it's 9:15 AM.  I'm at home.  No, I'm not sick.  I'm working on the NEWSPAPER godammit!!!
I got three hours of sleep monday night and last night I sat up till midnight hoping the file would go through to the printer but it never did.  So now I'm sitting here at home because I'm waiting for the file to send again.  The people at the printer company must think I'm absolutely crazy.  I've called twice and the guy has been like CALL BACK WHEN IT ACTUALLY GOES THROUGH!!  So yeah, whatever.  At least I'm not at school....  Instead I'm working on an outline for my research paper -- which is going to suck majorly by the way.  Killian is such a bastard to do this to us.  I had my college planning meeting yesterday and found out that pretty much all the schools I'm interested in are "reach" schools.  I need more "aim" schools.  So yeah, money isn't the issue it's more my average grades.  I have like a 3.7 GPA and my SAT score is 1400 and my ACT score was 30.  Now yes, this is actually very good, considering Walker's not a breezy school and I don't care as much as I should about grades.  I'm doing well for someone who constantly feels overwhelmed.
*looking at progress of file being sent*  They guy said it could take up to TWO hours to go through.  So much for being at school in time for physics.  GOD this is the last issue -- thank god.  Then I won't be layout editor anymore, I'll just be plain Editor-in Chief, hehehe.  Power.  No, I'm actually both editor and layout editor right now, but next year i won't be the one worrying at 3 am whether or not the file went through.  And what's this about Goldfinger coming to town?

June 1 - Brand New Immortals, Cold, Staind @ Centennial Olympic Park
June 8 - Better Than Ezra (one of my TOP favorite bands of all time) at Centennial park
June 9 - JUMP LITTLE CHILDREN and Will Hoge at the Roxy
June 15 - Will Hoge, Modern Hero, and Vertical Horizon at Centennial park
June 22 - Doves, Our Lady Peace, and Tender Idols @ centennial park
July 1 - Buckcherry and Econoline Crush @ the Cotton Club
July 19 - Goldfinger, Homegrown, RX Bandits, Reel Big Fish, and Zebrahead ALL at the Roxy.
July 20 - Dexter Freebish & Sister Hazel @ centennial park.
so?  you up for it?  If you wanna go to the Goldfinger show with Cory and me, tell him so he can tell his publix hook up to reserve tickets.  Yeah that's cool.
The newspaper came out, it looks good, graduation was nice, that'll be me next year, I've been entirely too social this weekend and to make up for it i rented movies and bought two books and don't plan on doing anything else.  Except go to Reid's cookout tomorrow.  Yeah peace out.
Oh by the way -- I'm officially a senior now.


It's almost June!  Tomorrow, in fact.  I assume I'll be joining in the caravan in support of the baseball team, and on top of that i assume i'll be staying for some of the baseball game, but i don't know if i want to stay for all of it.  cory wants to go see shrek and i want to go see brand new immortals at Centennial Olympic Park.  I can't sleep in on Saturday because I have to go to a wedding.  But good news about that:  I get to wear my gorgeous dress that I bought especially for the occassion.  I got Jump Little Children tickets today, which is good.  Excellent in fact, considering I love them.  They were in my dream last night.  Weird.  But then, so was Stevie Nicks and Nolan, so the whole dream most likely meant nothing.  Hm.  I think I should call Joey.  maybe he'll come to the baseball game with me tomorrow and will ride in my car with me during the caravan.  I should also call brandon, haven't talked to him in ages.  one of those things where you both say you'll call and never do because you know it really wouldn't matter if you did or not.  Hm....There are a lot of CDs I want.  Train, Nikka Costa, Stevie Nicks....And cory, if you're reading this, don't make them for me cuz I'd rather buy them.  I want to buy cds!!  I can't wait for the weekend after this one.  Friday is Better Than Ezra.  Saturday is JLC.  Then Sunday I leave for UGA.  It'll be fun.  hahahahahahaha I haen't studied for finals.  But then...why should i?  I never study for physics anyway, I don't have exams for AP Language or US history, I'm going to math tutoring two days in a row to prepare for fst, and latin.....yeah whatever.  I wore my new glasses today and lots of people wanted to try them on.  What's up with that?  It's interesting to see just how many people will ask to try on a new pair of somebody else's glasses.  I also finished my book, Fast Women.  That book was so great.  Absolutely hysterical.  I loved it and now it's done.  I'll start reading my other one here pretty soon.  I figure once school is out.  But of course then i'll have to start my summer reading ASAP since summer's so short and I want to get up to Michigan.
Oh crap.  CRAAAAAAP.  crap.  I have to take the ACT on the morning of the 9th.  That's the day of JLC and the morning AFTER Better than Ezra.  Oh yeah, I'll do REALLY well.  Hrm.  Hey, go here to read a really funny guy.  Cory and I read the Watermelon tits story during his lunch period.  we got a kick out of that.  The person at ticketmaster wrote "Jump Big Children" on the outisde of the ticket envelope.

