s do this!
Kagato gets out his sword and starts charging towards Kurai.
Kurai gets out her sword and charges towards Kagato.
Kurai: Aaaaah!
Kagato: Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
They meet and start battling and slashing their swords.
Kagato: You�ll never beat me!
Kurai: Oh, yes I will!
Kagato slashes his sword at Kurai. Kurai dodges every attack. Then they face in a standoff, where Kurai�s sword and Kagato�s sword are pressed together pushing each other backward.
Kurai: I�ll never let you hurt Tenchi! You worm!
Kagato: Didn�t anyone ever teach you manners?!
Kurai: Sorry, but my parents both died after I was born 18 years ago.
Kagato: Oh, how sad. Not!
Then Kagato slashes Kurai�s arm.
Kurai: Aaaaaahhhhhhh!
Tenchi: No!
Kurai: You think you can beat me by hurting one of my arms? You�re pathetic!
Kurai slashes Kagato�s arm.
Kagato: You little!
Kagato calms down.
Kagato: This isn�t the right time for a battle.
Kagato lifts Tenchi up using his psychic powers. Kurai is too weak to help Tenchi.
Kurai: No Tenchi!
Tenchi: Let me go!
Kagato: We�ll settle this on my turf. Wah, ha, ha, ha!
The Spaceship picks up Kagato and Tenchi and leaves.
Kurai (weakened voice): Someone please help.
Kurai�s symbol on her head starts glowing. Over where Ryo is there is a beam of rainbow light that is shooting into the sky.
Aeka: Oh, no something�s wrong. Someone must be in trouble.
Ryoko: Well, what are we waiting for Tenchi could be in trouble.
Aeka: Right.
Sasami: I�m coming too.
Aeka: Sasami you�ll get hurt, please just stay here with Mahoshi.
Sasami: But, Ryoki and me want to help.
Aeka: Please Sasami just stay here.
Ryoko starts to fly. Aeka calls Asaka and Kamidakay.
Aeka: Asaka, Kamidakay, carry me above the forest so I can see if someone�s hurt down there.
Asaka and Kamidakay: Yes mam`.
Aeka soon catches up with Ryoko.
Ryoko: I don�t see anyone yet.
Aeka: Wait there�s someone.
Ryoko: Gotcha.
Ryoko flies down to the ground and sees Kurai who is lying down, bleeding from her arm.
Ryoko: Hey Aeka! Come here.
Asaka and Kamidakay bring Aeka back down to the ground.
Aeka: Oh my, is Kurai o.k?
Ryoko: I�m not sure, but we should probably bring her back.
Aeka: Yes. Asaka, Kamidakay.
A and K: Yes mam`.
Aeka: Take Kurai and myself back to Tenchi�s house immediately.
Ryoko: Where�s Tenchi?
Kurai (weakened voice): He was taken. Kagato took him.
Aeka: Kagato? Kagato took Tenchi?
Kurai (weakened voice): Yes, I tried to fight him, but I�m not strong enough since my landing.
Ryoko: Kagato? But, I thought he was-
Kurai (weakened voice): Dead? Well, he�s back.
Ryoko, Aeka, and Kurai fly back to Tenchi�s house.
At Tenchi�s house�
Washu: Well, you sure are brave to fight Kagato like that. Especially since your energy wasn�t up all the way.
Kurai: Thank you, but I must go and save Tenchi.
Washu: Oh no you don�t, not until your energy is full. Stand over there.
Kurai slowly walks over to where Washu is pointing. The machine grabs her.
Kurai: What�s going on?!
Washu: Don�t worry; I�m just going to give you some energy from the robot.
Kurai: Are you sure this will work?
Washu: Don�t know, I�ve only done this to other robots. Oh, well.
Washu flips the switch. There is a sudden flash of light.
Washu: How do you feel?
Kurai: I feel great! Thank you Washu. You�re like a mother to me.
Washu: Your welcome dear, and thank you.
Kurai: For what?
Washu: For showing me what it�s like to be a real mother.
Kurai: I�m going to go and save Tenchi.
Washu: Wait take this.
Washu throws a necklace at Kurai. Kurai catches it.
Kurai: What�s this?
Washu: I don�t have time to explain, but when you need me press this button and I�ll help you.
Kurai: Goodbye, mother.
Washu (crying): Goodbye, Kurai. Be careful.
Kurai steps out of the lab into the hallway. She starts walking out.
Ryoko: Where do you think your going?
Kurai: I�m going to save Tenchi. Now move out of my way.
