Today is the first day of this new website.  I figure I'll mostly put my poetry on here, not to mention some rambling.  What's a website without rambling?

Just continuing to set the site up.  Eventually I will completely transfer my other website over here and include daily rants and rambling.  I also have to get all my pictures linked.  I have the Blues Traveler page set up and I finished the quotes page.  Now I'm gonna go type out some of my poetry, which is always fun.  Soon, I'll have actual poets on here, not to mention Albert Camus words of wisdom.

I've been working like a fiend on this tupid website and I've finally gotten the poetry page completed!  Well, except for songs, but they don't count.  I have SO mcuh to transfer over here, it's ridiculous.  This website gives me something to work on, something to waste my time with, something to put all my creative energy into, not to mention stall me from doing my AP US History crap.  I hate that class.  Had a looong drawn out debate about religion with Joey last night.  He's the only person I can talk to intelligently about that stuff, seeing as how he's a devout Catholic and all.  Me....I don't know what I am.  But you'll hear about it soon enough.

I will be 17 tomorrow!!!  Woohoo!!!  I can legally get into R movies now.  Fantastic.  So what am I doing right now?  Wasting time.  I hate homework.  So I'm ignoring it.  How will I celebrate my birthday tomorrow?  Hm, let's see, by getting up early, going to school, having a mediocre day ( not too mediocre, i WILL be getting presents), coming home, opening presents, then doing homework.  Barring the presents and giddiness of turning a year older, the day will be like any other.  But it'll be good, dammit.  I'll have to refigure the layout of this page because if I have these little blogs every day, I'll quickly run out of room.

Howdy.  I'm 17 now- no great milestone, unfortunately.  There was a history quiz today, not to mention a pop reading quiz in lit.  I hadn't read Death of a Salesman yet and wasn't looking forward to it, and then she goes and springs a quiz on us.  There is this girl.  SHe is slightly...physically repulsive.  I don't mean a little bit.  I blood pressure goes up when she's around me because not only is she...ich, but she's also annoying.  It's sad and it's mean and I'm an awful human being who's going to hell.  I know.  BUT.  If you could just SEE her, you'd know what I was talking about.  I need to start ranting on this page.  I'm afraid if I do, though, I'll completely abandon my other page and I don't really want to do that.  I spent a lot and I mean A LOT of time and effort on the other one and put a whole lotta love into it.  I'd hate to see it go.  But that page is for anyone to see, whereas this one....not so much.  I'm going to start doing Daily Creativity Installents on their own little page.  Woohoo, let's be happy.  For the past 3 days or so I'm been trying to download any Janis Joplin song off Napster and for some reason I can't.  At all.  ANy other singer, sure.  Janis Joplin?  No.  The dead woman has her grip on my hard drive!!  She won't let me download her music!!  Ummmm......right.
Oh, if you were wondering where I got the picture at the top of the page from, I took that in Michigan two years ago.  Nice, eh?

I've been slaving over lyrics for I don't know how long.  Then Pagebuilder (which is so obviously a Communist plot to drive me insane) shut down for seemingly no reason at all and I couldn't save the Yes lyrics I typed up.  I'm very tired -- the week went by fast, I just don't get enough sleep.  It's not so hard anymore when I see my ex-boydriend (wasn't technically my boyfriend, we dated, he was stupid) anymore.  I almost said hello to him a few days ago.  But don't worry, I haven't gone completely off the deep end.  I went to Starbucks and read some of Hocus Pocus today after school, then came home and made the shell of the newspaper.  I went to Media Play somewhere in there to do some Xmas shopping.  Spotted a hottie playing a guitar.  What can I say, I'm a sucker for musicians.  I got a link for Camus' quotes, and if you recognize the octopus picture (not that you would), it's because it's off Veruca Salt's last CD cover.  Poor Veruca Salt.  I loved their other CD but their new one is kinda bad since Nina Gordon ditched the band.  I've stopped using my inhaler.  Not that I don't need it anymore.  I just forget.  So when I start hyperventilating, there's nothing I can do.  Blah.  Thank God I can sleep in tomorrow.  Saturday.  Greatest day of the week.  I bought Chantal Kreviazuk's first CD today.  I've only listened to the first two tracks because I got home before the third one really started up.  I have to write a eulogy for WIlly Loman this weekend (if you don't know who that is, don't worry about it).  Man, how can I write positive things about such an aggravating character?  I guess all that American Dream nonsense will go in there.  I don't know what's going on with me, but lately, the idea of going out and socializing just doesn't seem...interesting.  I've been in a stay-at-home kinda mood for a while.  Well not stay-at-home, per se, I just haven't felt like going out with my friends much.  Of course, Reid is gonna give me guitar lessons (score!) and we'll probably start tomorrow, so that'll get me out of the house (and lost, considering he lives in Acworth, which is forever away from me).  Reid, if you're reading this, sorry I didn't call you back.  I just didn't feel like putting forth the effort to talk on the phone to anybody.  I've begun to revel in myself, I suppose, and being alone without being lonely.  It's quite nice, actually.

What a nasty day today.  And yesterday.  I'm ready for some sunshine, no more of this completely cloudy sky crap.  I fixed my webpage problems, but I'm convinced Pagebuilder is evil.  Sssh, it knows we're talking about it.  Oh, after trying to learn the guitar basics yesterday, I have discovered that I suck.  A lot.  Dammit, I have to write that eulogy now.  I think I'll go type up some lyrics.  That sounds good.

I love you, so I give you more lyrics.

Things here are a drag- I realized I have some symptoms of depression - i don't HAVE depression, I just realized i have some symptoms and I'm gonna have to  keep an eye on myself.  Take care of myself.  Something to make me happy though:  I'm painting my nails "Deep Berry."  It's a Revlon color and it's actually really great.  It's a dark wine color.  I'm trying to get stuff done for the paper, but it just ain't happenin.  Hotmail refuses to load and I sent all of the articles to myself via hotmail.  That's the only way I can get to them.  Bummer.  I'm definitely looking forward to christmas break so I can have some quality sleeping time.  I'm so freaking tired and yet I haven't been able to stay asleep lately.  You  know how I mentioned before that I was enjoying spending time by myself?  Well do you know what that's become?  I realized it wasn't about alone time at all.  I just don't care.  About anything.  The only things I've cared about are Michael and Stacy finally dating and the other day when Michael was freaked out and got really mad at everybody.  Other than that, it's just easier not to feel anything.  So I don't.  SO, yeah...what a drag.  I love Cat Stevens.  Go check out his lyrics on my lyrics page.  It's very quite cold here, and it's been awful, drizzly weather.  It won't snow, it just drizzles.  This weather is miserable and it makes me unhappy and even more tired.  But I think it's supposed to be warmer and clearing up tomorrow, so that's good.  Because we're having a SPECIAL VISITOR tomorrow at school!!  Guess who???  I'm excited!!  Arrrgh!!! I have to go to the bathroom but my fingernail polish is still wet so I can't!!!  I have to memorize Aristotle's definition of tragedy for AP Language tomorrow.  I think I have it down.  I think.  We're watching the Great Santini in that class right now, and I really like it thus far.  Hey, in 10 days, this webpage will have existed for a month.  Let's celebrate, woohoo!  No time for guitar lessons this weekend.  Bummer.

