E-Mail and Rules
To Enter Contest:

1. Please e-mail me your picture or pictures to [email protected]. It must be in jpg and no larger than 100kb. Please reshape and resize your pictures so that I don't have to do that. It will take longer to get your pictures placed on the site. Also include the name, middle initial,age and gender of your child in the e-mail so I can determine what category to place your child in.

2. Please no nude pictures. I will not place nude pictures of children on the internet. If they are a baby and they just have there diaper on with a cute prop than I will consider using it. But if not, I will send your picture back and give you a reason why I couldn't place your picture on my site.

3. I accept any type of pictures. Professional or home pictures. If you do have written permission from the photographer please mail me a copy to 1701 Marshall Road Apartment 149 Vacaville, CA 95687. But it really doesn't matter to me. I just want to see your beautiful child in my contest.

4. This is a Free Contest for all ages in seperated contests. Girls do not compete with Boys.So if your child is chosen as the Grand
Prize winner. You will only be placed on the main page of the website for a month.I will also e-mail you the picture back with a beautiful frame. This is my first contest and I have nothing to give as a prize, just to share you with the whole world. If everything goes well, I will be hoping to give out prizes sooner.

Thanks to Cutie Petutie for their donations I have a special
prize for our winners.
5.The contest runs from the 10th of each month to the 10th of each next month. Winners will be posted on the 25th of each month. If I receive your pictures after the winners are posted, I will enter you in the next months contest and e-mail you a letter. The judging will be based on cuteness because my mom and I are the judges.But please no make-up on children under 13.

6.You may mail me your photos. But I recommend e-mail.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you who are participating in my contest. Remember everyone's a winner. There are no losers  here in my contest. Your beautiful inside just as you are outside. This is a Free Photo Contest. So I am looking forward to your favorite picture of your beautiful child. So enter your beautiful child or children Today! Thanks A Bunch!

Address:                                              Address:

Attn: Heavenly Angels Photo Contest      Attn:Professional Written Consent

   Carissa Kwiecien                              Leilani Costner
   1701 Marshall Road.                         1701 Marshall road
   Apartment 149                                 Apartment 149       
   Vacaville, Ca. 95687                         Vacaville, Ca. 95687

Due to the many categories I have in my contest, I will only accept the first fifteen photos for each category. Best Wishes and Good Luck To All!
New $1 Dollar Theme Contest Rules Below!
Carissa's Heavenly Angels $1 Theme Contest Rules.

Rules from the free photo contest, applies to the dollar theme contest. The only thing that is different is:

1.Subject must be whatever the Theme of the month is.
2.You must specify whether it is a Professional or Non-Professional picture.
   a) Along with name/s
3.You must also specify what optional photograph you are sending.
    a) Along with name/s and place
4.The Main Contest is $1.00 each photograph
5.The optionals are also $1.00 each photograph
6.Payments are either made by Pay-Pal or via mail.
   a) Pay-Pal only accepts Visa and Mastercard
   b) I will accept check, cashiers check, and money order.
Please no cash, due to the fact that money will get either lost or stolen.
7. Make-up is allowed on your child. Just because it's almost like dressing up for Halloween.
8.I must recieve the payment before the contest ends. The contest will run the 25th of each month to the 25th of each next month. The winners will be posted on the 1st..
9. You must include how many pictures you are sending and for what category/s.
10. You must include your payment amount and the date of payment.
11. You must include the name of the person that made payment.
12. If you are a winner of this contest and you have one free photo entry, you must include that with everything else, so that I may know that I did not recieve a wrong payment.

Thanks Everyone and God Bless!
Make Your Payment Now!
Send pictures via e-mail to [email protected]
Send pictures via mail w/payment to
1701 Marshall Road Apt. 149
Vacaville, Ca 95687
At the end of each year, All Over-All winners from both the Free and $1 Theme Contest will Compete for this beautiful Black Lightning Angel Gold Trophy! So please hurry and enter both contests, to be chosen as Carissa's Heavenliest Angel!
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