It's June!!  Finals begin tomorrow and end Wednesday.  Looking forward to the annual end of finals celebration at IHOP.  Should be rockin.  Hopefully Jessica won't be in the hospital this time.  I bought two new pairs of jeans today after math tutoring.  I had a rather dumb blond moment at the gas station.  I don't even want to talk about it because I feel so dumb.  I wrote
a year in review.  It's kind of pessimisitc but I didn't mean it to be a total downer.  I hope you get the point that this year may not have been all that I'd hoped, but I have grown personally and look forward to further...growth, I guess.  Open arms, open mind, semi-open heart.  You get the idea.

I'm leaving for UGA in a bit but I thought I'd tell you how my weekend went.  Friday I went to the On the Bricks concert to see Better Than Ezra.  They were amazing!!!  Absolutely fabulous.  Then last night I saw Will Hoge and Jump Little Children at the Roxy.  Completely lost hearing in my left ear and have yet to regain it.  Fell in love with Brian, the Will Hoge guitarist, and oddly enough, Jay, the lead singer of Jump.  It was great.  I didn't look at anyone else for pretty much the entire show.  Just stared at Jay and I swear to God there was some eye contact.  ;o)  Yeah so I got Brian to sign something for me and got my picture taken with him.  AND I got my picture taken with Johnny of Jump again.  I think that'll be my goal from now on: to get my picture taken with him after every Jump show.  They do put on a great show.  I'm SO going to on the bricks next weeks to see Will Hoge and I'm jumping that Brian dude.  SO much sexy.  SOOO much sexy.  Oh yes the fun part:  my car got towed.  Yeah, apparently IHOP doesn't like people parking there who aren't customers.  Woooo fun times.  Brian is hot.  H-O-T.  After he signed something for me, I just stood there, slack-jawed and drooling, staring at him.  Cory finally pulled me away and I said "But I love him!!" And some people turned around at looked at me weird.  HAHA when it started raining Friday during BTE I yelled out I LOVE GETTING WET!!! And at least 20 people whipped their heads around to stare at me.  heeeheee.  Hey hold you rmouse over the sunflower button at left for a couple seconds.  The result is what happens when I get bored after three days of summer.  BUT I DON'T EVER WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!! I'M MADE FOR SUMMER, BABY.  I think I'll have to wear earplugs at Goldfinger next month.  I'm not sure I want to lose any more of my hearing.  Brian is sexy.  Remember that always.  Jessica was thisclose to scoring with the bass player.  Mwaha, bad jessie.

UGA was sooo much fun!  Check out the
new picture gallery.  When I get the UGA pictures developed, I'll put those up too.  I'm hoping to get emails from journalism camp people soon!!

Nothing new, I'm just bored.  Got my car back today and I"m going to pick up the UGA pics at 2.  I"m really excited!  yay!! Then I'm heading over to Jessica's house to vegetate for a while.  I want my pictures NOW, dammit!!!