Ryoko: I�m going with you.
Kurai: Why?
Ryoko: Because your ship is broken remember? And I know what Kagato�s ship looks like.
Kurai (sweatdrop): Oh yah.
Aeka: Wait for me you two.
Ryoko:  Oh great, slowpoke.
Aeka: I am not!
Kurai: Guys we don�t have time for this! Tenchi�s in trouble and you two are fighting! Now are we going to stand here or are we going to go?
Ryoko and Aeka: Right.
Ryoko: Ryoki!
Ryoko throws Ryoki in the air.
Ryoki: Meow!
Ryoki transforms into a spaceship.
Kurai: Let�s go!
They enter Ryoki.
Ryoko: I�m driving!
Kurai: Fine with me.
They soon enter space.
Kurai: Can�t we go any faster?
Ryoko: Sure.
Ryoko gives Ryoki a hot pepper. Ryoki starts going faster.
Kurai: Wow, what did you do?
Ryoko shows Kurai the hot pepper jar.
Kurai: Oh.
The computer screen on Ryoki�s spaceship spots Kagato�s ship.
Ryoko: There it is.
Kurai: How do we get in?
Ryoko: There�s an opening somewhere here�
There it is! Let�s go in!
In Kagato�s spaceship�
Kagato: It�s been a long time since I�ve seen you Tenchi.
Tenchi: How�d you survive? I mean how come your still alive?
Kagato: When I disinigrated, I went to a different dimension. There I was able to pull myself together and over the years I got stronger and stronger. Until I was strong enough to come back to this world.
Tenchi: But, why do you want Kurai? What�s so special about her?
Kagato: Well, I was going to ask you the same question Tenchi. But, if you insist�
I want to use Kurai to open the secret gate to Jurai�s power. And with you as bait she�ll fall right into my hands. And once I�ve used her I�ll eliminate her. She�ll do anything to make sure your safe Tenchi. I wonder why she has such interest in you anyway; you�re just a pathetic person.
Tenchi: You�ll never get away with this Kagato.
Kagato looks into Tenchi�s eyes, which are filled with concern.
Kagato: I see you have feelings for her as well. Well, it won�t be soon that you and your girlfriend are destroyed along with the others of Jurai.
In the secret entrance to Kagato�s ship�
Kurai: Where do we go?
Aeka: I can�t seem to remember.
Ryoko: Let�s go this way.
Ryoko points to the right. They go to the right. Then they come to the same place they started.
Aeka: We�re back to the same place we started.
Kurai: What do we do we keep going in circles? Wait a sec.
Kurai presses the button on the necklace Washu gave her.
At Washu�s lab�
Washu notices that her necklace is beeping. She picks it up and presses a button.
Washu: Hello?
Kurai: Washu thank goodness, we keep going in circles and we can�t seem to find our way.
Washu: We?
Kurai: Ryoko, Ayeka, and me. Can you help us get to Tenchi?
We�re in Kagato�s ship.
Washu: Well, let�s see it�s been a long time since I was captured by Kagato and since then I�ve saved the map I found in there.
Now please tell me what kind of writing is on the wall so I can determine where you are.
Kurai: I see three letters there�s the Roman numeral 1 three times and then it says roolf.
Washu: You�re on the third floor. Three of the Roman numerals of 1 and floor is spelled backwards. You have 3 levels left to go. You should probably take a left.
Kurai: Thanks Washu. Hey guys, Washu says we should go to the left.
Ryoko: Is that what that is? A communicator? Washu never gave me anything fancy like that.
Kurai: Come on you�re her daughter aren�t you? Then you should have lots of presents from her.
Ryoko: No.
Ayeka: Excuse me but, aren�t we forgetting about Tenchi?!
Ryoko: Oh yes, Tenchi. Duh!
Kurai: Let�s go.
At the Masaki residents�
Sasami: Why couldn�t I go?  It�s not fair, and what if they need me?
Kiyone: Don�t worry Sasami. The girl�s will back safely you�ll see.
Mahoshi: Are you sure, Kiyone. I mean what if-
Kiyone covers Mahoshi�s mouth so that Sasami doesn�t worry more.
In Washu�s lab�
Washu: I wonder what Kagato wants with Kurai. She�s only the protector of Jurai and- Oh no! Kagato wants to get Jurai�s power by using Kurai, I got to warn her!
In Kagato�s ship�
Kurai�s necklace starts beeping.
Kurai: Huh? Washu? Washu are you there?