IT SNOWED!!!!  Oh my goodness, it finally snowed in Georgia.  And now the sky is bright blue and it's so beautiful outside.  No more dreary, miserable, depressing days.  Ah....
BUT.  I DO have a two-day history test on a chapter we haven't even covered in class yet.  And I do ahve an AP Language paper to write.  All of this before we get out for break on Wednesday.  Bummer.  I worked on the paper and got it all done yesterday (suprisingly, it took less that 24 hours- only about 12) but I'm still waiting on an article from Erle.  Yep.  So I'm gonna go crack a book.  Later.

It was cold today.  And it's gonna be even colder tomorrow.  I flipped to the weather channel, and you know what it said??  The low AND the high for tomorrow is 30 degrees.  That's cold.
For my sake, because I haven't studied for history or written my lit paper, let's just pray I get snowed in or something.  Hahahaha Whose Line Is It Anyway? on Comedy Central.  Quite funny.  I'm running out of really warm clothes.  I mean we're in GEORGIA.  Yeah, I have my couple really thick turtlenecks, but it gets kinda old having to alternate the same three shirts.  I guess I can dig out some heavy sweatshirts.  Woohoo, Ally McBeal is on tonite!  I hope it's not a repeat.  I've totally gotten into that show now that Robert Downey, Jr is on it.
OOOOH I can't wait to see Dracula 2000.  How awesome does that look??  Woohoo!! And I'm 17 so I can go up and buy a ticket for it!!! Mwahahahaha!!!
I haven't written anymore Daily Creativity things in a few weeks, but as they come to me, I'll write them up here.  You care.

Why hello.  Man, it's been pretty cold outside.  The snow we got the other day has remained white ice for the past few days.  No more snow.  But we did get sleet earlier tonight.  Hey, and guess what?  I'm sick.  Very very sick.  I think my body is programmed to get sick at the start of every break from school.  I feel like somebody's sitting on my chest.  I'm heavily medicated now, so at least I can breathe.  God bless Sudafed.  I've been blowing my nose constantly for about 72 hours, and it's getting old.  I rented three movies today:  Dangeroud Beauty, The Virgin Suicides, and No Looking Back.  Virgin Suicides was weird.  And depressing.  But good, all the same.  No Looking Back wasn't anything spectacular.  I was pretty disappointed.  Usually those Sundance awards movies are pretty good, but not this time.  Dangerous Beauty I've seen before, but it's a 5 day rental so I'm in no rush to see that again yet.  I'm so bad about Christmas shopping.  I feel bad because my mom never gets really good stuff.  My dad buys her lots of stuff for the kitchen.  Come to think of it, my dad doesn't get a lot of good stuff either.  Man, it's gonna suck being a parent cuz your kids don't have any money to get you stuff and your husband will end up giving you kitchen appliances.  I've been listening to my Janis Joplin mp3's over and over again.  She's just so amazing.  Joan Jett, too.  And Cat Stevens.  Hm, interesting mix.

Merry Christmas Eve, folks.  And Happy Hannukah to any members of my website audience who light the menorah.  I've been scanning a few pictures to use as links alongside this here blog.  If you scroll down you'll notice the new ones.  I have a Centaur as the link the the astrology page, Psyche and her sisters as the link to the Real Poetry page, and then the Wheel of Fortune for....I don't know yet.  The last two are off my tarot cards.  I really should bring over the rest of my pictures into the gallery.  Ah, I'll get around to it eventually.  Went to Starbucks yesterday for a few hours to recopy my history notes.  Takes a whole lot longer than one might imagine.  I'm not that sick anymore, which is good.
Back again.  I've got Galleries 1-3 up (except for the blurbs).  Gallery 4 is there, but no pictures yet.  Sequanota pictures will come along sometime.  I don't know when.  Merry Christmas everybody!!

Look at me go!!  Working on this website on CHRISTMAS!!! I'm so DEDICATED!!!!  Actually, I'm just bored as hell.  And hungry, too.  My mom's been cooking all day and I can smell it all up here.  HEY!! MATT signed my guestbook!!!  I don't know who he is, but this means I'm getting outside traffic!!! I thought there were only 2 other people who say this webapge.  Huh, who knew.  But go to his website and read his poetry and look at his pictures.  Yes, ANYway.  I'm going to be spending so much more time at Media Play with all the gift certificates I have for that place now.  And my dad got me a FIVE POUND Hershey bar.  That's insanity.  I put some pictures up on Gallery 4.  Not all of them yet.  Jeez, so much WORK transferring my other website over to this one.  I still don't know what I'm going to do about the rants portion.  I love all my rants, pointless as they were.  They were my journal entries for months and months!  I can't imagine not being able to read them!  There must be some way to transfer all that over from that Geocities account to this one.  It wasn't a white Christmas as I'd hopes, unless you count the leftover snow from last week sometime.  I was watching The Nutcracker on GPTV this afternoon (one of the many joys of the Christmas season) and one of the main ballerinas looked just like Jill.  hahahaha.....
*grumble grumble*
I like dancing in front of my mirror.  Woooooooo.
Hey I just saw that this website is a month old as of yesterday.  What, no celebration?

Added more to the Camus page.  Got in my first wreck yesterday.  Wooooo.  That sucked.  It was on Barrett Parkway, naturally.  I'm so tired.  I slept like the dead last night and had to wake up to go to the allergist.  I don't like shots.  I hope they don't make me get any when I go in for testing next time.  *shudder*

