Bad Taste
BEWARE!!  The Evil Lord Crumb and his alien goonsquad have descended upon the Planet Earth in order to reap a fresh supply of human flesh, a new taste treat, for their intergalactic fast food chain.  How can we Earthlings be saved from this cannabalistic doom?  Fear not, for the Alien investigation and Defense Service will defend us to with a shred of their mortal existence...literally.
Terry Potter                                   Ozzy/3rd Class Alien

Peter O'herne                                 Barry/3rd Class Alien

Craig Smith                                   Giles/3rd Class Alien

Mike Minett                                   Frank/3rd Class Alien

Peter Jackson                                Derek/Robert

Doug Wren                                   Alien Leader

First off, if you're looking for a movie to push the limits of gore and horror, then this just might be the movie for you.   Peter Jackson does not get the credit he deserves for this film.  It is excellent.  Most horror/gore movies make you wait awhile before you get the action you want, but not in this film.  The minute you press play, the action begins and it fails to stop until the very end.  Filled with tons of gruesome deaths, decapitations, impalements and many other sick things, this film brings it all. Thank you Peter Jackson!!  I highly recommend it.  I give it 5 blood buckets!!!
Brians Review:
Jeremys Review:
Its amazing that the director Peter Jackson was givin the chance to direct such a fine movie as Lord of the Ring when previouse to that movie he released such films as Frightners and this fine specimine of a movie called BAD TASTE,  truley a movie that will be apriciated by people with as the title boldly states have bad taste.  However this movie delivers the cult hankrin youve probably been cravin for.  This flick has some great gore, intresting space zombies and an intricite plot that some how alows you to forget your actully watching a movie.  watch this movie, i strongley sugest it for it will be at the top of many cult classic conversation you have with true conisore of this form of cinima.
I give this movie
4 Buckets of Blood.
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