Washu: Kurai, you must come back, Kagato wants to use you to get to Jurai�s power.
Kurai: No I won�t leave Tenchi behind.
Washu: But-
Kurai: Please Washu, Tenchi is my responsibility as the protector of Jurai and it�s people. Please let me do this.
Washu: O.k. I understand. So are you still stuck?
Kurai: No you were right Washu, but we�re not sure which way to go now I think we�re on the 5th floor.
Washu: 5th floor? Are you sure?
Kurai: Yah, I�m sure. What�s wrong?
Washu: Ha, ha. Well�
I don�t have the map to that floor.
Kurai: (Sigh) Now what are we going to do?
Washu: Not sure. Maybe you can sense the way.
Kurai: Maybe, hold on.
Kurai closes her eyes and clutches her fists.
Ryoko: What are you doing?
Ayeka: Shh� She�s tapping into her powers.
There is silence for a moment then�
Kurai: That way! Kurai points ahead in front of them.
Ryoko: Are you sure?
Ayeka: I still think we should go left.
Ryoko: I�m tired of being bossed around by you morons. Let�s go right!
Kurai gets angry.
Kurai: If you�re so sure why don�t we all split up and go our own separate ways!
Ryoko: Fine I will!
Ayeka: I�m going left!
Kurai: Fine!
Ryoko and Ayeka: Fine!
Each of the girls split up. Kurai going foreword, Ryoko going right, and Ayeka going left.
Kurai: Both of them are so stubborn!
Kurai keeps on walking ahead and then sees a shrouded figure ahead of her. She takes out her sword.
Kurai: Who�s there? Show yourself!
The figure steps out and it is a girl about Kurai�s age who has plants covering her entire body and her hair is green.
Kurai: Who are you?!
Girl: I am Thorn. And you are going to die!
Kurai: Well, you sure are nice.
Thorn and Kurai start fighting. Kurai powers up. Thorn�s eyes glow bright red and she grows long sharp nails and fangs.
Over where Ryoko is�
Ryoko: Finally, alone at last! Now, I can save Tenchi all by myself.
Ryoko keeps on walking and sees a shrouded figure. Ryoko steps back a few inches.
Figure: Hello, nice to meet you.
Ryoko: Who are you?
There is silence�
The figure steps foreword and reveals to be a girl who is on fire, but the girl doesn�t seem to care, she has reddish-pink hair.
Ryoko: Answer me! Who are you?
Girl: I am Blast; I hope you had a good life, because it�s going end very soon.
Ryoko: Move out my way!
Blast and Ryoko start fighting; Ryoko gets torched and burned from trying to punch Blast.
Where Ayeka is�
Ayeka: I still think they�re going to get hurt if they go their own ways; why don�t those two listen to reasoning? They should listen to the princess of Jurai.
Mysterious voice: Good afternoon, Princess Ayeka.
Ayeka (sort of scared and whispering): Hello? Who are you?
Mysterious voice: I am Tidal. My sisters and I work and were created by Kagato.
Ayeka: Are you here to stop me?!
Tidal: Why yes. I�ll do anything to make sure you don�t get near my master.
Ayeka: Well then I guess I�ll have to destroy you.
Tidal: If you can.
Ayeka: Asaka, Kamidakay.
(The real Asaka and Kamidakay).
A and K: Yes mam`?                                                Kamidakay                       
Ayeka: Destroy this evil wicked woman.
A and K: Of coarse.
Asaka: We will give you one more chance to
Tidal: Thanks for the offer boys, but I�m not
interested.                                                                       Asaka
Kamidakay: Did you hear that Asaka? She�s turning us down. What a shame.
Asaka: Yes in deed. Kamidakay are you ready?
Kamidakay: Of coarse, just because we haven�t been fighting since the last time we saw Kagato, doesn�t mean I�m rusty.
Asaka: Good, here goes something.
Asaka�s and Kamidakay�s swords power up.
Asaka: Hiyah!
Kamidakay: Yah!
They fire at Tidal, but she dodges it. Then she shoots water at Asaka and Kamidakay making them stuck against the wall like flies on fly paper.
Ayeka: (Gasp) Asaka! Kamidakay! No!
A and K: Save yourself, princess!
Ayeka: No! I won�t leave you!
Asaka: You must! Now go!
Ayeka: I�ll come back for you, I promise!
Ayeka transforms into battle mode and flies off.
Kamidakay: Good luck, Princess.
Where Kurai is�
Kurai: Come and fight me you witch!
Thorn: Oh, you burned me, I�m so hurt.
