No. 58                                                         WINTER 200 

And a Happy 200 to you all, mah little Gorditas! Sorry if the start-up tune startled ya. I told Duckbutt that I wanted something real el-dramatico to go with our boffo First Edition (and our first broadcast) of the New Year. Looks like he overdid it. Hopefully that'll be the only thing scary about BSE for the next fifty-plus weeks... nah. It'll be the same old high-firepower masturbations, a.ka. battles, that our 'weapon-challenged' power-player types just can't live without.

Let's run down the Latest and Greatest (or not) since we last chatted, dearies. Yeah, I can hear half of you now... "Great Suffering Cousin of Neil! I've had enough of his rambling already" . Yeah, it's a drag Bubbas, but you ain't payin' dinero to read the rag. Hey, I don't even ask for free drinks, do I? Speaking of that, you kiddies had better hit the restroom now. This is one loooong issue.

The Ship of Fools Tour continues to blunder on its merry way. I'd say where we're going to next, but I've had reports that somebody put a price on Duckbutt's and Yers Truly's heads. Can you imagine that? I can see Duckbutt, but little ol' me? All I can say is, Blood Priest Whisper will be mighty disappointed if I don't show up and interview him. After he's dined, of course...

Looks like the (new) old Ataman has got one of his vital members in a vise vis a vis (say that fast a few times) the Transhole Council, who basically wiped the metaphorical floor with him and his group. I do have one question: do the Flagritz even have vital members? We know they have heads; Cin of Brody lost his.

The Transhole Council went on to take out several "renegade" WCE colonies over a technology dispute. Kinda funny, considering the Transhole guv'mints not more than a few months back were bitchin' that they were being treated as a bloc and not as distinct entities. Well Bubbas, if you would exercise some consistency mebbe the rest of us in Known Space wouldn't think of ya as one group. Oh, and if ya kinda went public on why all this crap was going on, maybe ya wouldn't be as "misunderstood". Yeah, yeah. I shouldn't talk that way. There's Peace now - we should all be friends. Kiss and make up, y'know. Shame on me for being such a meanie (slap slap).

In the interest of really informing people outside the Transhole as to what was going on, the Bone went to one of the participants. An unwilling one, but a participant in any case. So without further ado:

Ringbone Interview: Admiral Lincoln Stern

Admiral Lincoln Stern's unique position as a human in service to the Flagritz Republic came to an abrupt end recently in a series of events that, even now, few outside the Transhole know or understand. In an effort to gain more information and more importantly, get the viewpoint of an individual with a long and colorful history in BSE, the Bone managed to secure an interview.

Ace correspondent Chuck U. Farley of the Bone's Transhole Bureau contacted Admiral Stern via secure-holo from his ship, in transit to the Periphery. A large man, Stern had a scar running down the length of his right cheek and a hand bandaged from punching out a Securitybot . Although pressed for time and concerned about attacks on his vessel, Admiral Stern was willing to answer our questions:

Bone: Admiral Stern, very little news has reached those outside of the Transhole. We've hear about attacks against a Snit and FGZ Neverwhere,combat involving T4 assets, executions of Flagritz, and so on. What exactly has happened?

Stern: I would have to say it started back when Cin of Brody decided to withdraw the FGZ from the T4. Evidently he was trying to make a "political statement" to the TH, that the FGZ were not the "step children" of the TH. I do not believe there was any malice in what he had planned, he simply wanted to be "kept in the loop" of the TH business.

Next, he proposed a FGZ/KZK treaty to the Rada. Again, he was simply trying to expand the FGZ's sphere of influence. This was of course perceived by the TH as an act of "mistrust" on his part. Rumors began flying of "hidden KZK colonies" in FGZ space, and the like. I think these two issues were the building blocks of the war.

Then there was the completion/installation of the BattleStars. Cin of Brody had told the Rada that he did not want them handled out in "wholesale" fashion to the TH. He didn't want to have what happened with BSs also happen with BattleStars. Of course, he gave in on this point...but it was too late.

Bone: Do you think there'll be repercussions for the KZK now that there's a "new Ataman"?

Stern: I doubt it. With the exception of the AIS, the rest of the TH have been "open" to the KZK. (The AIS have a high degree of paranoia when it comes to the KZK...)

Bone: So what happened next after the BattleStar problem?