I bought 4 new CDs today. One was The Corrs' Talk on Corners Special Edition.  I didn't realize it was special edition at the time.  It's all these dance remixes of their normal songs.  Shows you what I know.  But it's good regardless.  #4 is a trippy remake of Fleetwood Mac's 'Dreams'.  Gotta say, I like Stevie Nicks doing this better, but this girl is ok.  I went to Robby and Polly's house today with my mom and say Peyton again.  My adorable little cousin.  He's getting so big!!  He's all alert now....when he's awake.
Anyhoo, I also got Early Days: The Beat of Led Zeppelin Vol 1, Chantal Kreviazuk's Colour Moving and Still, and The Counting Crows' This Desert Life.  I was incredibly bored with my CD collection, and I needed a few things to spice it up.  Woohoo.  It bites my ass how expensive CDs are.  I would ask Cory to just burn CDs for me, but come one, there's nothing like getting a new CD, tearing into the impossible plastic, and flipping through the booklet.  I don't know about you, but it sure makes me giddy.
WOOOOHOOOO!!!! I have New Years' Plans finally!! I sure didn't want to throw another party this year, I figured I'd leave it up to somebody else for '01.
Looks like my car will be ok.  The guy at the shop who repainted her remembered her and were happy to see her again.  SHe goes in on the 15th and stays for four or five days.  I have to go to my allergist in a week or so to get tested to see what I'm allergic to.  If anything at all.  But chronic congestion is no fun.
I've been 17 for one month today.
My brother's birthday is on the 4th.
I go back to school on the 3rd.  That bites. I'm going to get my hair cut and re-colored on the 2nd, so I'm excited.  Reeeeeeally excited.  I can finally get rid of these roots and go back to a nice, shocking blond like it was in the summer.  I'm so excited!  And I need a trim desperately.  I need about a half inch of the bottom layer and just a small bit of the shortest layer.  I wanna keep my hair growing out and see how long I can let it get before it gets unmanageable.
My punishment for hitting that guy's car is I can't drive on Barrett Parkway for a few weeks.  Which kinda sucks cuz that means I can't go to the mall, but other than that I really don't mind.  I hate driving on Barrett Parkway- people are nuts.  I'd just as soon go to the Avenue or Cumbeland.
I've been reading the poems from Love Poems for the Nervous and Highly Strung that Jessica gave me for Christmas.  I love that book.  Oh, that reminds me, I need to transfer all the poetry over here from my other site.  I'll do that soon.

Finished off a few pages of RealPoetry.  Went out for coffee with Joey.  Well, I got coffee, he just sat with me.  Hm, after talking to him, I wish I could be a guy and just not care about anything but sex.  Too bad I have emotions.  *grin*
Saw Brad Ploeger.  And John Coggin.  Not together.  Also saw Stacy.  Could NOT fall asleep last night, it was awful.  Stayed up till 3 watching some awful movie on TV.  I was laughing at it but I don't know if it was really supposed to be funny.  Most things are humorous at 2:45 in the morning.  God, I'm wired now though.  After that coffee.  I'm trying to write this essay for lit on my
Querencia.  I'm writing it about Sequanota.  Go figure.  Sequanota=heart's home.  Sounds corny but it's true.

AAAAAAHA!!!!  I knew it!!!!  *waves the paper with the background of Caroline's new medication on it through the air*
I knew it!  I KNEW I wasn't crazy.  It says, quite clearly, "SIDE EFFECTS, that may go away during treatment, include difficulty sleeping, mood changes, nervousness..."
HA.  NO freaking wonder I haven't been able to sleep for the past few days.  I knew it had to be my medication but my mother told me it wasn't.  I'm only on this medication temporarily.  Tomorrow's my last day, thank God [wait, that would be TODAY].  It's a trial run of allergy medication.  It's turned me into a freaking zombie of an insomniac.  [by the way, it's surrently 1:45 in the morning.  Who knows how much longer I'll be up?]  I watched a biography of Bruce Lee.  I know his basic story, I just never knew how he died.  Of course, what part of his story did I miss while I was channel surfing?  The info on his death.  It was some weird reaction to medication, wasn't it?  LIKE MEEEEE?  No, his was an abnormal brain swelling I think.  Anyhoo, yes, tragedy.  And his son Brandon.  Woooo, so talented and so freaking hot.  Man, he was great in the Crow.  Vincent Perez definitely didn't measure up.  I'm thirsty.  But I'm tired.  And I want to go to sleep but I know even when I get in bed that I won't be able to.  I hate that- the tossing and turning.  Drives me nuts.  Played my mother in double solitaire tonight [wait, that would be LAST NIGHT].  We didn't win.  We suck.  But it was fun.  Bonding and all that.  No my mother and I don't really need to bond, we're plenty well-aware of one another.  hhmmmmmm mmmm

It's actually the DAY of the 30th now.  Or night, I guess.  Whatever, all i know is it's not 3 am.  I finally finished the Camus page - go see it now.  Woo.  What should I do to my page now?  Finish the RealPoetry page I suppose.  Then move onto astrology.

Wow, I have to get used to typing the 01 at the top of my entries now.  Hey, JACOB signed my guestbook -- that's pretty cool.  He climbs rocks.  *reading his information about himself*  Apparently love has kicked him in the butt several times.  Hm.  WELCOME TO THE CLUB!! I'd throw you a party, but it's not something to be celebrated, unfortuantely.  Um, in other news I finished off that god awful medication so hopefully I'll be able to sleep now.  I spent ALL DAY on the couch yesterday (no shower no bathroom breaks -- nothing.  I'm a trooper) watching the La Femme Nikita marathon on USA.  Season 5 starts this coming Sunday.  I'm excited but a little sad because it's Nikita's last season.  Boooooo!!!!  I have to write 2 english papers.  How much does that suck?  I can't believe she assigned us TWO papers to write.  Not really HUGE papers, but they require abstract thinking-- hey i've been on break for two weeks-- i don't even remember how to think.  I did get my hair cut today.  It's shorter but not drastically so.  I just needed a trim, that kind of thing.  New Years was pretty bland.  But I'll be 18 next year, so hey, you know what that means.  In case you don't, it means I'll be looking for a club that'll let in 18 year olds.  wooooo.  SO I can shake my booty.  Stacy and I were shaking our booties at Joe's house on new years, but nobody really got into it.  Oh well.  I was having fun.  I took lots of pictures with his little computer camera thingie.  Most of them are of me and my tongue.  Yeah I like to stick my tongue out.  WHat can I say?  In case you haven't figured it out, I'm totally stalling.  Because when I have to get off the computer that means I have to FOCUS and do my work.  BAH that sucks.  I don't know what Mandy did to my hair, but it's incredibly soft.  *touching hair*  oooh I like that.  After I got my hair cut today, I went to Spencer's gifts and as I was paying, a Brak song came on.  I wanted to stay and listen to it but that might have looked weird if i'd just stood there.  Yeah, well.  If you have Napster [which you SHOULD], go download some Brak songs from Spaceghost.  Quality entertainment, especially "Don't touch me".  I love that one.  I wrote a song.  Mwa.  I kind of like it although I doubt I can remember the tune.  Hey, I noticed this morning when I woke up that the world didn't explode or anything.  Sorry if you were expecting the Apcalypse (uh...spelling?).  I mean hey, don't let the fact that we haven't all been blasted into oblivion get you down.  I'm sure it'll happen sooner or later.  Ha, I just realized a couple of entries ago that i typed 'special addition' instead of 'special edition.'  I fixed it though.  Hey don't let the man get you down.  Straight up.