Kurai and Thorn are still fighting. Kurai punches Thorn but gets a thorn in her hand.
Kurai: Oww! Now, I know what they mean when they say all roses have their thorns. Wait a sec� That�s it!
Kurai blasts Thorn.
Kurai: Fire blast! Hiyah!
Thorn: Huh? No! Aaah!
Thorn gets hit by the fire blast and burns into ashes.
Thorn: I�m burning, burning, burning!
Thorn turned into a beautiful rose, which floated to the floor like a feather. Kurai picks up the rose and looks at it.
Kurai: Poor soul.
Kurai smells the flower and puts it in her pocket. She starts walking again.
Over where Kagato is�
Kagato: No! Thorn has been defeated! How, how did she?
Tenchi (whispering): Kurai.
Where Kurai is�
Kurai: Wait, now I remember everything.
Kurai has a flash back.
Little Kurai: Mommy! (Saying happily).
Mysterious mother: Come here my child.
Little Kurai: Mommy, what�s wrong?
Mysterious mother: I afraid you won�t be able to handle the responsibility of protecting our planet.
Little Kurai: Mommy, where are you going?
Mysterious mother: Somewhere, far away.
Kurai: Why can�t I come?
Mysterious mother: The place I�m going is not for children and you have to train to protect our planet darling.
Little Kurai: I know mother� Mother?
Mysterious mother: What is it dear?
Little Kurai: What is your real first name like my name is Kurai?
Mysterious mother: Tsunami.
Little Kurai: What does that mean?
Tsunami: On earth it means a gigantic wave of water that brings disaster.
Little Kurai: You�re not at all like that mommy.
Tsunami: Thank you dearest.
Then all of the sudden two guards grab Kurai and take her away from her mother, Tsunami.
Little Kurai: Mommy!
Tsunami lowers her head and cries.
Little Kurai: Mommy help!
Flashback ends.
Kurai falls to her knees.
Kurai: Mother.
Kurai lowers her head.
Then a mysterious glow surrounds her.
Kurai: Huh?
A holograph projection pops up. It is a woman the same woman in Kurai�s flashback who was her mother.
Kurai: (Gasp)
Tsunami: Don not cry my child. I am here.
Kurai: Mother? Is this really you?
Tsunami: Unfortunately, no. I am within Sasami�s body now.
Kurai: Sasami? Is that where you went?
Tsunami: Yes. I went there because, my time was near and if I did not find a body to live in then�
Kurai: But, isn�t it true your one of the three goddess?
Tsunami: Yes it is true. But, at the time Sasami needed me.
Kurai: Sasami needed you! What about me! I was your first child and-
Tsunami: There is no time to waste! You and I must find Tenchi.
Kurai: Mother, is there a way to separate you from Sasami?
Tsunami: I will explain this in due time. First I will transport you to Kagato.
Kurai: Yes, mother.
There is a shining light. And then�
Over where Ryoko is�
Ryoko: How in the world am I going to defeat her?
Blast: I was wondering the same thing myself. Hiyah!
Blast kicks Ryoko in the side of her stomach. (Where as some of you remember from the Tenchi Universe Series she was badly wounded).
Ryoko: Aah!
Blast: Aah, I see I found your weak spot. Blast cannon!
Blast held out her hand and out of it came a blast of fire, which knocked Ryoko down.
Ryoko: Tenchi, Tenchi, Ten-
Ryoko collapsed to the floor and lay motionless.
Blast: What a pitiful fool. You were such a weak opponent. Oh well, goodbye, Ryoko.
Over where Ayeka is�
Tidal: Thought you could get away from me?
Ayeka: Where are Asaka and Kamidakay, what have you done with them?!
Tidal: Relax princess; let�s just say they�re sleeping.
Aeka: You wicked witch you! How dare you try to harm my friends!
Tidal: Friends? I thought they were your servants.
Aeka: They are my friends and you are my enemy.
Tidal: Goodbye princess. Hiyah!
Tidal starts to fill the room with water. The room is soon flooded.
Aeka tries desperately to break the wall, but it is impossible, she finally runs out of air and faints. The room drains and Aeka lies on the floor.
Tidal: I hope you enjoyed your swim princess.
Where Tenchi is�
Kagato: Excellent, Aeka and Ryoko have been defeated�
Tenchi: No Ryoko, Aeka�
Kagato: But wait!! Where�s that girl! I can�t find her anywhere!
Kurai: I�m right here!
Tenchi: Kurai?
Kurai: Hi Tenchi!