Stern: Things quickly began to fall apart within FGZ space. Cin of Brody sent a statement to the Master Node to remove any AIS colonies from FGZ space. The Master Node of course refused. (Cin of Brody later stated that simply turning the colonies over to the MCU would have sufficed.) He dispatched a ship to the Q-Snit to set up a colony on the interior. The colony wasn't down one week, when the AIS attacked and captured it. Seems the AIS had set their colony up on the inside a couple of years ago...which took the Ataman by complete surprise. He had a small GP on the inside of the Snit, and he counter-attacked and captured the AIS colony.

Next came that delightful message from the THC, ordering Cin of Brody to turn over all his assets to Khan.

Bone: What can you tell us about the battle at FGZ NeverWhere and the move of Q-Snit?

Stern: The first week was just a probing attack, with some 200k+ fighters. They had more than enough fire-power to capture the colony the first week, but didn't. That week, Cin of Brody moved what was left of the Sith and Nomad fleet to Brody, (the Grey's had been destroyed one week earlier at Mace's entrance by a combination of SAM/AIS/RIP forces) and escaped to the Snit and started moving.

The first week, he moved the Snit in Mace, the following week he jumped to Merolla, then finally to Porkian, where the Transhole forces caught up with us. I, along with several CCs under my command were captured when the AIS arrived.

Bone: Was this really a civil war in the Flagritz Republic?

Stern: I really don't know what you would call it. At the time, I believe Cin of Brody felt as though he was dealing with one (civil war), but then it became painfully evident that there were outside powers influencing the results.

Khan was whining about having more of a "voice" in the FGZ. And, as everyone knows, the Ataman has supreme power of the Empire. In either event, it was painfully evident that the Rada was not going to follow Cin of Brody, so, he stepped down as Ataman and transferred control of the Empire to Marius Merca. A new addition to the FGZ, and one the Ataman believed would be welcomed by the Rada. Contrary to FGZ "tradition", the Rada actually had several "votes" to accept the new Ataman and the majority ruled. But even this was not acceptable to Khan and Mallum. They wanted to control the Empire. They gave their word to work with the new Ataman, then did not....very unbecoming to a FGZ.

Bone: So essentially Khan and Mallum double-crossed the then-new Ataman. Do you think they really have control of the Flagritz Empire, or are they there with permission of the Transhole Council?

Stern: Correct. In retrospect there was nothing the new Ataman could have done to stop what happened. But, instead of being Honorable about it, Khan and Mallum bought time for the invasion. Did you know that on the first attack at NeverWhere, there wasn't one FGZ GP involved? It was all AIS/SAM.

In my opinion, the FGZ Empire (by themselves) are weaker today than they have ever been. Its a good thing they are a puppet government, cause they are going to need the TH's FULL support.

Bone: How did you get caught up in all this?

Stern: Well, first understand my history with the FGZ. I have been employed by them for almost 10 years. I have a unique insight into their culture and history, and tactics. Cin of Brody basically "inherited" me when Den of Earth stepped down as Ataman. I was asked by Cin of Brody to deliver a GP to Khan's planet, which I did. That GP attacked and captured one of Khan's colonies on Mikals. Then I was ordered to Limond to act as a decoy...once the Q-Snit was in Porkian, my fleet joined up with it, and that's where I was captured.

Bone: How did you come to work for the FGZ in the first place?

Stern: Oh, it was right when Den of Earth took over the (then) Transhole FGZ. He needed some shipping done to a QSN colony in his space and gave me a contract. I liked Den of Earth, so, I hung around...pretty soon, I started flying under the FGZ flag.

Bone: Back to your capture. What charges were made against you, if any?

Stern: None that I'm aware of. My ship was basically captured because "it was there". I'm certain Khan will come up with something to accuse me of...he likes to do that.

Bone: We understand you were a prisoner, then freed. Were you paroled, pardoned, or did charges made against you get dropped?

Stern: Again, the AIS never told me why I was being detained. I feel as though it was simply because I was landed at Death Star when it was captured.

Bone: There were reports that Den of Earth was supposed to be executed, or turned over to someone as "payment". Why do you think he was released by the new FGZ government to the Samillians?

Stern: Damage control. If Khan could have his way, he'd kill every FGZ that wasn't Khan. But, he was kinda backed into a corner with Den of Earth. The THC, I suppose, still has a decent amount of respect for Den of Earth. Of course, there is also the possibility that they are releasing him so "Ike" can come kill him later...You know that's why he went AIS, right? I'm pretty certain that was who Khan was refering to.