Well hello there.  Been a while, hasn't it?  Friday night I went to Cirque du Soleil.  It was amazing.  The whole thing was like one giant dream, especially since all the grand details start to fade so soon after.  It really was visually stimulating, although not as good as Quidam in my opinion.  I bought a tshirt.  Then my mom and my godmother and I went to the restaurant on Cheshire Bridge where my uncle works.  He's the only straight waiter in the place.  It's pretty hysterical the way he talks about some of the other waiters.  You know what's interesting, though?  I kind of enjoyed being in a restaurant full of gay men because I really didn't have to think about how I looked or whatever.  Also didn't have to be distracted by checking out the cute guys because HELLLLLOOO it's not like I would have a chance or anything.  WOW, but the food there was quite spicy.  I don't normally eat very spicy foods and at one point, while fanning my lips frantically, I cried out "AAAAAGH my lips are burning my lips are burning!!"  yeah, my uncle got a kick out of that.  Last night I went to Jordan's 18th birthday party which was fun.  I saw a guy who looked EXACTLY like John Kersey.  It was really disconcerting.  I watched Park tie himself in a knot and listened as he sang a song, accompanied by bongos, about guacamole.  Brad Haley was there, still as cute as ever.  I actually talked to him.  You know that allergy medication I was on?  Well I'm writing an article for journalism about allergy medications and during research, I came across that medication.  One of the many side effects was PERSONALITY CHANGES.  As if I'm not psycho enough....but I was only on it for four days and my sleeping patterns are pretty much back to normal.  Tonight is the season 5 premiere of La Femme Nikita!!!!! YAY!!!! I saw Bobby Cox at the Atlanta Bread Company over by my house last Tuesday.  It was WEIRD.  I was like hey that guy looks familiar......Jessica, doesn't he remind you of Bobby Cox?  Of course she nearly smacks me upside the head as she tells me that it IS in fact Bobby Cox.  We didn't go up to him or anything, but it was really cool. Ups, time for dinner, my dad won't stop freaking calling me to come down.  Finally i screamed at him for the third time that i was coming ina second and he stopped.  *exasperated sigh*

It's amazing how much I haven't studied for finals tomorrow.  Today was the first day of exams.  I took my AP US history exam and my Latin exam, both of which went fairly well.  Physics and AP Language are tomorrow.  .....There's really no way to study for either of those.  Well, actually I'm sure there is, but I'm just too tired after staying up last night studying.  It felt really good to come home today at 1230 and watch tv.  just chill out on my sofa and vegetate.  I'm just so tiiiiiiired, and I had no desire to do anything else.  After school on friday - we only have one exam - we're all going to ihop and i'm looking forward to that big time.  i love to eat.  and breakfast foods are some of my favorites.  I know I just got my hair trimmed, but I'm thinking about doing something different.  I mentioned this to my mom and she's like "oh you can get it cut short again and blah blah blah" and I said, no, i want to keep it growing out.  and she said something to the effect of oh no, at least get something that looks good.  She didn't understand why I told her to shut up.  But no, I Just spend way too much time doing my hair in the morning, it's a total bitch.  i hate the hassle of making my hair look decent and I want to get it cut so that I can dry it in two seconds and it will look good.  In short, I want big hair.  That's right.  '80's hair.  I want VOLUME and poofiness.  Maybe if I had my own hairstylist living in my house.  That would be convenient, but I guess it might get bothersome when I had to feed her or something.  OOOOOOOH.  allergy testing.  riiiiight.  Had that done Monday.  One of the most painful, traumatic [physically] things I've ever had to endure in my life.  Got poked all over with needles...cried like a baby.  I'm SO terrified of needles and shots.  *shudder*  It's weird, I'm already looking forward to going to Sequanota and it's only January.  I don't leave for another 7 months.  I really want to take a road trip this summer.  You know, something fun.  My skin is very dry and it hurts.  ARRGh I WANT CUTE HAIR!!!! lol....hahahaha.  just kidding.  but i really do need some new kind of easy style.  I dunno...just washing it this morning and then sticking it up in a ponytail seemed to work well.  My tutor said she thought it looked cute.  CUTE!  Who needs cute when you can be dead sexy??

Well, finals are over.  It doesn't actually feel like I just spent three days taking exams.  It's all one big blur of two hour periods during which I sit with paper in front of me, writing something I really don't care about.  Maybe it feels like one blur because I didn't really study much at all - except for history.  Yeah so I was never that stressed out about it all.  Yeah I could have done better on everything, but I'm content to be an average Walker student.  I hate how they don't let us exempt any exams.  That bites.  If I was able to exempt, I wouldn't have to take Latin or AP Language because I have A's in those classes.  Oh well.  I added some new stuff to the Creativity page.  I watched the Graduate last night for the first time.  I thought it was a really great, funny, emotionally screwed up movie.  I can't believe I haven't seen it before now.  OK, what I'm about to say you may not take seriously, but hold on:  Lulu's "To SIr With Love" is a great song.  It's an oldie, but if you listen to it, it has such great potential.  Just add in a few guitars and some heavier drums, and you've got an awesome song.  That's what I think.  Y'ever notice how MTV doesn't play actual music videos anymore except for like 5AM?  What should I do today?  I just got me car back out of the shop yesterday and I want to drive somewhere but I don't know what to do.  I could go to the Avenue (oh goody) or something......I'm still not allowed on Barrett Parkway.  ANd it's not like I'm gonna say i'm going somewhere else and then really go to Barrett Parkway - because my luck, my car would die or i'd get in an accident over there and have to tell my dad where I was.  My ankles itch.  WHAT AM I GONNA DO TODAY?????  Maybe I could go rent movies.  Haven't seen 16 Candles or the Breakfast Club in a while.  Maybe I could take them over to Jessica's house and we could watch them - she's a tad 'under the weather' one might say.  What shall I do in the meantime?  Ah, a shower sounds like a good idea.  Yes indeedy

I'm about to add a 7th page of poems for the two new ones.  I hate finding out things I didn't want to know.  Ally McBeal was amazing tonite.  Too bad boyfriends like that don't exist in real life.  What guy would fall prey to kissing another woman, put a stop to it, go to his girlfriend, confess, sing her a song, tell her she's the most important thing in his life, yadda yadda yadda.  And then everything's great because WOW they really do love each other and WOW it's TV.  I have to go to school tomorrow.  But I got some new clothes yesterday.  So that's good.  I did some random marriage test on the internet yesterday and apparently I'm going to marry some guy named Jake.  I'm sure it's no relation to this Jake.  My VCR didn't tape Nikita last night.  I'm extremely pissed, being that that was the second episode and all.  There are only 6 left.  Mucho upset-o.

