Something About Me
(and you're thinking, do I care?)


My name: Wendy K.

Horoscope (if you believe in this type of thing): Taurus

Favourite books: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and A Storm of Swords

Favourite sports: I like WATCHING hockey.

Favourite team(s): Team Canada! (and the Toronto Maple Leafs when they're not playing the Ottawa Senators.)

Favourite singer/bands: Maroon 5, Matchbox 20, David Usher

Favourite characters from movies: Peach (Finding Nemo), Aragorn (LOTR), Zé (City of God), Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean), Edward Bloom (Big Fish)

Most wanted present: Something memorable... except for strippers. Minion 2 might appreciate them more.

The person I love most: ME of course. Who did you think I was going to say?

School: 4th year at U of T, double majors in Physiology and Psychology, and a minor in math...

Best times in my life so far: Summer of 2000. September 5th, 2003.

Favourite places to go in TO: Smokeless Joe's, C'est what?, The Green Room (sketchy, I know), a certain coffee shop at the JCC, St. Lawrence Market.

Oh, and here's me... awww... recognise the ducky?

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