AAAAAGGH!!!!  How is this possible??  It's freaking JUNE!!  I'm not supposed to get headcolds in JUNE!!!!  WIth how much I've been blowing my nose, you'd think it was the middle of January!  jesus, I can't take this anymore!  Since my parents are gone, I woke up at 7:55 to go downstairs, feed the dogs, let them out, bring them back in and roll back into bed.  I didn't roll back OUT of bed again until about 1:45.  Then, a zillion people started calling and BLAH!  Not really a zillion, more like 2 or 3.  But that's alot, considerding people don't usually call.  I was thisclose to just disconnecting the phone lines.  I started my summer reading book.  Well, one of them anyway.  It may be nonfiction (i hate nonfiction) but it's pretty good, considering.  The guy's a pretty good writer and turns potentially PAINFULLY boring stuff into stuff worth reading.  Hmm....I'm just contemplating my snot.  I hope it's not present IN MY BRAIN anymore by the time friday night rolls around.  I want to be quite well for Our Lady Peace.  Jessica is bringing her cousin and her other cousin's girlfriend and so it should be a party.  I cleaned the entire kitchen thoroughly (yuck!) as well as the game room - swept the kitchen, wiped counters, straightened things in the cabinets, washed dishes and put away dry ones.  You know, I realized this website prevents me from dutifully keeping my annual summer journal.  When I write in my journal alot, I don't write a lot here.  When I write a lot here, I hardly open my journal.  Vicious cycle, really.  That's why I SHOULD, in all good conscience, drag myself out of bed in the morning and go to the pool - I have nothing better to do than sit there and write in my journal....since my CD player top won't stay down and I have to stick something heavy on top of it to keep it shut.  Anyhoo, so yeah.  There was a lot of sitting today simply because my poor little head felt too heavy to lift.  All in all, I felt puny.  Puny, i tell you.  Just absolutely tired and pathetic....I mean I broke a sweat vacuuming the game room.  THAT is pathetic.

Our Lady Peace was cool last night.  I saw Caroline Chapman on TV yesterday, which was Twilight Zone-ish.  Ate at bahama breeze tonite, which was good but took forever because the wait was over an hour.  Saw David Klein and Brian Howard at the Barrett Parkway Starbucks.  HATE Barrett Parkway.  Don't understand WHY it's the coolest place to be seen in Cobb County.  There were like 25 motorcyclists at starbucks tonite.  Interesting.  Anyway, yeah Barrett Prkway sucks.  It's a bunch of posers hanging out, trying to look as cool as possible and failing miserably.  What happened to being able to go out and just enjoy yourself, not to show yourself off?  Why do guys have to pimp their cars out and play that dumb ass heavy bass?  Why do girls have to wear those stupid little ass tight pants and teeny tiny tops?  GOD!!  Camus:  "The most serious problem facing minds today: conformity."  And yet: "The temptation shared by all forms of intelligence: cynicism." Speaking of which, I added some more quotes to the Camus page.  God, he's brilliant.  Anyway.  Yeah, I'm looking forward to going up north.  I want to be there right now!  Fooey.

Went shopping, bought clothes, rented a childrens movie i hadn't seen in forever, watched it, watched the real world casting special, made a new blog archive, tired, need to brush teeth.  g nite.

