Number 56 Summer/Fall  199

Sufferin' cybernetic-surfboards, Beachboy! Can you believe Summer's over? Don’t you just hate it when things you’ve enjoyed for some time are winding down? Summertime, torrid affairs, BSE II- oops, shouldn’t have said that. But it’s true. Even the blast-them-all-to-hell- so-we-can-watch-their-blood-freeze-dry- in-deep-space wackos aren’t firing up their penile substituties and are waiting for Da Big Change. But more about that later.

Whoops- did I say 'penile'? Yep, I did. Right there, two sentences ago. Mebbe I shoulda used 'phallic'? Or 'ding-dong'? Can ya believe some dinkus got wanked up a month or so back, 'cause someone wrote a message to the BSE-List with words he wuz concerned his "fourteen-year old" dotter might see? And they weren't swear words. What the hell is she doing reading the List in the first place? She a subscriber? And where the futz were you, Bubba while she was reading it- scanning the Plaything Channel?? If Sweetums is playin' BSE at her age, you've really got yer wires crossed. Sounds more like a hard-up attempt to control the dialogue than any concern for "The Children".

Yep, I'm back, nasty ta-kill-ya hangover and all. At the wheel, in the groove, in command, the Big Kahuna is on the job. You can just call me El Supremo Jefe de Grande Enchilada de La Bone. Captain Jackass would work just as well. I won’t bother to ask if you all missed me. I couldn’t stand the pain of rejection.

Back to the Bone. Seems we got a lot of real good comments on Duckbutt’s issue. Canyabelieveit? So we promoted him to Junior Ass. Editor. He still has to sweep the place, but he gets a real desk and he gets to keep his secretary. Speaking of which- why the hell didn’t Rlo send her before I left on my surfing safari? I damn near burned my eyeballs on the desk lamp when she walked in my office. Maybe the Guv’nor has more nubile lovelies in need of ‘developing usable skills’? (hint, hint)

Lessee what kinda news we can throw at ya… Last word was the ex-Reichchancellor was seen fishing someplace, but the source couldn’t be sure. Kinda hard to tell if it was Ace, what with the shaved head and the beard and ballcap and all. But I for one wouldn't rule him being gone fer good if the stuff hits the fan again.

The Gray Wolf Clan is running the USA. Isn't that special? Word is the Rept Massacre is gonna look like a tea party once Morgan gets his plans finalized. And- if the Ghods boot his ass again, well…he says he’s prepared. Makes me kinda glad I’m not on his to-do (away with) list.

The Foelians are producing new Demons, but it looks like the batch they’re using could’ve been aged a bit more. We’re talking some seriously whacked stock here, Kids. One right out of the gate says he "hates Bugs". What’d they ever do to him? Looks like we can expect some fun come 2-Kay time. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

With the Third Coming of BSE, everyone’s taking a wait and see attitude, or taking a break. Last thing that dribbled out of the Meeting of the Twelve Apostles and the Ghods (aka GenCon) was the Ghods proposing limits on factory production the way they do with mines to stimulate trade. Nice to see they backed down on that one, as well as the geothermal-energy-complex version of "The China Syndrome".

Of course they've got the combat program done, natch. And all the wargamers are drooling. Same old lousy economy tho. Crack open a book on "How Economies Work" instead of an effing history of World War II? Nah. Remembering that it's a Space Opera and not a war game? Nah. AAARRGGH! Crusoe- a pitcher of margaritas, and fast!

Okay… I’m much better now. I suppose it could be worse. They could have simply sprung it on us like the Cohoes Gang. Remember the much vaunted BSE II? No benefit of lubrication there, Kiddies. Where were we? Oh, yeah- The Bone. And an interview. This is usually the point where we do them in this rag, right? Just after my rambling diatribes.

Well, surprise, surprise. We thought about doing one with a notable figure. We wanted to do an interview with an alien race. And guess what? You know the refrain; "it didn't happen".