After a brief encounter with the love of my life this afternoon, I'm creating a new ssection of this website:  Chickenscratch.  Will be up soon.  Formal link will be added later.

New addition to Chickenscratch.  Wore my new sweater today.  Going to the hypnotist show tonight.  Currently working on my flapper project for Lit.  Feel a little sick from drinking a mango tiazzi instead of a wildberry one.  Mangoes are gross.  Does the plural of 'mango' have an 'e' in it?  By the way, if you didn't notice, the entries in Chickenscratch all are written with a sarcastic tone.  I write them to sound serious, but because they're written that way, it's funny.  Not "ha,ha" funny, but odd funny I suppose.  What the crap am I talking about.

It is now officially the 'end of January'.  Yesterday was Janis Joplin's birthday.  Let's all take a moment to remember the 60's voice of soul.  I finished the Fiona Apple lyrics page.  She's awesome.  I hate cramps.  But I love making boys squirm by talking about them!! CRAMPS CRAMPS CRAMPS!!!!!!  I HATE MY OVARIES AND MY FREAKING UTUERUS!!!! I AM A GIRL!!!!
Created a Blog Archive so this page isn't so big.

Finished The Great Gatsby.  Amazing book.  Amazing.

Well I'm very disappointed!!  All my horoscopes said today was going to be my best day and I'd meet some fantastic Gemini, and while I never usually believe those 'lucky day' predictions, i did this time because ALL of my horoscopes predicted it.  Yeah well and guess what I got?  A big fat nothing!  I went to Starbucks in hopes that the love of my life would be there-- but he wasn't.  I took my car in to the shop for a quick little fix that i needed done -- and the cute guy wasn't there.  SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE COSMOS??!!
Overall, my day was mediocre.  Tired as usual, boring classes as usual, history class as usual.  But Clay got all of his beautiful hair cut off and I got a compliment on my hair from Hayley Mitchell, of all people.  Because I'm incredibly vain, my hatred for her is now not so thick.  But she's still a dumb blonde and she's still in my journalism class.  I'm thirsty.  Probably because I'm eating pretzel rods w/nutella w/o anything to drink.  I actually have homework tonight.  That blows.  I have a lot of math and I have a math quiz tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to because sequences and series are rather difficult for me.  Bah.

I'd just like to say that Eric Goetschalckx is a really big dick.
And I'm NOT in a bad mood, so don't ask me!

But I don't WANT to do anything.
It's my Saturday night to do with as I please, and I'll be pleased to stay at home and let my brain defry after the SAT.
Check out my new entry in
Chickenscratch.  (Wheel of Fortune picture is official link to that page, by the way)

Alright, it's official:  I've got a full-blown case of Spring Fixation.  Not sure what I'm talking about?  This is what I'm talking about: warm, breezy weather, everything blooming, and the knowledge that school is almost out.  Music Midtown.  Sleeveless shirts.  Flowers!!!  I want it all RIGHT NOW!!  Spring and fall are my favorite seasons - I hate the extreme weather of summer and winter.  I'm just ready.  Usually I don't start feeling like this until March or April, so yeah I can tell I'm definitely getting a little restless...not like I can help it!  Things are such a drag for me right now!  I'm so bored with everything!!  And this GREAT weather that we've had for the past week isn't helping- it's so blue and nice outside that I just start thinking about spring.  And how much I can't wait for the freedom of summer!!

Happy Birthday to Katie Yendle!!
New photo Gallery, and thanks to FTP I'm going to transfer my rants from my other website to here.  Yippppeeeeeee!!!

Just because things don't work out how you expect them to doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them, per se.  It just means that that isn't how it was supposed to go in the first place.
In other news, I'm writing this AP Language essay on the Great Gatsby and it sucks my booty.  I hate it.  BLAH!! I also am fed up with physics.  Please God, let spring come soon.  My mother's sick.  I think I might be coming down with something.  I got a green suede jacket.  Vintage.  I'm quite proud.  Dammit, I hate the newspaper.

My cold has just about run its course.  I'm taking vitamins.  I slept 11 hours.  I've been having really werid dreams.  Is it spring yet?  It sure felt like it this past week, but it's kinda cold out today.  Hey everybody, Michael's a pimp.  A fancy free pimp with sexy legs and a huge ego.  Haha, nevermind.
YOU.  Yes you there.  Did you not notice I have a guestbook?  Go sign it.

Another Valentine's Day has come and gone.  Wow, you know it really sucked.  Yeah, my life is boring right now -- I have a history quiz tomorrow and I haven't read at all.  We're reading Age of Innocence in AP Language and I really like it.  I read it a few years ago for the first time but since I really didn't know how to read it [what to look for and how to understand what Wharton meant] I thought it was pretty boring.  The ending bothered me.  But who knows.  I totally don't remember the entire book [except for the basic plotline] so I'm finding out new things as I go along.  Today was an ok day.  Nothing special.  We had monday off and I had to go to the dentist. Ummm....I've got a new section I'm setting up [of the website] called Randomosity, a carry over from my old site.  I'll transfer everything over eventually.  AP US History really sucks. A LOT.  Jessica's happy and that's good.  She's gotten her life sorted out fairly well.  I, on the other hand, am floating here rather aimlessly, waiting for something to happen, not quite sure of what I want to happen...
Did you see the Xfiles on Sunday?  It was good. 
I HATE HUMIDITY!!!! HUMIDITY IS THE DEVIL!!!  It makes my hair go flat and my whole body just feels sticky.  It's disgusting.  I just don't feel clean when it's humid in every room and outside and in the's nastiness, that's what it is.  You know what's depressing?  I checked my mail yesterday on Valentine's Day and there was a message with subject line, You're Invited to a Valentine's Party!  I was like hey cool.  I open it up and it's an ad for some website with free arcade games!!  ARRGH!!! lol, at least I can laugh at myself.....*scowl*
3/4 of the valentine's day things I got were from females.  And i only got 4 things!!  Michael made me a great Valentine though.  I think I made him feel bad by saying he can't take the place of a real boyfriend.  Of course since he ABUSES ME!!!...  haha, joke.  Not really he trips me all the time and shoves me around.  I feel like we're in third grade.
OK I just went to my guestbook.  I rather enjoyed the entry of whoever it was pretending to me.'re doing a bad job!!  But everybody knows Cory's a sexy stud.  And I do have poofy hair, except for when abovementioned humidity interferes.  And OK so Vance is supposedly gonna call me.  WHere's that phone call, nerd??  And if you want him so bad, i'm sure it won't be that big a deal to make lauren have an unforunate 'accident.'
hahahaha I just read that random guestbook entry again it it makes me laugh. Thank you.

