Updates & News
by: Leiko Suzuka

Sorry it's been so long. I've been trying to come up with a new layout, but nothing seems to come to my mind these days. I really just would like to keep the site the way it is...*sigh* Anyways, I added a new site onto my domain list on the homepage. It's my Runestar manga! Go check out the website and read it!!
by: Leiko Suzuka

Can you believe I've been gone so long and it's already close to being a new year? o.O I can't!! Ugh...the site needs a new layout doesn't it? My other sites have yet to be updated as well!!

I would reallly like it if I could find people who would be willing to update these sites for me and keep them lookign the way I like. If you're interested please e-mail me at [email protected]

Decided I'm not going to make a Bishounen Harem after all, but instead I'm going to start working on my webcomic that I've started! Well, until sometime in the near future, goodbye and happy new year!! ^-^
by: Leiko Suzuka

More stories linked up on 2005. Yay! They are W.A.R. and ParaNormalAssasins.
by: Leiko Suzuka

Added a new link on Site Affiliates, to a webcomic called, "Blackbird." It's really interesting and I recommend going to check it out! Also, I updated the About Leiko page and added a link on the homepage to my art gallery on Deviantart! n.n
by: Leiko Suzuka

Not much of an update today. Just added some new links made by a friend at one of the site affiliates (KTGMB) in the Link Here section.
by: Leiko Suzuka

More and more site affiliates. Um...tomorrow's my birthday so leave me a message or something on the forum or send me an e-card if you like.
by: Leiko Suzuka

Recently I've added a couple new anime reviews, more animated gifs, and some site affiliates. Enjoy! n.~
by: Leiko Suzuka

Uploaded 2 stories to the 2005 page. Both are short stories, but only one is completed. The other has one chapter so go check it out.
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