I've become a slave to MTV.  Please help me.  Are there 12 step programs for this?  In my lack of ... stuff to do, I've watched TWO Real World marathons.  TWO.  Do you realize how many HOURS that is?  Can you comprehend how many 5 minute commercial breaks during which i channel surfed, only to flip back, hoping that I didn't miss any lovin between Julie and what's his face or the other guy?  This is insanity!  I am a slave to my television!  This must stop!!
In other news, I'm going to On the Bricks, as I do every Friday.  I don't know, there are lots of you whom I've told I''d meet up with (the structure of this sentence physically pains me), but plans, they tend to fall through.  Especially when they're being made by indecisive lazy teenagers like us.  Ah, kids these days.  Yeah, so I don't know if tonite will be all that thrilling.  I like Joydrop but I haven't heard them in a while and I've never listened to the other two bands.  At least I've heard of They Might Be Giants.  Speaking of which, I'm going to see Park's play on the 12th.  It should be a party.  Oh god, I think my muscles are decaying. hahahaha.  Ah, summer.  God I want to be in Michigan right now.  At least it's interesting when you're bored up there.  It's different.  Here, it's like oh i'll just get on the computer again.  Well I don't even use a computer up there!   Freedom, i tell you.
Dammit, it's sunny now.  I frickin wanted to go to the pool but it was overcast and it's too damn late now, i don't care i need some energy, the varsity should cheer me up, and riding in the same car as cory always makes me laugh.  cory can just stand there and do nothing and i start laughing.   after last night's conversation, i know he thinks i'm a retarted idiot (well yeah), but i can't help it.  he's so hilarious.  you are, cory.  you're a special person.
I need to return my movies.  I never made it through Spinal Tap.  My mom called me for dinner and i never had the heart to finish it.  i had already watched SubUrbia and that had killed any and all preexisting brain cells, so i was unable to force myself to watch spinal tap.  but i will someday.  i haven't written in my journal in a few days.  I should do that, but this kinda takes care of it.

There's no need to point out the fact that I have no life.  I know this.  I wrote another ChickenScratch entry, so that at least proves my MIND is active.

Ah, love.  It sucks, doesn't it?  Especially the unrequited kind.  I'm an expert at that.  But he's just a boy...who happens to embody exactly what I'm looking for...and who also happens to be very committed to someone else.  Despite the fact that I know I would be better for him, I'll have to let it go.
I can't wait to get my hair cut next week!  I can't stand it anymore.  I like it long and everything, but it won't behave.  I have to wear it up all the time...which is actually easier, but hey.
By the way, what are we all doing tomorrow for On the Bricks?  Am I driving?  I don't drink at all, but if I did, I feel as though now would be a grand time to drink myself into oblivion.

Park, that last mention of you was hardly a worthy plug.  So here's a real one:
Everyone, you must go see Park's play The Poe Project -or- Corn on the Macabre.   It's playing at the Square Globe Theatre every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 8 PM until July 28th.  And since you love me and want to be just like me, you'll buy tickets for July 12th like I have done.  Anyhoo, Adult tickets are $8 and for students, just $5.  The Square Globe Theatre is at 158 Cherokee St., Marietta, GA (just off the Marietta Square, past The Strand on the right).  To get yourself some tickets, call 770-973-4566 or email the night you want to go, along with the number of tickets you want to [email protected].  As Park said in his email, "we plan to sell out every night, so reverse your tickets today!"

I feel a sense of accomplishment.  In addition to finishing a painting that I started last night, I got my hair cut & colored (yes, blonde is back), and....yes, that's all, but it darn sure is more than I've been doing lately, which is nothing.  Go to Uproar.com and play this game called "color code".  It's addictive.  It's replaced my solitaire addiction.  Yeah.

I've spent all day recuperating from the AMAZING Cowboy Mouth concert last night.  It was so great!  They put on one hell of a show, they really pump the crowd up.  At one point Fred (I think that's the lead singer's name) had the entire crowd squat down on the ground so that when he told us to, we would all jump up from the ground high into the air.  It was a blast.  And I won't even go INTO what happened in the car ride home.  ;o)  Oh, I went to my site's statistics page and noticed that none of you are reading Edna St. Vincent Millay's poetry.  Well
do that now, for God's sake.

First of all, I'm NEVER using Nair again.  It's satan cream.  Second, I'm so mad!  All my pictures got screwed up in my new
Sequanota gallery.  Well, the pictures themselves aren't new.  They're summer 2000 pictures.  If you want to see non screwed up pics, go here.  That's my old website.  Anyway, yes.  That's all.  I'm going to a Braves game tomorrow.  I'm ready for Michigan!  This Michael Crichton book sucks my booty.


