Why is a question that few ask. It is so easy for a person to live each day without ever realizing that he is living. Why do we live? How should we live? What are some of the things in life that are magnificent, and yet, unnoticed? What motivates a person to act a certain way? These are all questions that this webpage will seek to answer. I do not claim to know everything or even anything; however, no one can learn anything without asking. So please, view this webpage objectively and willingly, and I hope you too will begin to delve into the Socratic method as I have.

This webpage is centered on Christianity, although it seeks to ask questions of all sorts even if the questions contradict Christianity. The only way to fully comprehend what we believe is to understand its refutations as well. It should also be noted that I have seriously edited only one "entry". Because of this, the entries reflect on my age and thought process at that time. Perhaps I have changed since then, perhaps not. In any case, I have left these entries in their original states so that I will remember how I have evolved.

I began this webpage as a journal, typical of most teenage girls. However, I quickly became bored by just detailing to cyberspace my daily activities. But in telling of my daily encounters I began to see patterns and recurring emotions and thoughts. By writing them down and discussing them not only do I benefit myself, but I hope to be of benefit to you as well. So please take some time reviewing this website. My hope is that this webpage will entice you to ask your own questions and help you in your own search for truth.

Several people have asked why is my webpage named "Water Always Falls"? Good question. It is difficult to find consistencies in life. Sometimes in asking many questions a center of stability and a sense of identity is lost. However, I hope to remind myself and anyone who reads this website that there are still consistencies in this world. Water will always fall. Life will continue. God is always here.

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