We now had a lot of empty space to fill. Soooo... to fill up that space I dragged in something our Transhole guy sent me. Chuck U. Farley dumps stuff on us every so often so he can beg us for expense money " 'cause he's producing". He calls this stuff "interviews". Maybe I should call it "Tales from the Dwarf Star Bar":

A Conversation at Allipon

with Chuck U. Farley

This place is a crossroads of sorts. The only Free Port in Transhole, it tends to be a home, a refuge, or the end of the line for many people. I won't tell you where I fit in. In any case, I come across many of them here.

Back on Week 28, I was sitting in my usual haunt, the Dwarf Star, on my usual stool at the far end of the bar, watching last month's slugball semi-finals game on the holotube. It was hard to make out which team was which, ever since that idiot Cartrark tossed tossed a bottle at the screen at a commercial he mistook for a racial insult. Now all the team colors looked the same and everything is kind of slanted.

I was about ready to leave when a man came up to the bar next to me. Something seemed odd about him, more than the usual oddness you find in ports like Allipon. He was looked like any other crew member around here: worn and faded jumpsuit, scuffed ship's boots. But the hands were well-manicured and the face, though weathered like most deep-spacers, was shaved except for a neat mustache and goatee.

Maybe, I thought, he was a starcaptain down on his luck, or with his ship muntinied. But the stellars he plunked down on the bar were real enough. Okay, so maybe he was a "newbie"spy, or one of those elitist dandies out slumming.

He caught me looking at him as he picked up his stimbrew.

"You're new here," I said, meeting his hard stare. I guess he figured I wasn't a threat because I saw him relax a bit.

"Got in last night," he replied as he took a drink.

"My name's Farley,"  I offered, "Chuck Farley." His eyes narrowed for a second, then he made a strange smile.

"Ringbone Gazette?"

"Yeah," I said with a bit of surprise, "Didn't think anyone out here read it."

"The name rang a bell. Besides, I've not been out here long," he said as he took another pull on his stimbrew.

"I figured as much," I replied and watched his eyes narrow again, "I mean, you don't have the 'look' of somebody who'd end up here."

"What do you mean?" He asked with a clipped voice.

"Well," I said, "Mutineers generally show up scruffy and well, worn out. They come in here, slam down a few drinks down, then head off looking for work. Spies might show up, but they're generally locals to begin with. Sooner or later everyone knows that they're 'moonlighting'.

"The WCE, if they show up here at all, are a bunch of Marxist tight-asses. They're nothing like the old WCE'ers. They might come in here, they might not. Generally they end up at the cheapest places and bitch how these rotten Alliponian capitalists are sucking their blood dry. Don't even ask about the Samillians." The man chuckled a bit and shook his head.

"I'm not a mutineer, I'm certainly not with the WCE, and I not a spy," he said, "You'll just have to accept my story that I'm just an simple crewman on a bit of R&R. Name's Jason Prince, by the way."

"Crewman, maybe, " I told him, "But not simple. You look more like an astrogator than a deck swabber."

"Oh, I've seen a star-chart or two," he answered, "but I can assure you that I've seen the working end of a mop in Main a lot more than a seat in Command."

"Okay, Mister Prince, you're a simple crewman" I replied, "you can be the effing Emperor, as long as you're buying the rounds." He smiled as he took the hint and ordered some more stimbrews.

We sat there for a couple of hours and swapped tales. I told him about Allipon and what little I knew about the Transhole. We both shook our head about that WCE colony that was wiped out.

"And to think they call the Imperials sadistic bastards," Jason said in a tight voice. But he relaxed, and gave me what he news he had about the Periphery and the recent doings in Trans-Canally, right up to the KZK attack on the RIP colony in Kastoria. He even had the courtesy to laugh at my tired joke about the Kazerickii in the doll-factory.

"Looks like you've been around, huh?" I said as I drained my glass. He gave another short, barking laugh and signaled for two more glasses.

"Always the reporter, eh, Farley?"

"Yeah," I admitted, "it's hard to get some things out of your blood, once they're there."