Bone: What will you do now?

Stern: Oh, I don't know, Chuck.... The RIP have earned a very special place in my heart....and I have been offered a number of interesting contracts lately. Think I'll met up with Den of Earth upon his release, relax a little and see what the galaxy has in store for me.

Bone: By the RIP having a "special place" in your heart, do you mean working for or working on them?

Stern: On them.

Bone: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, Admiral Stern.

Stern: More than welcome....

Any bets that a) I'll end up on some secret T4 posted list or, b) even if I travelled in the designated lanes to Allipon, I'll get shot up "by mistake"? And Lord Jacine wonders why I don't go out there. I guess my only consolation is if the Transhole Council puts a hit on Chuck, he'll be too far gone to feel it.

Oh, surprising news (not): the IMP once again has a new PD. Three in what- two years? Not that I blame any of his predecessors; it's a job that's as rewarding as winning a till-you-drop-butt-kicking contest. Any bets on how long this one lasts? The old one went into the "consulting business" out Transhole way, or so I'm told. And considering what the new guy has in the IMP with him, I'm beginning to wonder if it ain't like taking a big dog out fer exercise. The ol' "who's walking who" routine...

Seems there's lots of affiliations out there looking for starship-drivers. The FOE, the FET, the FGZ, the IMP, and the AFT. The SAM could use some navigators, tho. Can you believe some guy blamed my show for him being lost in Canally? Okay, so it was an ad on the show, and his wife was in a shopping mood... No sense tempting fate.

I recently had dinner with the AFT's Master Trader. No big secrets exchanged, but it did lead to some good discussions, like the IMP's "PD/Flavor of the Month" and why the RIP can't grasp the "Win Friends and influence People in the Periphery" concept. I could tell ya where the restaurant complex was, but then again, why ruin a good thing? Soon as I say where it is, all these SMS types would be rushing in dressed in their leisure suits and gold chains, squeezing the cherry tomaters and whining how there ain't no tofu. In any case, it was much too short a time and I'd like to thank Silver Cascade for the opportunity to get together.

Letters to the Editor

Hail Harold Hedd, Editor in Chief

Youse and Duckbutt haves outdones youseselves [with Issue #57]!!! Funtastic

< ; - )

Son of Gandalf

Thank you S.O.G. (were you ever called "Soggy" as a kid?). We strive to have a quality publication. Once in a great while we actually screw up and do it right. Just don't ask us to capture any colonies in Galactix. There's already one group out there that's tried...

Dear Mr. Hedd

Blood Priest Whisper and all Foelians read with great amusement your latest rendition of the Ringbone [#57] . However, at this time I believe I must inform you that according to our legal department, your current broadcast from the Celtian IND Undersea Base on Hammerfest may have been illegal. We are currently investigating as to weather or not you had permission to actually travel in TCA space. As a result the TCA may have to post you. Therefore, so that we may officially sort this out and get to the bottom of this potential mess, we request that you surrender yourself to the authorities here at Bastion of Eeeevil.

You and your staff, especially the infamous Duckbutt, will be afforded the most favorable of Foelian hospitality. Blood Priest Whisper has even agreed to give each member of your staff an autographed copy of his cook book "187 ways to Cook Humans." Its a real hit here at Bastion of Eeeevil. Our legal department, believes this situation is most likely just a paperwork drill and doesn't believe your stay will last longer then a couple months. You can even continue working to publish the next addition of the Ringbone if you wish. Blood Priest Whisper has even agreed to an interview if so desired and can arrange, because of his considerable influence, interviews with certain members of the RIP.

However, should you fail to turn yourself in here at Bastion of Eeeevil, we will have no choice but to post you and hunt you down like a duck.

Bastion of Eeeevils Legal Department (Persuasion-R-us)

It's so nice to hear from legal-types. I know I sort of answered this one publicly before, but I wanted to go on record as saying that our "Ship of Fools Tour" will make a stop at Bastion of Eeeevil and get this little mess cleared up. Just as long as Blood Priest Whisper has a BIG meal before I interview him, or we do it via holophone....

Nice issue [#57], Head, with smaller than the usual amount of incorrect information

Star Admiral North

USA Secretary of the Interior

Thanks, Star Admiral. (See? They do read out there in USA-land! You owe me five stellars, Duckbutt...)


