Before I Go � October 2000

Before I go.
Don�t forget and please remember
Don�t lose and pack
Have you got your camera?
The spare batteries?
Is your mobile charged?
Did you pack the charger?
Your cigarette lighter is on the floor,
Your clothes are creased but in your case.
As long as I have a pen and paper packed I guess I�ll be able to write and put to verse the journey which I travel.
Warning this journey is running late.
23 minutes to be exact.
The most important parcels are still in tack.
They ask to help carry,
To handle with care and respect which are due.
The parcels are wrapped, coated if you like.
The coat offers warmth, protection and shelter.
Wrapping up the good,
Covering the bad.
Slowly opening and undoing to protect,
The inner fragile soft cream center.
Soft cream centers.
Soft, like you say about me.  I give in too easily.
Give in.
But if I was to give in wouldn�t I be the same as you a failure?
I will kick you up the arse.
When we both think it is required.
Kicking the ball around the carriage,
Kicking and pushing.
Kicking the old
And pushing the new.
New lines here,
Old ones there.
How can I get it all done?
The train, plane is due to depart.
Depart and or commence from where?
Your pocket.
Raid your bag.
Look underneath the bed sheets.
What are you looking for?
What did you have to remember to pack?
What was running 23 minutes late?
Why bother counting.
I mean
Life will wait for you.
Chances come
And chances
Collide and crash,
Land on your feet.
You have 2 chances.
1 in reality and 1 in life.
Its how you respond to challenges which counts.
So before I go never lose track of your dreams.
Dreams become nightmares when we fall asleep and squash them.
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