Good news:  Mommy's hysterectomy went smoothly.  She just talked to me on the phone, and she's very groggy and heavily drugged.  I feel terrible that I'm leaving for Michigan the day after she gets out of the hospital.  Braves game was pretty uneventful last night, but fun & entertaining nonetheless.

Don't even get me started on what a great summer I had up in Michigan.  Just go look at the new
Sequanota pictures and figure it out yourself!!  I'm still in Sequanota mode, which means not really contacting friends from home - basically recovering at home, doing errands, and being a recluse.  I start school Wednesday and haven't written my paper yet.  Damn I'm a retard!

Oh my GOD I just got more Sequanota pics back today.  I sat in the drugstore parking lot CRACKING UP for like 5 minutes as I went through them.  The velociraptor?  Oh yeah, that's in there.

First week of school was 3 days long.  That is 3 days too long, if you ask me.  First day was crappy, second day I less wanted to hurt myself and those around me, Friday, I was settled in (kind of) but dreading AP Lit.  I slept A LOT this weekend to make up for all the sleep debt I've accumulated in the past week or so.  Ate the last of my Murdick's fudge a little bit ago.  ....You don't care.  Will I get into college?  This is seriously ALL (well not ALL) I've been thinking about since I got home.  Oh yeah and it makes it a TON easier that everyone I run into asks me if i'm a) ready for my senior year or b) ready for college.  LEAVE ME THE freak ALONE ABOUT COLLEGE!!  Oh, bother.

ARRGH!  Why are all teenage males the same?  Ok, no, that's not true, I'll rephrase: why is the stereotypical teenage male so...stereotypical???  I was driving to the drugstore when I notice a Jeep Wrangler turn into the lane behind me.  Due to lack of interest (and partially because I know what I would see anyway) I don't look in my rearview mirror.  When i finally do, I see just what I expected: Tweedle Dum driving and Tweedle Dee in the passenger seat.  They follow me to the drugstore.  They follow me into the drugstore.  They buy some cigarettes.  I really had no point to this story except some things make me glad I go to the school I do (SOME things, mind you -- and there are only a few).  My exposure to the annoying stereotypcical teenage male is kept to a minimum.  This in turn affects dating options -- which are none, by the way -- but for now it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.  As a non stereotypical teenage female I like to see differences, I like to see unique people, I get annoyed with the whole Stiffler complex.  Anyway, when I left the drugstore, guess who was behind me (although it was strange, since he hadn't been in the parking lot when i left -- he just appeared behind me)?  Tweedle Dum, sans Tweedle Dee.
The trip was worth it, I suppose, since there was a hot guy working on remodeling the inside of the drugstore.
Maybe I'm not so non-stereotypical myself.  We all have our vices.

I understand that my entry yesterday didn't make much sense unless you're actually inside my head.  See, it makes sense to me in there, I just can't explain it.  Even Cory called me asking what the crap.  I don't know.  It's been progressively more difficult to understand myself.

In an attempt to not look webpage-addicted, I didn't update yesterday.  In other news, I added a bunch of
quotes, so go check those out.  It amazes me what a pointless class government is.  Zoology is interesting, if only i would stop squishing the amoebas.  Journalism proves mind numbing, as all I'm doing is instructing people.  Ssh, don't tell, but I haven't done my interviews yet.  OK, Jump Little Children split with Atlantic Records and they're on an indie label now.  We must support them!!  We love them!  So buy their CD when it comes out on September 25, go to their website and listen to their new single Angel Dust, and go to their concert, for god's sake!   Call 99X and request Angel Dust [404 741 0997].  Be a good music fan.  Don't buy into MTV.  Just because it's not on TRL doesn't mean it's not good.  Just the opposite, actually.  While you're at it, get the Brand New Immortals' CD.  That's quality stuff as well.
Can you tell I'm putting off studying for my math quiz?  I'm really unsure of all that slope crap because I'm somewhat dim when it comes to that stuff.  Well, i mean do YOU know the difference between general form, standard form, point slope form and whatever-the-hell form?  No!  I love sleep.

