Day 8: Salzburg - Munich - Oberammagau - Garmitch-Partenkirchen

We left Salzburg, Austria for Munich, Germany.  We went to the Nymph Palace... Holy shit the place is huge.  I saw some Canadian goose there.  Odd... We stopped by the Glockenspiel and watched the life-size figures go round and round... well most people did.  I was gaping at this extremely good looking German guy standing less than 10 ft away from me.  Anyway, we visited the Hofbrauhaus for lunch... tried their bratwurst and the beer... mmm... beer. I've never liked beer before but now I can definitely say I like European beer.  Having it at lunch time may not be such a good idea tho'.  So  I ended up wandering in the streets for 2 hours by myself until I ran into my aunts near the rendez-vous point for the tour group.  

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Inside Hofbrauhaus: lots of music, drunks, and beer.

Since it was Saturday, the tour guide figured we should go to Oberammagau on the same day since all the stores close on Sunday.  We missed the Passion Play by a year, but there were still lots to see in the small town.  A lot of people there still wear their traditional clothing.  It might've been a special occasion but nobody mentioned anything, so I'm assuming it's their regular wear.  After that we drove onto Garmitch to settle for the night.

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Ze fisch fountain in München.

Ze last day...

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