The action against Den of Earth and his minions was an operation approved by, and conducted by, the Flagritz Empire, with technical support of the entire Transhole Council. The Transhole governments harbor no animosity toward, nor desire control of,  the Flagritz Republic, just one uncooperative subset.

This information is provided to you so that you will not make incorrect public statements. Such statements may prove quite harmful.

Public Relations Node 800x600

Gee thanks, PR Node. I guess demanding that the Flagritz install the Alliance's choice of leader and capturing a Snit and Neverwhere was done all in fun. Lincoln Stern must be laughing his ass off. Whoops- gotta stop. Somebody might get hurt if I say more, like all those WCE colonies being taken out.

We've had complaints (among the many) that we don't do poetry. We ain't PBS, y'know. We don't do crossword puzzles either (stop cheering, Father Larry!). But we had a contributor, so here 'tis:

The Bone's Haiku Corner


litany of crimes

infinite accusations

Transhole purge goes on


pirate, slaveholder:

Bellamy of Canally.

Liberator? Not!


so industrious

an ant hill kicked open

busy bugs on Niffff


look in the bar for

Hedd and Rlo; pass the 'ritas!

bright pink elephants

As he said "Amazing what can be found on the restroom walls at some starport lounges". Anyway, there's your dab of culture for the year. Hurry up and grab it before it gets stale.

Time for another edition of a Bone regular feature:

Ten Questions: The Pundit at Large

When Harold Hedd retired as "the Pundit", he looked for a replacement that would be as outspoken as he had been. He got that and more. Ever since his arrival on the BSE scene some fourteen months ago, the new Pundit at Large has been a controversial figure. Little is known about the Pundit. He is 'large' (around 250 Kilos), has an ego to match, ''lived quietly" on Petroom and escaped shortly before the Samillians captured many of its colonies, and is, by his own claim, a genius. Rnl Krieger, the Bone's intrepid intern, managed to secure an interview with the Pundit at Large at an obscure coffee shop in Werth's starport. At a table in the back (a booth was out of the question), Rnl peppered the Pundit with our Ten Questions. The Pundit was, as always, ready to reply:

1. Why do you talk the way you do?

Pundit: As you can see, I am not an artificial intelligence, a computer, or a robot, as some have said. I despise using contractions. I dislike intellectual laziness, and that extends to speech. So, to some my speech is stilted. That is perhaps why one wag labeled me 'an AIS reject'. Perhaps he was insulting the AIS. But enough about me.

2. What's your take on the recent KZK action against the GTT?

Pundit: It sounds like the Imperials wanted a dirty job done, and the Kazerickii were all to happy to do it. I do have some questions about the operation's legality, however. The Kazerickii, or KZK, were covered quite well as to the motive aspect. Marshall Whisper's research into biological warfare against the Samillians would also have been employable against the KZK. Hence they had the necessary 'cover' to invade T-Snit.

Where the question of legality crops up is the Kazerickii's continued possession of T-Snit. Taking out GTT colonies is one thing. What legal justification do they have for taking possession of the entire Snit? Last I had heard, it was Imperial property. I posed that very question about legality of possession to our supposedly 'new and friendly' Imperial Periphery Director. I did not get a reply. Most likely it is the Kazerickii's reward for removing an potentially embarrassing problem for the Imperials. So much for a more open Imperial regime.

3. How do you feel about the granting of systems to the KZK?

Pundit: I think the Imperials have put themselves in a bad position as the KZK have a good one. The Kazerickii have systems in the Periphery, advanced ships and weaponry, and now a Snit. What if the current Kazerickii leadership is overthrown or changes its mind? Have the Imperials even thought that the KZK may have a different agenda than just being 'heavies' for the IMP flag? I do not think so. I think the IMP are giving out the proverbial rope that they will eventually be hanged with.

4. What's your view on the recent war in the Transhole?

Pundit: It is another unintended consequence of the Great War. The Transhole Council looked at the Grand Alliance, then at their various actions during the Great War, and realized they needed to be more cohesive. I guess that also means that the various member governments had better toe the line, or else. No separate non-aggression treaties with 'outsiders'. It was interesting that the AIS actually employed mercenaries this time.

5. You mean the RIP?

Pundit: The RIP are a legitimate group in the Transhole, so I do not know if you can call them mercenaries. There are others. Certain governments do not exactly have good retirement plans for their senior members.