Is that chick Loni married to Matt from JLC?  I was bored last night, nevermind.  Cory and I went to see Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and YOU MUST GO SEE THAT MOVIE.  It is soooo funny.  I think I would have found it even more hilarious had i been completely hyper and in Kevin Smith mode.  So we need to have a Kevin Smith party.  We'll rent Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma and then go see Jay & Silent Bob.  Funny stuff.  The car wash yesterday was bunches of fun, I got a little sunburned, but that's ok.  I have been having VERY strange dreams lately, in addition to not being able to sleep well.  Odd.  Oh, I'm using Morpheus now, since Napster died.  It's ok.  I liked Napster better, but whatever.  Cory made me the new Jump cd before it's in stores SEPTEMBER 25 (I'm going to go buy it that day!  You should too!)  and I noticed that it sounds a lot more....mournful than Magazine.  I haven't listened to the whole thing, but from what i can tell thus far, it just sounds like they were all depressed when they wrote these songs.  OOOh, but it's still so good.  I think they're coming to town on Homecoming.  AGAIN.  They really need to stop planning their concerts around my school's dance schedule!! ;o)

I don't judge my days on whether they were good or not anymore.  What is a good day?  One where I don't get hit by a bus or puncture a major artery?  All I know is whether I'm happy or not right in that one moment.  Am I happy right now?  Maybe.  I know I'm fairly content in this moment, but I don't know what I'll be feeling when I start reading my AP Modern European book in a half hour, or whether I'll hate the world when I wake up tomorrow.  This is my adaptation, my way of dealing with stress -- once I learn to experience my feelings in the moment, I can't be concerned with college applications, now can I? 
Camus:  "Am I happy or unhappy?  It's not a very important question.  I live with such frenzied intensity."

What happened yesterday was the most horrific thing I have ever seen.  We need to find the people responsible and make an example of them to the world.  As the heart-wrenching scenes played over and over throughout the day, I grew angrier.  Who could do this?  Why kill tens of thousands of Americans because you're upset over our Middle Eastern policy?  This entire situation is terrifying -- they were able to paralyze our entire nation in less than 2 hours.  I-285 was eerily empty yesterday evening, and the reality of it all hit me as we passed under a sign that read "National Emergency: all Atlanta airports closed."  It seemed virtually unreal until then.  Sitting in class learning about Heart of Darkness, or precalculus seemed so entirely frivolous compared to what I feel I should be doing.  Last night I was practically ready to jump up and join the army.  Or drive myself to New York to volunteer.  Anything.  But I am utterly helpless in the face of this tragedy and in the face of the terrorists who killed thousands.
Some call for justice -- I call for instant retaliation.
God bless America.

I was voted Wittiest of my senior class.  That's a pretty cool superlative to have.

Is it so wrong to have a random hookup?  Is it so wrong to kiss someone, not because you feel strongly for them, but simply because you miss having someone to hold who will hold you too?

Admittedly enough, today was awful.  Walking into a room and having heads turn at me with knowing glances and approving nods was virtually unbearable.  I actually almost slugged someone in journalism because almost the entire class was in on it.  And to make matters worse I had a headache and no one would do actual work.  So yeah.  Oh god...there were quite a few times when I wanted nothing more than to sink into the floor.  Lord, some random sophomore walked by me in the hall this morning and blurted something out about it.  I'd been sitting there for literally only about a minute and was caught slightly off guard.  That set the tone of the day.  Not to say that I didn't expect all of this.  I actually expected more, but it was still all pretty shitty.  But something that adds loads of humor to my life is the fact that the freshman Jessica and I molested at the dance is around all the time now.  It's hysterical.   We have totally messed with that poor boy's mind.  I never ever noticed him at school before since he's a freshman, but now, seriously, he's everywhere.  And he stares.  Oh he stares.  It's fabulous.  lol  Maybe tomorrow will be more normal and productive.  Hm.  Oh yeah, my horoscope said to "stay cool while others are hot under the collar."  Right.  THAT went right out the window.

