Darkness's Assault

She ran into the room, seeking
a haven in her distress.
The darkness slapped her face
and seized her eyes, leaving
her flailing, senseless, about the room.
She tried to retrace her steps, but
it had its long, calloused fingers
around her wrists, dragging her towards
it. She managed to wrench herself
from its grasp and stagger to the bed,
collapsing onto the beckoning pillows
and drawing herself into the warm
sheets, as if she could hide from it.
She felt it follow her, moving closer
to the bed until its presence
wrapped around her, forcing
the breath from her lungs.
A scream erupted from her lips,
causing the bed to tremble,
and the darkness dropped her, retreating
to the shadows. Convulsions racked
her body as she lay there sobbing,
the white sheet a veil�
until sleep finally pardoned her,
and her body lay still.

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