Tenchi: Kurai, he�s going to use you, you better watch out he-
Kagato puts a rag over Tenchi�s mouth.
Kagato: I so do despise constant chatter. So, you made it all this way by yourself.
Kurai: I had some help.
Kagato: From who? Your friends, they weren�t much help.
Kurai: No, from my mother.
Kagato: Your mother?
Kagato stares at Kurai�s eyes.
Kagato: Could it be! No, it can�t your Tsunami�s daughter? I thought you were destroyed!
Kurai: Surprise!
Kurai and Kagato pull out they�re swords and start battling.
(Kagato Battle Theme again).
Kurai: I know that you�re going to try to use me.
Kagato: Oh, darn isn�t that a shame.
Kurai: You know before I wasn�t going to use my full strength on you, but I�ve changed my mind.
Kagato: Oh, this will be fun.
Kurai took at her blade, which glistened in the light, and powered up. She glowed bright white.
Kurai: Time to take out the trash! Hah�
Kagato: Hah�
The two ran towards each other, there was a clash of swords and then suddenly�
Kurai collapsed on the floor holding her side and put away her sword. Kagato stood up from hunching over.
Kagato: That was much too easy.
Kurai took her hand away from her side and discovered it was stained with blood. She lay down onto the floor.
Tenchi: No! Kurai!
Kurai: I�m sorry, Tenchi I failed you and the planet Jurai. I deserve to die.
Tenchi: Kurai stand up!
Kurai: Don�t worry about me Tenchi, I died honorably and I�ll be remembered. Please never forget me� I-
Kurai closed her eyes.
Kurai was suddenly in a place she didn�t recognize. She was above the clouds.
Kurai: Is this heaven or am I dreaming?
Tsunami: Kurai, Kurai. (Calling Kurai)
Kurai: Mother where are you?
Tsunami: I�m right here. Why are giving up? You should stand and fight.
Kurai: I have failed you mother, and our planet.
Tsunami: You have only failed yourself Kurai.
Kurai: Mother I�m not strong enough to defeat him, he�s too strong.
Tsunami: You do have the power Kurai you just need be more confident in yourself. Unlock the power and the will to fight.
Goodbye my daughter.
Kurai: No mother don�t leave!
Kurai opened her eyes.
Kagato: Well, Tenchi time to die.
Kurai pushed herself up wincing at the pain. She grabbed her sword and stood. Her power surrounded her now more than ever and her whole body was turned into a bright light then she grew wings like angels, feathery and white.
Kurai: Not so fast Kagato!
Tenchi: Kurai!
Kagato: Why can�t you ever go away?
Kurai: Guess I�m stubborn.
Kagato: Wait, where did you get such power? Your energy it�s enormous!
Kurai: You wouldn�t understand.
And with that Kurai ran towards Kagato in the blink of an eye and�
Kagato hunched over.
Kagato: So this is how it ends, huh? I guess I met my match. You were a worthy opponent.
A dark light surrounded Kagato and he disappeared. Kurai put away her sword and tears streaked down her face. She ran up the stairs.
Kurai: Oh, Tenchi!
She released Tenchi from his capture and hugged him. Tenchi smiled.
Tenchi: Thank you.
Kurai: I�m so sorry Tenchi it�s all my fault! Please don�t hate me.
Tenchi: I couldn�t hate you Kurai.
Kurai: Oh, Tenchi.
Asaka and Kamidakay walked in each carrying a girl (Ryoko and Ayeka).
The evil Kagato could never return to this dimension now that he had been defeated 2 times. And so peace was finally brought to the universe.
Ayeka still lived on earth helping around the house as she always did she soon learned of a nice next door neighbor boy who in her opinion was rather cute.
Ryoko still hasn�t given up on Tenchi. Following him everywhere (except school).
Tenchi is still going to school. Enjoying his life as almost normal teenager.
Washu developed a way to separate Sasami and Tsunami permantlly, that way Kurai could have her mother back. Washu never really changed except now she�s Kurai�s official aunt.
Mahoshi & Kiyone are still partners, but they were appointed to the highest rank by orders of the protector of Jurai, Kurai.
Sasami is still trying to get used to the feel of being normal again. Washu says that all this time while Tsunami was in Sasami�s body it took a lot of energy out of her. Ryoki�s still mad at Ryoko for the hot peppers.
Kurai likes having her mom back and now they�re spending more time then ever doing things from makeovers to shopping for clothes, they both really enjoy living on earth. So all ends well for everyone�
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