I should be reeeeeeally stressed out right now.  I have a TON of work to be doing.  I've procrastinated waaaay too long, even for me.  But you know what helps?  I just don't look at my syllabi....that way, I don't have to know what work I should be doing.  Worrks out quite nicely until I actually have to turn something that Literature review for AP US.  Still haven't gotten a book....I am SO screwed.  Don't even get me started on the newspaper.  I'll stay in my little bubble for a bit longer....

I hurt.  MY GOD I've been working on the newspaper and since, for some reason, I woke up at 9:30, I'm dead tired.  I even had coffee with a triple shot of espresso in it!  I knew I was immune to caffeine.  Reid invited me over to his little shindig, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to leave the confines of the chair in front of the computer for at least 12 hours.  I have the desire to stab myself in the eye with a blunt object.  Who knew laying out a sports page could be this stressful.  A little earlier I screamed and covered my head with my arms, burying my face in the back of the chair because one of the columns wouldn't fit around a picture.  This is my life.  My brain feels heavy.  The thing is, I like what I do for the paper.  I like my nit-picky job of layout, I like the details and things.  I just can't stand the people who don't get their articles in until the very last minute.  I want something.....very those people.... Wine had to unlock the school for me so I could get an article [that, it turns out, I already had] forgot what I was going to say.  urrrgh....

Well I got the paper sent in last night at 1143.  My life can now regain a bit more 'normalcy' [just because a president says it doesn't make it a word].  So happy Mardi Gras!  I'm mucho tired.  I laughed a lot today and that felt good.  Laughter IS the best medicine.  BLAH i hate school.  Michael's right.  This is beyond the normal 'school sucks' crap.  It's emotionally, physically, and mentally taxing to get up in the morning and haul myself off to school.  You know what's interesting?  The teachers all met with this woman doctor person who said homework bad. stress bad. sleep good. sane children good.  and yet.....we all still get lots of crap to do.'s mainly just in my two ap classes that i still get alot, and they don't really count as classes on the human ability scale.  arrgh.  arrrrrgh!!! i'm going to visit colleges in VA next week.  Starting sunday, really.  i can't believe it- that that's my life i'm figuring out.  it should be some big deal, but it only feels like it a little bit.  i guess wherever i end up i'll get an education.  if only i knew what i wanted to do with my life......................
February is a blissfully short month.


I'm back from my college trip to VA.  I really loved UVA and William & Mary, but I was not so fond of Randolph-Macon....mainly because I have confidence that I'm better than what they're looking for, and I'd rather have somewhat of a challenge.  I slept for 12 hours once I got home last night and it felt wonderful.  The first night i had to sleep in the bathtub because of my mother's snoring, but the second night she just got us two separate rooms.  That was nice.  I have to read that book for history, don't i?  dammit......After this trip, I'm really excited about college.  Yepyep.  I wanna get out the door right now.  Well, maybe after I've showered and had breakfast.

The move Jesus' Son is REALLY weird.  I have to read the book now since I didn't understand the movie whatsoever.  Strangeness:  I have all this creative stuff waiting to come out, I just don't know what to write.  I hate that feeling.  Makes me feel less than adequate!  SIGH I've been getting SO MUCH mail from colleges.  I hate that.  Blah.  Tiredness.  Just read over last year's Pegasus.  We have some really talented people at our school.  Looks like I'll be doing the photo shoot next Sunday.  Isn't that exciting?  I think it's exciting.  I have to get up damn early though.  That sucks.  Oh how I love when you people sign my guestbook!!  Thank you!!  Mwa!

Hey I got a new guestbook.  Isn't that fancy?

Such a good day.  SUCH a good day.  For no reason.  I wore my hair in a bun.  I got a smoothie after school.  It's sunny and blue and beautiful outside.  Warm, too.  Strange.  I got my sweater in the mail that I've been waiting for FOREVER!!! Hey, Music Midtown lineup is announced tonite.  Find out who's playing via my links page. (the music midtown link, smart one)

Holy CRAP, if I'd known having someone take your picture makes you feel THAT good about yourself, I would have asked around about a photo shoot a lot sooner!  SO basically I showed up at 7, had my hair dyed blond, then she styled it, then got my make up done, then the photographer, Tom something, took my picture a billion times.  He liked my "attitude look."  I get a kick outta that. I immediately came home, put my hair in a bun and SCRUBBED the 3 inches of makeup of my face.  So I'm blond again, and enjoying it because I actually feel somewhat like a blond this time.  I still didn't get all of the mascara off.  But I just won't bother for right now.  That was a really cool experience.  The makeup artist, Ryan, was really cool and she promised she wouldn't make me look 'trashy' like she'd made the girl before me look.  So cheap is the next best thing?  Naw, I didn't look cheap, I've just never worn so much makeup in my life, and it was a really alien feeling.  Speaking of aliens, is the Xfiles new tonite?  And speaking of tonite, I'll be spending FOREVER doing my physics homework and my journal for AP Language.  God that sucks.  I couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking about how much the newspaper staff doesn't really do anything.  That's ok, I'll get over it....we just won't have any more issues after this next one if I can help it.  Damn straight.  Woohoo I was a model today and I had a blast [although I don't reccommend the whole 'sticking a mascara wand in your eye' type of thing]

Went to sleep late last night (early this morning) working on an english paper.  Tired now, and I have to get up at the crack of dawn to go take the SAT.  It's amazing how much I don't even care about it.  Ashley Judd is a pretty bad actress, but Hugh Jackman is DAMN HOT.  Caroline pre-movie:  Single and loving it, happy, liking life.  Caroline post movie:  bitter and alone.  That SUCKS.  I'm sure I'll be over this little funk by morning, but the cynic in me can't help rejoicing (do cynics rejoice?) at the addition of a little more fuel for its sick and twisted little fire.
Hey, it's spring break.  Be happy.

Happy April!  It's been March so long, I hardly realized that it....wasn't anymore.  I really really really love John William Waterhouse.  If you have a minute, go check out some of his paintings online.  They're not hard to find, and they're worth the search.  Oh my GOD the storm last night had me up and down trying to take care of those damn dogs.  I finally just locked them both in the basement so they wouldn't get scared by the thunder anymore, consequently waking me up.  First they woke me up at about 4, then about 8, then wasn't pretty.  The weather SUCKS!!  It makes me want to stay on the couch all day every day not doing anything but watch tv....oh WAIT, that's what i HAVE been doing.  Ha!  Ally McBeal was good last night even though it was a repeat.  I'd never seen it before, so it was new to me.  I also watched The Mummy for the hundredth time because I LOVE that movie.  I watched Singles, which was ok, and TRIED to watch Fargo, but it was just so frickin boring!!!  Not even a little bit.  A WHOLE HELLUVALOT boring.  So...yes.  Thursday I'm going to the Mall of Georgia with Jessica.  Neither of us have ever been.  It's one massive mall from what i hear, so we'll have to only hit the stores that are absolutely necessary (now, really, where's the fun in that?).  Whatever.  That's all!