"Don't I know it," Jason said in a strange voice, then shook his head. He took a look at the timepiece on his wrist and stood up. He told the bartender to bring me another stimbrew.

"Nice to have met you, Farley," he said as he put out his hand, "maybe we'll meet again."

"I dunno," I kinda slurred as I shook it, "it's a b-big universe out there."

"Yes, my inebriated friend, it is," Prince told me, "but I've a feeling we'll be crossing paths again. Farewell." With that, he made his way through the after-work crowd that was starting to fill up the place, and left. I leaned against the bar and cradled the cold stimbrew glass in my hands. I got this strange feeling down my spine, something I used to get as a cub reporter back in the days when I was on the SMS News.

Who knows, I told myself. maybe this will end up being interesting.

That was a good one after all, wasn’t it? You know, to show the newbies and some of the old timers that there’s a bit more to BSE than just shooting folks up.

But hey- we won't ignore you warrior-types. Once again the Bone is tickled pink to provide you with:

A Battle from the Nexus

32.199 / London 2732: A combined RIP/IND fleet, after a decisive victory in the Nexus system, moves through the London wormhole and engages another combined ISP/EKN task force on patrol. Two FGZ MYRSHIPS watch as usual.

Composition of Forces




IND JULY FOURTH (3070) fired at ISP STRALSUND (4406) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2320/0/2350), 84 Positron Guns - 80 hits - 800 damage - 96%

RIP GUANINE (1773) fired at ISP II FRIVOLOUS VIGOR (487) COMMAND (SHIELDS = 2350/0/2350),   25 Disruptors - 25 hits - 1632 damage - 100%, 28 Positron Guns - 28 hits - 308 damage - 100%

IND #13 KME (1947) Battery 1 fired at ISP MAGDEBURG (3116) COMMAND (SHIELDS = 2090/0/2350), 454 Photon Guns - 359 hits - 7180 damage - 77%

IND #13 KME (1947) Battery 2 fired at ISP BREMEN (3644) COMMAND, (SHIELDS = 2270/1440/2350), 454 Photon Guns - 334 hits - 6680 damage - 77%

IND #13 KME (1947) Battery 3 fired at ISP BRANDENBURG (145) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2250/0/2350), 454 Photon Guns - 350 hits - 7000 damage - 77%

IND #11 KME (125) Battery 1 fired at ISP BREMEN (3644) ENGINE   (SHIELDS = 2270/1440/2350), 90 Photon Guns - 70 hits - 1400 damage - 76%, 112 Disruptors - 90 hits - 6818 damage - 86%

IND #11 KME (125) Battery 2 fired at EKN KUAS-PI (4922) MAIN (SHIELDS = 0/600/0), 89 Photon Guns - 41 hits - 820 damage - 38%, 110 Disruptors - 60 hits - 4485 damage - 43%

IND #11 KME (125) Battery 3 fired at ISP MAGDEBURG (3116) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 2090/0/2350), 89 Photon Guns - 68 hits - 1360 damage - 76%, 110 Disruptors - 85 hits - 6508 damage - 86%

IND #16 KME (2886) Battery 1 fired at EKN POIT (774) MAIN (SHIELDS = 0/810/0), 436 Photon Guns - 174 hits - 3480 damage - 40%

IND #16 KME (2886) Battery 2 fired at ISP GUARDIAN-5 (2796) MAIN (SHIELDS = 0/0/0), 436 Photon Guns - 365 hits - 7300 damage - 82%

IND #16 KME (2886) Battery 3 fired at ISP II FRIVOLOUS VIGOR (487) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2350/0/2350), 436 Photon Guns - 337 hits - 6740 damage - 76%

IND #7 KME (3550) Battery 1 fired at ISP BRANDENBURG (145) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 2250/0/2350), 167 Disruptors - 148 hits - 11009 damage - 86%

IND #7 KME (3550) Battery 2 fired at EKN MU'UM (2970) MAIN (SHIELDS = 4538/3375/3750), 165 Disruptors - 77 hits - 5730 damage - 43%

