All about winter sports...

Here are some quotes and weird things that happened in these winter sports and events:

Salt Lake City 2002 | Hockey | Other sports | Pengling's Sports Log


* Random weirdness:

According to Icieey and Cecil, Francois looks like both Markus Naslund, captain of the Vancouver Canucks, and Andy Roddick (U.S. tennis player). Hmmm....

A whole bunch of NHL players who played, or were supposed to play at the Olympics are suddenly injured or their injuries suddenly got worse.... i.e. Cujo breaking his left hand; Lemieux's hip got worse; Yzerman can't play; Blake getting hurt; Niedermayer's concussion; Shanahan's thumb; Fleury's "temper" (yeah well it's a liability...);Yushkevic's blood clot; Tkachuk and Weight... here's proof.(Note: Icieey is also injured for some unknown reason.)

The Winnipeg Minor Hockey Association threatened to suspend a coach for life if he moved a game scheduled at the same time as the men's gold-winning hockey game. The association also told the coach that if the game is forfeited he'd face a suspension too. Maybe the Russians run the league...? Hockey Bureacracy

* Quotes

"I think Mario Lemieux looks like a penguin." - Pengling...

"They're like these huge orange pylons." - Icieey describing the Philadelphia Flyers to Pengling.

"It won't be some girly little thing... you want to have it as a (fighting) major, but you don't plan that stuff." - When Buffalo Sabres tough guy Rob Ray approached the 3,000 mark in career penalty minutes, he promised to reach that milestone with some dignity.

Carrie Esposito, daughter of Phil married Alexander Selivanov. "I tried to talk my daughter out of going with a hockey player," says Phil. "But he's a good kid. He asked me if he could marry Carrie before he asked her. I said: "You want to what?'' I thought he was just going to ask for more ice time."

Mario Lemieux, who has never been known as an athlete who likes to train, was once asked by a journalist what he was doing to stay in shape:

"A month before the season I don't order fries with my club sandwich."

"You can probably get a nice song out of those chimes."- Brendan Shanahan on the number of posts and crossbars he's struck during a season.

"For the most part, with the possible exception of me, I don't think anybody goes out to try to hurt somebody." - Jeremy Roenick of Philadelphia Flyers.

After every game where the Leafs captain can't get out of his lethargy, the media ask him for explanations. When asked if he''s fed up to have to face the same questions endlessly, the Swedish star answers:
"Absolutely not! I enjoy it! Every day, I look forward to those questions."

"I'm hoping for a bench clearing brawl during the warm up so I can go out and grab his stick." - Ex-goalie of the Ottawa Senators Ron Tugnutt on Gretzky's last game in Canada against the Sens.

As SLAP SHOT plays in Japan the working title translation is "The Roughhouse Hockey Players who Curse a Lot and Play Dirty.".

Goaltender Dominic Roussel on the birth of his baby boy, "His eyes are wide open and he looks alert. He might be a goalie."

When the Russian Central Army team visited the Flyers at the Spectrum the captain of the Broad Street Bullies declared: "They always try to play with our minds. But that won''t work with our club. We''ve got 20 guys without brains." -- Bobby Clarke - Early January 1976

Rodney Dangerfield's famous one-liner in 1978:"I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out."

"If I caught you a little off guard I'm sorry. It was not my intention to create any sort of controversy but I'm starting to get a little long in the tooth and I could use the rest. I'm looking forward to using the time off from the Olympics to just relax and not worry about hockey for a while and I'm going to enjoy it." --Patrick Roy talking about why he didn't want to play for Canada in Salt Lake City. (Hint: Now read the bolded words.)

"You give me a team of Canadians and we'll go out and win the Stanley Cup." -- Theo Fleury. How true.

Quotes/Funny Stuff: Stinger's Hockey | CBC: The Instigator

News: TSN Hockey | CBC Hockey | Canoe Hockey

More on hockey: National Hockey League

Clubs: Toronto Maple Leafs | Ottawa Senators | Vancouver Canucks

Other Sports

The Expedia online travel agency is providing English soccer fans tips on how to express themselves in Japanese during this year's World Cup, London's Daily Telegraph reports. Phrases include : "Who ate all the sushi?" and "Are you blind, ref?""

"At a ceremony at Staples Center in Los Angeles, prior to the Lakers-Clippers game, Kobe Bryant was commissioned as an honorary ambassador to the city of Kobe, Japan.... No word yet as to whether the city of Moron, Cuba will be extending the same honor to Rasheed Wallace." -- Ken Rudulph on the "Best Damn Sports Show Period"

"I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father." - Golfer Greg Norman. (Note: I didn't think you can suffer from concussions or any other brain damage in golf...)

"Sure, there have been injuries and deaths in boxing, but none of them serious." - World middlweight champion Alan Minter.

Moments of silence were held at soccer games in Wales during the weekend in the memory of Brian Fear, 65, former president of the Football Association of Wales. However, Fear is alive and kicking, after leaving a hospital where he was treated for a heart attack. According to the icWales Web site, he said: "The funeral's on Thursday and I'm hoping to be there."

"Opponents say they'll stop hacking Shaq if he'll stop ramming his way to the hoop like Mr. Magoo on ecstasy, parallel-parking an army tank." - Scott Ostler, San Francisco Chronicle

"...Colleen Jones, Canada's women's curling champ, whose status for the worlds is in jeopardy after she injured her neck.
She suspects it may have happened while she was, gulp, getting her hair braided.
Yikes. Who's her stylist, Bryan Marchment? "
-- James Duthie of read the rest of the article here: More Stupid Injuries

Boxing's oldest active trainer, Charlie Costantino, was asked if there is a big difference in life at age 91:
"Yes, there is very little peer pressure."

"Anybody who says Jerry Krause can't build a team I take issue with. I think he's done an unbelievable job building the L.A. Clippers."
-- NBA agent David Falk, mocking the Chicago Bulls general manager for trading Elton Brand.

"It gave me - how do you say it? - chicken pox."
- Sergio Garcia's response when asked about Arnold Palmer's emotional farewell at the Masters.

Some random dude's comment:
"If you take away the ball in golf, the sport will be called 'walking'."

Pengling Sports Log

This is where I'll keep track of all the games that I've been to, or will be going to:

17/02/2004 - Boston Bruins @ Toronto Maple Leafs (Leafs lost 5-2, and IT'S NOT MY FAULT.)
30/06/2003 - Hamilton Tiger-Cats @ Toronto Argonauts (We killed them.)
16/04/2003 - Philadelphia Flyers @ Toronto Maple Leafs (loss in 3rd OT)
05/01/2003 - New Orleans Hornest @ Toronto Raptors (The raptors lost that game.
27/12/2002 - Philadelphia Flyers @ Ottawa Senators (Game tied 2-2 I think...)
23/10/2002 - Florida Panthers @ Toronto Maple Leafs (The leafies lost. But I met Alyn McCauley!)
Summer 2002 - Went to a Blue Jay's game. I think Toronto lost. I was too busy finishing my burger at the Hard Rock Cafe at Skydome.
22/06/2002 - 2002 NHL Entry Draft @ Air Canada Centre
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