Cyberspace mystery to ponder:  is Chris Duke Phoenyx?  They both have redhead fetishes, and they have both contacted me in some way.  Hmm.....Hey guys, I'm not a redhead anymore!  I'm quite blond.  True, I USED to have red hair, and true, I DID like it, but I am not currently a redhead.  (Don't get me wrong, it was nice, I enjoyed it, I'd gladly be a redhead again, but I'm having fun being a dumb blond for now.)
In other news...Jessica and I went to the Mall of Georgia yesterday.  My feet STILL hurt.  The only really impressive thing about that place was that it had a lot of stores I've never been in.  Other than that, it's just a really long walk from one end to the other.  They have a Rampage store!!! I could have stayed in there all day.  I bought this gorgeous dress there that's white with roses all over it that I'll wear to a wedding in June.  Got a prom dress.  Speaking of which, we kind of need to make reservations.  Prom being in two weeks and all.  Let's see....It's been overcast and, in general, really really crappy weather outside all this week.  It's starting to clear up, but it's also heating up, which equals.....HUMIDITY!!!! noooooooooo!!!!!!!  Did I tell you that Michael cut all his hair off?  Mighty strange.

First day back from spring break.  All these tan people walking around...I'm still pasty, but they'll die of skin cancer before me.  Anyway the first true day of me being editor in chief sucked because nobody listened to me at all.  I have to study for a major history test.  I also have to read Dickens.  I hate Dickens.  I just remember Great Expectations from 8th grade and how much that sucked.  I hated that book.  And now we're reading Hard TImes.  I get the humor, and I can follow along fairly well but the prose is convoluted and I can't stand Mr Gradgrind.  Bah.  I looked cute today, thankyouverymuch.  Pollen iS EVERYWHERE!!! It's like 3 inches thick on the cars, on the road, on everything.  Not to mention it's getting hot now.  Summmmmmmer.  It's spring now.  I waited quite a while, didn't i?  I was good.  And now I'm just waiting for summer.  I'm NOT looking forward to the heat, but just not having to be in school will be SOOOO wonderful.  I'm so tired of it!  So tired of AP US, tired of the same inane conversations day after day, the getting up early, not getting enough sleep, everything being so structured.  Screw it all!!  I care but I don't want to.

I just saw a
picture in Vanity Fair of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan that made me feel unimaginably warm inside.
I'm eating M&Ms and thinking about that picture now.

Christina Rossetti says it best:
"I am sick of where I am and where I am not,
I am sick of foresight and of memory,
I am sick of self, and there is nothing new....."

Happy Good Friday the 13th.  I got the Blow soundtrack.  Listen to #13.  and #11.  And #5.  Hell, listen to them all, they're all wonderful.


I am fickle
like a pickle
funky pickle
fickle pickle
like a shiny nickle
in your hand
the hand of the man
is keepin me down
All the while I'm
like a pickle
funky pickle
fickle pickle
I love you I love you
It'll never change
never ever change
never change
Oh there it goes
Cause I'm
like a pickle
or a nickle in
the hand of the man
keepin me down.

Thank you, thank you.  That is all.

I keep thinking Oh!  It's almost Friday!  I can go home and sleep and not see anybody and lay in bed all weekend... But it's prom.  It doesn't seem like it should be so soon, but it is.  Arrgh, what do I have to do tonight?  Start physics, review for the essay I'm writing on Friday, Hard Times....that book alone takes up WAY too much time.  ALso have a history quiz.  A double whammy.  Two chapters and some HOWIA thrown in, too.  Math tutoring was fun because we just ended up talking about TV shows for half of it, and we were both deleriously tired and fed up that for some reason, the ellipse that I graphed became REALLY funny to the both of us.  Yet my cloudy mood prevails.  Overall, I"m sick of everybody.  Pretty much, that's my problem.  SO.  If any of you who are reading this have thought, "My she's acting a wee bit bitchy lately" it's just that, most likely, I'm sick of you. HAHA!  Just kidding!  It's nothing personal against anyone, I just desperately need to be alone here at home instead of at school having to think.
I downloaded 2 songs with Joan and Bob singing together.  And I've been listening to those songs, contemplating the article in Vanity Fair I read about them, staring at the
picture of them that is so sweet and ...

I'm in the process of making my own music midtown schedule.  You, too, can do this.
Anyway, prom was a blast, it went by too fast, and now it's all in the past.  Ha, I just realized I was rhyming with 'fast' and had to keep it going.  I have mucho lots of stuff i need to be doing for AP Language right now, but alas, i don't quite care too much.  Tragedy, tragedy: too many great bands are conflicting during friday night!  aaah!  who do i choose?

This isn't going away, this vague rage that just washes over me unceasingly throughout the day.  I'm lashing out and hate the world and I don't know why.  More than anything, I think, i want to be left alone.  But then that can't be it, because I still want to see my friends.  Or is I want to be around people other than my friends?  I don't know, but whatever happens, I'm not getting left alone with Jessica and Clay at Music Midtown.  Of course, there's no 'left alone' about midtown, but you know what I mean.  Agh, to be confronted with how ALONE I am every DAY!!!  Yes I complain.  Goddammit....I have to, somewhere!  My ideal situation is to be on a beach somewhere, with a magazine and a good book, some cold drinks, some music, and maybe a hot guy that doesn't speak english.  neeeeeeed.  I need so much.  I think if the world exploded right after Live ended their set sunday night, I wouldn't be sad.  Well, I'd be dead, so I wouldn't be anything, but you know what I mean.
New poem
New creativity.

Had a much better day for once, and I think things are looking up for now.  Tomorrow's friday, and that's all that matters.  Jessica and I are going to see Bridget Jones' Diary and then go shopping for some nice, slutty tops to wear to midtown.  And i want to go to Victoria's Secret and buy that yellow, maroon-polka dotted thong I liked.  Hopefully they'll still have it.  HA! no homework....well, no REAL homework...
I like doodling with colored pencils.  doodle.  dooooodle.  doodle.
Break was interesting today....
That's about all.  No it's not I lied:  I got a 30 on my ACT, the one I thought I did so poorly on.  But I'm taking it again June 9th at Life University anyway.
If you see Reid, Park, or Michael, tell them to update their sites!!!!