IND #7 KME (3550) Battery 3 fired at ISP STRALSUND (4406) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 2320/0/2350), 165 Disruptors - 144 hits - 10694 damage - 86%

IND #5 KME (4214) Battery 1 fired at EKN MU'UM (2970) MAIN (SHIELDS = 4538/3375/3750), 408 Photon Guns - 138 hits - 2760 damage - 38%

IND #5 KME (4214) Battery 2 fired at ISP GUARDIAN-2 (1297) MAIN (SHIELDS = 0/0/0), 406 Photon Guns - 172 hits - 3440 damage - 40%

IND #5 KME (4214) Battery 3 fired at EKN POIT (774) MAIN (SHIELDS = 0/810/0), 406 Photon Guns - 169 hits - 3380 damage - 41%

RIP HORNET (1735) fired at ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) COMMAND (SHIELDS = 2190/0/2350), 76 Photon Guns - 67 hits - 1474 damage - 90%,   8 Positron Guns - 8 hits - 88 damage - 100%

ISP II FRIVOLOUS VIGOR (487) fired at IND #5 KME (4214) MAIN (SHIELDS = 3900/2110/1200), 166 Photon Guns - 142 hits - 3266 damage - 87%

ISP BREMEN (3644) fired at the IND #11 KME (125) MAIN (SHIELDS = 3600/2290/340), 5 Ion Cannons - 5 hits - 30 damage to life - 96%, 30 Disruptors - 29 hits - 1969 damage - 96%

ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) fired at IND #11 KME (125) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 3600/2290/340), 166 Photon Guns - 147 hits - 3381 damage - 87%

ISP MAGDEBURG (3116) fired at IND #13 KME (1947) MAIN (SHIELDS = 3600/2290/2200), 166 Photon Guns - 142 hits - 3266 damage - 86%

ISS M-BOAT 1 (2219) fled from the battle because it could not fire

ISP STRALSUND (4406) fired at IND #11 KME (125) MAIN (SHIELDS = 3600/2290/340), 166 Photon Guns - 142 hits - 3266 damage - 87%

ISP GUARDIAN-2 (1297) fled from the battle because the enemy was too large

ISP GUARDIAN-3 (2805) fled from the battle because the enemy was too large

EKN POIT (774) fled from the battle because the enemy was too large

EKN UK TUR (456) maneuvered this round because it had no space weapons but had fighters left

EKN MU'UM (2970) fled from the battle because the enemy was too large

EKN KUAS-PI (4922) fled from the battle because the enemy was too large

ISP BRANDENBURG (145) fired at IND #7 KME (3550) MAIN (SHIELDS = 3600/2500/1960), 166 Photon Guns - 147 hits - 7607 damage - 87%

ISP GUARDIAN-5 (2796) fired at IND #13 KME (1947) MAIN (SHIELDS = 3600/2290/2200), 100 Photon Guns - 80 hits - 1840 damage - 80%, 16 Sonic Blasters - 16 hits - 642 damage - 90%









Round 2

IND JULY FOURTH (3070) retargeted to ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) MAIN (SHIELDS = 628/0/2350), 84 Positron Guns - 79 hits - 790 damage - 96%

RIP GUANINE (1773) retargeted to EKN UK TUR (456) MAIN (SHIELDS = 300/600/0), 25 Disruptors - 14 hits - 931 damage - 50%, 28 Positron Guns - 13 hits - 143 damage - 50%

IND #13 KME (1947) Battery 1 retargeted to ISP BRANDENBURG (145) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 395 Photon Guns - 341 hits - 6820 damage - 87%

IND #13 KME (1947) Battery 2 retargeted to ISP BRANDENBURG (145) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 395 Photon Guns - 339 hits - 6780 damage - 87%

IND #13 KME (1947) Battery 3 fired at ISP BRANDENBURG (145) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 395 Photon Guns - 344 hits - 6880 damage - 87%

