Lee's Favorite Quotes!!!  (trumpets sound)

Do You know how many vegetables had to be killed to make your salad?

If you don't like my attitude hang a mistletoe over my ass

Screw you Guys! I'm goin home..

Whaeva Whaeva I do what I want

Sometimes I pee when I laugh..

I'm not as think as you dumb I am

I'm not drunk you shilly sit

No wucken Furrys you cunny funt

save a tree, eat a beaver

get revenge, crap on a pigeon

If your parents never had children, chances are you won't either

I was sad that I had no shoes till I met the man who had no feet

Restraining orders are just another way of saying I love you

3 out of 4 americans make up 75% of the population.

There are 3 types of people in this world:
Those who can count, and those who can't.

5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions.

9 out of 10 voices in my head agree...

More to come....

You were born at a very young age.

You will never be younger than you are today.

Help! I'm being held captive in a fortune cookie factory!

Follow your heart unless it leads you somewhere stupid.

?You're lost....But you're making good time

The more you run over a cat, the flatter it gets.

When all else fails, stop using all else.

He who sits in well to look at sky can see but little. Plus, his rear is wet

Youre I.Q. came back, It's Negative

Ignorance is bliss. You must be in ecstacy

Sushido: Way of the Tuna

It's Bad luck to be Superstitious

There's a fine line between fishing, and sitting still.

It's not pretty being easy.

It's not the bullet that kills you, its the hole

Reality is an obstacle to Hallucination

Without time, everything would happen at once.

Notice: Beatings will continue until morale improves

Be Nice to your kids: they will choose your nursing home.

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