Some incoherent thoughts.  I think that the kind of guy I like is one who, though he may talk and flirt with me, is kinda too shy for anything else.  Confidence is always a turn-on of course, but there's something to be said for the quiet types.

Wow, I went to that site makeoutclub.com and I sure am a nerd compared to all those people who avoid staring at their strategically placed webcams and telling each other that they like jimmy eat world or the strokes or dashboard confessional....
and yet i'm about to sign up.  hypocrisy is in my veins.
I was dead after Hands On Atlanta today but I forced myself to go to Media Play.  I picked up Vertigo, Jump's new CD that I swore I'd get on the day it came out.  Hey I'm only a week or so late or something.  Also got Live's new cd.  Not because I particularly wanted it, but because the money wasn't mine.  Gift card.  So why the crap not, eh?  Yeah I don't think the paint will EVER come off my skin, from under my fingernails....and it's all over my overalls now, not that i minded.  emily and i did that.  then before we left, we splatter painted her shoes.  we all had our own bookshelf to paint and emily and i worked friggin hard on ours.  we splatter painted with red paint.  bad idea.  we looked at it afterwards and realized it looked like dripping blood.  Sick, but creative nonetheless.  Got my spirit week/homecoming pics back.  they're kinda funny.  yeah.  i'm tired all the time as usual.  and i have so much to do, but so little motivation.  I think I saw Jason today.  I was on my way back home after I'd gone to media play, then atlanta bread company, then starbucks for hot chocolate.  yeah, i dunno.  i don't seem to be drinking coffee anymore.  still think it's the uber drink, just don't indulge anymore.
Cory:  do you think he thinks I'm a bitch now?  I wasn't trying to come off that way, I just didn't have anything to say.  Oh well.
When does jessica get back from boston?  i should know this.  alas...

Stuff to do.  Lots.  Senior superlative pics were today.  I looked like a retard, but Chris & I looked like retards together, so it's ok.  I have a really stupid crush.  I won't tell you on whom....Cory knows, and I think Jessica does too.  It's funny, really, because I like the whole aspect of crushes that turn your knees weak and makes your voice squeak.  The part that makes you hyperanalytical and dumb.  It's a nice reprieve.  Got even more pictures back today.  Funny.  Listening to Ben Folds' rock the suburbs for the first time even though cory burned it for me over the summer.  it's good stuff.  ben folds is a nerd, and we all know i like that, lol.
Cory: I asked Mary Ashley whether or not he thought I was a bitch.  She doesn't know.  I have some great pictures to give you tomorrow.


Life is boring.  But ok.  I got some sweet pumas yesterday!  rock out.

Oh my gosh.  He looks good in green.
I'm turning in my University of South Carolina application tomorrow.  Stevie Nicks has a new video on VH1.  I saw it this morning and was excited.  Things at school are eerily calm, normal, and....good.  What's coming?  I finally took Ben Folds out of my cd player.  The Strokes were in there for a day, then I put in Jimmy Eat World this morning.  I tried, I really really tried not to like them.  I mean, they're all the rage, right?  Whatever.  I can't help it.  They're good.  RealPlayer is telling me my CD is the Offspring.  But it's not, I'm listening to Stevie Nicks.  I'm so ready to quit the newspaper.  Being that I'm in charge of it, however, that could cause some problems.