IND #11 KME (125) Battery 1 retargeted to ISP BRANDENBURG (145) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 78 Photon Guns - 63 hits - 1260 damage - 86%, 95 Disruptors - 88 hits - 6603 damage - 96%

IND #11 KME (125) Battery 2 retargeted to ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 628/0/2350), 76 Photon Guns - 63 hits - 1260 damage - 86%, 95 Disruptors - 92 hits - 6943 damage - 96%

IND #11 KME (125) Battery 3 retargeted to EKN UK TUR (456) MAIN (SHIELDS = 300/600/0), 76 Photon Guns - 32 hits - 640 damage - 43%, 95 Disruptors - 45 hits - 3354 damage - 48%

IND #16 KME (2886) Battery 1 retargeted to ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 628/0/2350), 436 Photon Guns - 344 hits - 6880 damage - 76%

IND #16 KME (2886) Battery 2 retargeted to ISP BRANDENBURG (145) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 436 Photon Guns - 379 hits - 7580 damage - 86%

IND #16 KME (2886) Battery 3 retargeted to ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 628/0/2350), 436 Photon Guns - 319 hits - 6380 damage - 76%

IND #7 KME (3550) Battery 1 fired at ISP BRANDENBURG (145) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 140 Disruptors - 129 hits - 9588 damage - 92%

IND #7 KME (3550) Battery 2 retargeted to ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 628/0/2350), 138 Disruptors - 125 hits - 9453 damage - 86%

IND #7 KME (3550) Battery 3 retargeted to ISP BRANDENBURG (145) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 138 Disruptors - 133 hits - 9954 damage - 92%

IND #5 KME (4214) Battery 1 retargeted to ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 628/0/2350), 388 Photon Guns - 319 hits - 6380 damage - 77%

IND #5 KME (4214) Battery 2 retargeted to ISP BRANDENBURG (145) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 386 Photon Guns - 325 hits - 6500 damage - 87%

IND #5 KME (4214) Battery 3 retargeted to ISP BRANDENBURG (145) MAIN (SHIELDS = 2250/0/0), 386 Photon Guns - 345 hits - 6900 damage - 87%

RIP HORNET (1735) fired at ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) COMMAND (SHIELDS = 628/0/2350), 76 Photon Guns - 74 hits - 1628 damage - 90%, 8 Positron Guns - 8 hits - 88 damage - 100%

ISP FURIOUS PURPOSE (1774) fired at IND #11 KME (125) MAIN (SHIELDS = 3600/0/0), 166 Photon Guns - 166 hits - 3818 damage - 100%

EKN UK TUR (456) attacked IND #5 KME (4214) with 20 fighters; 15 fighters hit ENGINE for 399 damage

EKN UK TUR (456) maneuvered this round because it had no space weapons but had fighters left

ISP BRANDENBURG (145) fired at IND #7 KME (3550) ENGINE (SHIELDS = 3600/0/1960), 61 Photon Guns - 54 hits - 2794 damage - 87%




Surfin’ USAAAAA… Well, I’d surf the USA if I could find ‘em. Problem is, by the time I did, everyone else would either be nuking the place or waiting in line to. And I really hate traffic…

You should see the plaque we got from the Werth’s officialdom last month. We are now an honest-to-*BOB* ‘IND Werth Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Facility’. Whatever that's supposed to mean. I guess it had something to do with our "rehabilitating" Father Larry. That also explains how Duckbutt ended up with a six-foot blonde secretary who still thinks kneepads are standard equipment. Nice to know the Guv’nor’s Office upholds strict safety standards (and that our standards of taste are still low…).

This lil’ tidbit just came in:

Top Ten Signs Your Affiliation is Trying to Get Rid of You 

 10. You're made Exploration Coordinator - for the Geneb system.

9. You're asked to deliver a load of Jump Engines to Porkamo.

8. You're asked to take a load of Pleasure Slaves to ROC Corona.

7. You get told that those big bulls' eyes on the side of your ship are the new Company logo.

6. Your orders from the PD always seem to read "Orbit that FET colony and we'll get back to you".

5. "Why don't you take those Lancers on a cruise? Oh, and stop at DTR Alamo on the way..."