6. It's said that you have a vendetta against the Transhole. Do you?

Pundit: No. I dislike hypocrisy. The WCE is led by people who for years have complained that the Imperials were mean and nasty, with no regard for their subjects or anyone else. Then they and their allies pull the stunts you have seen recently. We have a Transhole Council with a secret treaty agreement, who secretly supported the SAM in their war, and are now probably deciding in secret who is to be next on their 'hit lit'. The nasty old Imperials have a posting list and procedures for dealing with their lawbreakers. Where is the Transhole's posting list? Where is their due process? There is an ancient derogatory term for it: 'banana republic'. Though in this case it is more of a 'banana oligarchy'.

7. What do you think this year will bring?

Pundit: Even a genius can not make an accurate prediction. But I think it will be more of the same, somewhat.

Governments will continue to be prominent, as will alliances. The RIP will continue to be supported by Transhole and Trans-Canally governments, and continue to be a small thorn in the Periphery's side. Space combat will change and some powers will have a quick and maybe unsuccessful learning curve.

Perhaps the best aspect of 200 will be a minor renaissance of the Companies. I believe some have finally realized that they exist to do business, not to be armed lackies for governments. That is what did in the USS.

8. Which Companies do you think are getting it right?

Pundit: The EEM are doing quite well. Your family, the Kriegers, have always been planners for the long term.The AFT has competent leadership. Silver Cascade is wise and I do not think his vision has gotten worse since he stopped being Speaker for the Myr. The new GTT owner just might pull it off, but if it is who my sources say it is, he is not exactly known for his endurance.

The weaknesses for all of these however, is a lack of personnel and a poor economic mechanism. Those are something that only the Ghods can fix.

9. What do you plan to do this year?

Pundit: As little as possible. Perhaps take a cruise, consult for a group or two. Of course I will continue to observe and comment. Amazing how for all their complaining, my 'targets' continue to provide fodder for my commentary.

I think that I shall also look into going on a diet. Reduce the target size, if you get my meaning.

10. Any final thoughts?

Pundit: I wish everyone, and I mean every one, a good New year. Rest assured that I will continue to tap on things, or rattle the bars of the cage, just to see what comes forth. And my brain is still not for sale at any price.

Hmmm... maybe I should promote Rnl to Cub Reporter. Anyone who can sit through that deserves something...

I was just running through an article today by some Web guru. Seems I'm supposed to keep my writing short and un-linear, 'cause you all are "scanners" rather than "readers". You know, lots of pictures, short words, etc. If I ever start grubbing for money by selling Bone memorabilia (perish the thought!) or catering to 'Magic' players, maybe I'll lower my already-low standards. Until then, you'll have to read stuff like this next submission. Well, you RIPpers can move your lips...

A Brief Story by Ensign M.  Mann

A group of men are sitting in a bar drinking stimbrews and watching the slugball game on the holo-set. Finally one of the men turns to another.

"Excuse me, but where might you all be from?"

"Messalina," says the second man.

"No kidding," says the first man, "So am I!"

The others in the bar look at each other and discovered that they too, came from Messalina.

"Isn't that amazing," says the first man, "I grew up in a big mansion in the center of the colony. How about you?"

All the men in the bar are astounded that they too, grew up in a mansion in the center of the colony.

"My Ma used to make these really big breakfasts," the first man went on, "Schnitzels-

"Wow! My Ma made those too! She used to cook dozens of eggs," said another "piles of ham and sausage-"

"Yeah! And stacks of flapjacks, with gallons of syrup!" cried another.All the men were amazed because that was exactly what their Ma made for breakfast.

Just then, a USS starcaptain walked in. The bartender drew him a stimbrew and set it down in front of him.

"You might want to drink up and move on. It's gonna be a long night here -  the Krieger boys are drunk again."

The AIS, the rest of the Transhole, the IMPies, the RIP, the SMS, and now the Kriegers. Who else can we tick off? Well, we have the whole rest of the year to figure that out. Good thing we got the front door to the Bone office fixed...

Rumor and Innuendo by Kinki DeWins

*  Ike Krieger is playing mercenary for the AIS. His pay, according to sources, is Den of Earth's head.

*  Look for a new cargo ship design in a year or so that will make the CC look like a yatch.

*  Expect a bevy of big research results from the FET this winter.

*  Somebody outside the USA knows where those guys live, but they're saving it "for something special".