YAY!!!  I have my computer back now.  Finally.  Except I've lost all my files.  And things of that nature.  No more mp3s.  I was driving home today and I was in the turn lane.  A guy in a green mustang was in the turn lane next to me, a car up.  So there was this long eye contact in his side mirror.  And then at the next light, more making googly eyes and smiling at each other.  I found the whole thing pretty funny.  BUt once we hit the loop, we started driving right next to each other.  I look over and he smiles, then I smile back.  ANd then I look over again, and he makes the phone gesture and mouths the word "number."  I laugh, I smile, I drive faster.  He was vaguely creepy, but didn't look old or anything.  Somewhere between 18 and 21.  Whatever, I got a kick out of it.  Cory taught me how to use my TI89 today.  ANd Chapman, Anjali and I dropped off all the canned goods from the Halloween party at MUST Ministries this afternoon.  AAH I love Scott Emond!  He's hysterical!  You should have seen his Halloween costume.  Fiesta was cool by the way.  Freeeeeeezing.  Right now I'm watching Ally McBeal that my mom taped for me.  I"ll watch Felicity next.  This may be a sad Friday night for you, but hey, *I* have a 5 day weekend.  Do you?  I'm going to St. Louis on Sunday and coming back Monday.  I have math homework this weekend.  How much does that suck?  ALso a government project to do on Trent Lott.  Hm.  So what's going on?  FCD week was actually interesting.  Makes me scared for some people that I care about.

Oh man.  TONS of pictures added.  Homecoming and Halloween.  In other news...
I'm almost 18!  Can you believe it?  I can't.  I went to go see Life as a House with Stacy, her brother Matt, Rebecca, Chapman, Mary Ashley, and Erin.  It was really good, really emotional, but the camera movements seemed really awkward.  I came home and stood out in the yard with the dogs and felt what I thought was loneliness.  But it wasn't.  It was this mental tugging at the reins, feeling excited for something that I'm not expecting.  I also felt like going out and hugging everyone I know - and those I don't.  I need more hugs, and I feel the rest of the world does, too.  And more kisses.  I love kisses, but hugging is sometimes 100 times better.  What is it about hugs that can totally calm your soul and instantly melt you?  Why, I want a hug right now.  A big one.  I'm lucky to know some really great huggers.  I meant to go to the Teapot Domes show at US Play but the movie got out at 945, and I never would have made it by 10.  I wanted to do something, but not anything anyone else was doing.  I wanted to go to California.  Holy crap, the movie was set in CA and if I could find a spot like sit and watch the ocean like where Kevin Klein's house was, I'd be happy for the rest of my life.  Beautiful.  As long as I'd get hugs, too.  I have a crush on guys in general.  I love boys.  Especially the ones who are persistent in talking to me.  I tend to chicken out and by freaking, I am left without and powers of intelligent conversation.  It's tripped me up quite a bit in the past.  Rock out.

The gods of technology hate me.  My computer pretty much ate itself this weekend.  Don't ask me to explain, it has something to do with disappearing partitions.  Whatever, I lost files again and I'm pissed.  Today was ok.  I'm ready for a looooong vacation though.  And I'm ready for my birthday.  Woo.  Dude, I went to the orthodontist today and had to pay 150 bucks for a new retainer and to get my appliance thing taken out (you couldn't ever see it, so that's not the problem, I just didn't need it anymore).  And now that it's not there for the first time in years, my mouth is sort of just flabbing about, not knowing quite what to do with itself.  But I'm getting a new retainer, so that will be lovely.  Dr. Doris still wants me to have that surgery where they break my jaw, drag it forward, and stitch it back in place.....Truthfully, I hadn't given it any thought in several months.  I dunno, just never crossed my mind.  When he brought it up today, I realized that I really don't want to have it.  I wouldn't be able to open my mouth for God knows how long, and I'd be bedridden for at least a week.  Thankyouverymuch but I'll keep my jaw intact.  TIRED all the time and yet SO much to do.  Therefore I"m online, writing nonsense on my website.  But hey, I've gotten a ton of hits on this page.  That's cool.  It's probably just Cory checking it like three times a day to see if I've updated.  Which I hardly do anymore.  First math homework.  Then....study for history test?  Then college essay.  I've been beating this essay to death for like a month.  Suck.  Jump Little Children and Goldfinger need to come to town right now.  Together, how awesome would that be?  Mix those mellow Jump fans in with the loudmouth Goldfinger fans and you've got yourself quite a party.  Bad plane crash today.  Really unfortunate timing.  Sad, sad.
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