Bridget Jones' Diary was SOOOOOO good!  And it didn't make me bitter or anything!  Colin Firth was amazing in his part.  Got ONE slutty top, three bras, 5 pairs of underwear, that's it.  Saw a HOT guy at Hot Topic.  Come to think of it, I don't know if he worked there or not.  I didn't notice. I just noticed how absolutely beautiful he was.  Bleached hair spiked up in these fat spikes and...well, just gorgeous, really.  It's about 10 pm now, and I'm incredibly tired, so I think I'll hit the sack.  Go to sleep, if you will.
Darn it....I should have talked to that guy.  I wanted to touch his hair....Yeah, I don't think he worked there.  So I'll never see him again. Sad.  I never ever saw that Starbucks guy again either.  I moved on from that, so hopefully.... SIGH  ;o)  Basically I'm a complete wuss, so I have to be approached.  Most definitely.  I'm such a girl.

Holy crap, what an amazing weekend.  I don't know why I'im awake right now.  I'm awfully tired...  But I"m leaving later on tonight to go see Live.  There's really nobody else I wanted to see and since I'm in sooo much pain I figure it's better to chill at home for a while.  I didn't really have fun yesterday, but all of a sudden, Wallflowers, Train, and ESPECIALLY Marvelous 3 totally saved the day for me.  There were just SOOO many people.  I kinda got used to the whole sardine feeling by Marvelous 3.  There was a very nice man who watched out for me when the asshole crowd surfers came my way.  I HATE CROWD SURFERS.  Yes I do.  Especially that one drunk blond girl...
Ah yes, Friday night.  Blues Traveler was amazing...despite the fact that I wasn't exactly paying attention during some songs thanks to some guy named Blake...  No, seriously though, when John Popper started playing No woman no cry, I thought I was gonna lose it.  That's such an amzing song.  OOOH and last night, Marvelous 3 did Queen and Train did Led Zeppelin better than Led Zeppelin would do.  There was some random Train song called Roll to me or roll over me or something like that and for some reason i started to cry when i heard it.  i don't even know why, because it's not like i was paying overly much attention to the lyrics.  GOD we saw so many people from school this weekend!  how is it that, in a crowd of like 80000 people, we run into about 20 people we know?  insane, i tell you.  I got a henna tattoo of course.  I can't really hear anything....that's scary.
Thank god for Clay's shoulders.  He let me get on his shoulders twice and I got some fresh air and could finally see the stage (being that I'm 5'2" doesn't help me).  Poor Jessica got kicked in the eye at one point and she was already sick...I got some sun on my shoulders and arms thank goodness.  I needed a wee bit of color.  But I didn't actually get much.  Ran into Meghan Morris and she tried to tell me what a great show I'd miss by not going to see Less Than Jake and i just said pssssh whatever.  MARTA hasn't been that bad except for friday night when we were SO tightly packed in I thought I'd pass out right there.  Oh Marvelous 3 was....well...marvelous!  Totally made everythihg worth it yesterday.
Alrighty, I'm pretty sure we're meeting at the Perimter MARTA station at 6.  oooooh it looks like rain y'all!!!  I"m excited!
Now I have NO WOman No Cry in my head, and I don't particularly mind.    oh GOD I'm tired.  My ears are killing me, my back is killing me, my hips are out of joint, my feet are blistered and sore, and my calves are screaming for mercy.  Wonderful concerts....
Yeah I definitely have AP exams next week and I haven't studied at all.  Oh well.  I wish I cared.

You just gotta love Britney Spears:
"I'm used to being onstage, but sometimes working with your mind is harder than doing physical stuff!"   [I'm sure it is for you, sweetie]
"When I look back at myself in Teen Beat magazine, I'm like, What was I thinking?  But I just had to go through that to be the person I am now."  [What, a slut?  Your clothes are actually worse.]
Anyway, AP testing is over for me, and I don't care what Killian puts up on that goddamn screen of his, I'm not taking anymore notes in that class.  But I have to come up with a topic to write a research paper on.  THAT will suck.  So yeah, school is pretty much over for me.  I'm a senior - not technically, of course, but for the most part.  I've looked forward to this weekend for sooo long!  Just being AWAY from people.  Being by myself.  It's nice like that.
Thank you to Meghan for signing my guestbook.  YOU SIGNED THE OLD ONE YOU LOSER! But I take what I can get.   Thanks dear.  Went to the dermatologist today.  I always feel good about my skin until I go there.  But she's crazy anyway.  If I haven't told you about Dr. Hurt (yes that's her real name) then ask me about her sometime.  She's got jet black hair....and now she has BLOND highlights.....Imagine how that one somebody cracked an egg over her scalp....
OK Jump Little Children is coming to The Roxy on June 9, 9 PM.  Tickets are $15.  Will Hoge is opening.  GO here for more info.  YOU MUST GO.  Jump is amazing.  Buy their stuff.  Support them.  Their new CD is out soon.  You love them, I love them, they love us.
I figured out that Jake goes and signs people's guestbooks so they'll come see his site.  Maybe I should do that.  suuure.....

I checked my email and found one of those crush link emails in my inbox.  You know, somebody lists you on the website as somebody they have a crush on and it sends an email to the person letting them know somebody likes them.  OK, this is dumb,  Just tell me.  You see, to get the thing to make a "crush link" i would have to list my crushes too.  I'm not going to do that.  So...yeah.  Just tell me.  Btw, if this is a joke I'll punch you in the face.  :o)

Why is it that I only seem to get online when I have the most work to do?  I need to do those bibliography cards for history, get a good start on physics, and layout the newspaper.  This bites.  The thing on Friday at school was fun, I enjoyed myself immensely.  My finger still hurts from air hockey, though.  I've been having the weirdest, most vivid dreams lately.  Anyhoo, yes two weeks of school left -- how is that possible, when I still have so much to do?  Everything will be ok once I get the paper done.  And start the research paper.  BAH!  Killian can bite me.  So can physics.  It's Jessica Vance's birthday tomorrow, let's all wish her well.  She's finally 18!  yay.  I don't know how to do #12.  Help.  Currents, resistance, and potential difference can bite me, too!!  Hey I'm looking at my website stats and this page has 1256 hits.  That ain't bad, folks.  I should have put in a counter to feed my vanity, but oh well.  There were 281 hits in April.  You know, my old website took twice as long to reach half as many hits.  Hm.  OH well, I like this one better anyway.
HEY!!! Jake linked to my site!  That's so awesome!  I love it when people I don't know plug my site.  That's cool.

My, my, everyone was cranky today.  I came in late and rather wish I hadn't come in at all.  I've never seen so many people grumpy all at the same time.  I don't think Jessica was grumpy - she just knew we were right about her flirting.  Ain't that right, honey?  Yeah, and BAH.  God today was pointless.  The year is almost over.  The year is almost over.

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