4. Your PD assures you that your upgrade is ready, and EEM Hypso's moved to the Nexus.

3. All your public messages are addressed to you as "Star Admiral Morgan".

2. You keep getting assured that your ship's name on the Posted List is only a computer glitch.

1. You're invited as your Company's representative to Blood Priest Whisper's place for dinner.

And while we’re on a roll:


Those are some of the extra apostrophes left homeless when "Curnutt's Rule" went into effect. Poor apostrophes. Aren't you glad we gave 'em a home? Maybe we'll even put more of 'em to work....

Letters to the Editor


What’s this about you doing a show now? I saw something about it on my starship report. Is it going to be the same old rambling juvenile junk we get in the Ringbone Gazette?

Annoyed at Commercialism 

Dear Annoyed- Yep, got my own show now. And no, it's not he same old juvenile junk. I like to think of it as 'puerile programming for the intelligentsia' (look that up in yer database, bucko). I get to use double entendres, sexual innuendo, guests who I don't have to beat over the head to get to respond, and talk about stuff in Known Space almost while it's happening. Unfortunately it's not being broadcasted everywhere. Maybe someday.

See? I haven’t forgotten how to put this rag together. Not that it was ever together to begin with, mind you.

Ooops! Almost forgot one of the best parts:

Rumor and Innuendo

* Lots of new ships are making their appearance. There's at least five designs from four different groups getting ready to ply the spaceways.

* Word on the 'street' is that the late Larissa Oberon was secretly married.

* Look for a significant colony to make a name change next year.

* Add another terrorist group to the growing list of names. Reportedly this one isn't targeting any of the usual groups.

* Kudos to the RIP on their recent attack; it may be the last good one.

 * Rumor has it that ol' Gandy's box was full of old flitter parts. Others say he's still toast.

 * Look for Korondite to be obsolete in 2K.

Guess we can call it a wrap. Time to slip into the ol’ tuxedo and sneakers and walk on over to the new Mexican place in the Rec Complex. I wonder what’ll I'll have for dinner. Any guesses? Adios!

Ads and Stuff

We Want You! The Flagritz Empire is actively recruiting starcaptains. Please send your qualifications to [email protected] attention: Star Marshal Lincoln Stern.

Out Transhole Way? Please be sure to visit IND Allipon (1399) in the Limond (94) system. My used ship market can't be beat. You want something built? ASK! We're now able to build Survey Cruisers. Watch for our "Moving Sale" coming in the near future. - Lord Justin Jacine, IND Allipon

Petroom Is Open For Business! Markets are reopened at Kommercia Hive. We're oriented towards entertainment modules and exploration items.Why not stop in and visit a prime example of ongoing economic reconstruction in the Periphery? - D'zk Kal'ita, Governor of Kommercia Hive.

New Free Port! IND Werth is the latest and greatest in free and open ports. Buy stuff. Sell stuff. Exchange prisoners. Shop 'till you drop. Party with the pirates! Werth is the playground of the rich and infamous. And never, ever a cover charge.

So we got screwed out of Permanent Mines. Myrrians can still build Myrships (10-10-10) and Myrchants (1-30-2). Both 100 mu/hull shift and are Nexus and Draconian Cluster-friendly. We also have licenses available as well as other items for sale and barter. - Der Laul, for the MYR.

Got a Hot Survey Find? The MYR are interested in buying information on molten lava worlds or planetary sectors. Contact [email protected]

The Bone would like to thank the following:

Colonel Pizza II, Groton, CT (whose building just burned down, BTW....)

Son O' Gandalf

Emeril's in Orlando, for the lousy directions...(yeah, it's been three months, but I'm still po'ed at 'em...)

The Myrrians

Certain Nexus-Dwellers

The Kazerickii

Neil and RTG

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