*  Look for Den of Earth NOT to be inhabiting a Samillian Hive any time soon, if ever.

*  Wormhole? Anyone have a wormhole? Seems there's a copy of the tech missing.

Call it a wrap. Call it finito. Call me a taxi. That's all, Kiddies. We'll see you in the Spring (if they even have Spring out here in the TCA...)

Ads & Stuff

The SMS is opening its Markets. SMS Dragon's Forge (4306) Trian (4) on Quintar (SS 636). For Sale: 30,000 Cond. Fiss(243) @ 25,  30,000 Cond. Mets(170) @ 10, 30,000 Cond. FF(171) @ 10, 1,000 Mines(27) @ 400, 10,000 LBCM(89) @ 20. Please use Highport Only, and if you are on the IMPerial posted list.. you'll never make it. Off market private deals gladly made. Lord Carmela Croft / SMS Dragon's Forge

The Flagritz Empire is interested in recruiting future System Lords. Warriors, merchants, explorers, research specialists, etc, all are welcome. Any party that is interested should know that asset transfer from your old affiliation will require the blessings of your PD. Geth'rik Mallum, Ataman.

***Starcaptains Needed***  The Foelian Theocracy has urgent need of starcaptains! If you are interested in exploration, trade, or combat the FOE need you! What's that? You're a  human? No problem my friend, Possession will do wonders for your complexion and self-esteem, just ask Linda Blair!

ROC Romero (4614) is open for trade. 30,000 Colonists for 10 stellars each. 30,001 Food, 1stellar/MU. 10.000 Processed thorlium 54 stellars/MU. 15,000 Fossil fuel 2 stellars/MU. 30,001 Thorlium ore 15 stellars/MU. 50 GPI scrambler 900 stellars/MU, 10,000 Pulac 26 stellars/MU, 50 Zombies 167 stellars each. Inquire about free ship maintenance program. Save time - use our hi-port! Location: Blowton system # 164 SSQ 15-43, on Geeche.

IND AMARIS HQ (1037) IS BUYING! Fissionables, Fossil Fuel, PT, Fibrillium. We're buying! Power, BCMs, ICMs, bring them here! Mines, TMs, Life supports, you have them- we want them! Located on Allipon in the Limond (94) system.

Out Transhole Way? Please be sure to visit IND Allipon (1399) in the Limond (94) system. My used ship market can't be beat. You want something built? ASK! We're now able to build Survey Cruisers. Watch for our "Moving Sale" coming in the near future. - Lord Justin Jacine, IND Allipon

Petroom Is Open For Business! Markets are reopened at Kommercia Hive. We're oriented towards entertainment modules and exploration items.Why not stop in and visit a prime example of ongoing economic reconstruction in the Periphery? - D'zk Kal'ita, Governor of Kommercia Hive.

Free Port! IND Werth is the latest and greatest in free and open ports. Buy stuff. Sell stuff. Exchange prisoners. Shop 'till you drop. Party with the pirates! Werth is the playground of the rich and infamous. And never, ever a cover charge.

So we got screwed out of Permanent Mines. Myrrians can still build Myrships (10-10-10) and Myrchants (1-30-2). Both 100 mu/hull shift and are Nexus and Draconian Cluster-friendly. We also have licenses available as well as other items for sale and barter. - Der Laul, for the MYR.

Got a Hot Survey Find? The MYR are interested in buying information on molten lava worlds or planetary sectors. Contact [email protected]

Have Old and Outdated Technology Tapes? This is your opportunity to turn slow moving items into immediate profits and ready cash! You may be able to sell those tapes to the Republic of Corona and realize greater profits instantly. Terms are flexible to suit your needs. Please contact privately, we have extensive experience in this area and can help you with valuations and guarantee a speedy closure to the transaction. Bill Cody, ROC Office of Reverse Engineering

The Ringbone Gazette would like to thank the following:

Silver Cascade, AFT head honcho               Royal Diner, New London, CT

Stu Krieger, retired EEM head honcho         Hepto Schwartz, Independent Novelties (IND)       

The KME                                                    Sheraton San Marcos, Chandler, AZ                                 

Mystic Pizza II, North Stonington, CT          The Krieger Press Cartography Department

Kommercia Poetry School.                          Admiral Lincoln Stern

Dunk N' Slurp Coffee Shop, IND Werth      Artist R. Bliss of Digital Blasphemy

Hosted by